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Whatever It Takes

Posted on Wed Oct 16th, 2019 @ 8:19pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer

778 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 100 - A Hatred of Atonement
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD2 1430hrs


Bremer had returned to his office. Janice was resting, Christopher was asleep, and Mike had repots…lots of reports to read and write.

"Station's Log, Stardate 73291.2. Repairs have begun aboard the station and our support ships." Mike paused, "Another war has begun, one that seems to fully encompasses both the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. I pray to God it will be a short war."

After finishing his brief log entry, and before he starting reading reports from area commands and commanders or facilities attacked, Mike read over the official causality report from Starfleet Command and the Alliance members. It was a long list, too long, and Mike recognized some of the names of the dead, wounded, and missing. The list included Captain Quintin Williams whom he’d graduated Starfleet Academy with, and Petty Officer Malik who was assigned to Starbase 400 just the day before.

Mike posted the causality report to the Officer’s Ward Room and to the Crew’s Mess, just like he’d done in the Dominion War years before.

The next report detailed damage to Starfleet installations. A side from Starbase 400 and the 4th Marine Division’s facility on Kaleb III, he read about what had happened at the other places attacked. Deep Space 6 seemed to have suffered the worst, and the starbase had been abandoned. Mike knew DS6’s commander, and he knew Captain Andrews would do everything in his power to get the starbase back online. Starfleet was sending him a detachment from the Corp of Engineers to help, and they had asked Starbase 400 send a team as well. SB400 has its own damage that needed repair, and this would slow the progress down.

Unlike the Dominion War, which was fought on one front and within the Alpha Quadrant, this war would be fought on all sides of the Federation. The Breen, Son’a, Kzinti, Tzenkethi, Miradorn, and the Talarians in the Alpha Quadrant. While the Romulan Star Empire, Gorn, Krazzle, Tholians The Order, on the other side in the Beta Quadrant. The strength of the Typhon Pact was in the Beta Quadrant, making Starbase 400 all the more important to the war effort.

Questions about the war were already being asked. ‘Why did the Typhon Pact attack’ was the main one being asked. The Typhon Pact themselves had answered that question in a broadcast throughout the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. The Romulans said the Federation's continued support of the Romulan Republic and the recent assassination of a Romulan Senator were some of the reasons. The Romulans claimed the Federation had been trying to finishing killing off the Star Empire following the Hobus Event. The Krazzle sought revenge against the C'hakilians from their recent war. The Breen were still after revenge against the Federation, Klingons, and Cardassians from the Dominion War. The rest of the Typhon Pact members simply wanted more territory. None of those reasons were valid excuses for a war and the deaths of thousands…but a war is what everyone now faced.

Starfleet Command wanted intel on the Typhon Pact. They had already sent Admiral Jarovick and the USS Calidorn into Romulan space. The wanted the Calidorn to pick out targets of opportunity for a counter attack. Starfleet Command also wanted Mike to send Starbase 400’s Special Operations Group on recon missions behind Typhon Pact lines, specifically scouting Gorn and Tholian positions. Of course, Stafleet also wanted SB400 to monitor the border for further attacks, a task made all that much tougher with the damage to the station.

Mike made a few notes on a PADD, then left his office. Entering Ops, Mike watched the command crew on duty work with a damage control team on repairs. He looked over the list of repairs to the station that were needed at the Engineering station. It was going to take weeks if not months to get the station fully repaired. Mike make sure to speak to everyone, then left.

Mike then checked on the repairs ongoing in Tactical Operations before proceeding to Sick Bay. It took time, but Mike checked on all of the wounded crew and civilians from the attack, speaking to make that were able. He made eye contact, shook hands, and told them how proud he was of them and their service.

Next, Mike made his way to the Promenade. Repairs were underway there too, but not at the high priority as more vital areas of the station. With a new war on, death and destruction all around…but it gave Mike a sense of hopefulness seeing people returning to their lives. He stood watching for a moment. He would do whatever it takes to protect them.



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