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Posted on Fri Jul 5th, 2019 @ 1:24pm by Captain Paul MacLeod & Tom Vercetti & Ensign Robert Harper

603 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 98 - A Raid on Peace
Location: Starbase 400, Brig
Timeline: MD3, 1300hrs


K'Temoc arrived in the Brig. He'd just let an impromptu meeting with Fleet Admiral Bremer and Commander Draven. With the recent arrival of 350 Romulan ships and over 10,000 people at Vaun’gan, joining the Romulan Republic, tensions between the Typhon Pact and Federation Alliance were as high as ever. The recent attack on Tarod IX by a Reman commando team didn't help.

The USS Yuzhao, recently redeployed to the Beta Quadrant, had picked up a Romulan ship within the Triangle but had been ordered to patrol the Federation border instead of going after it. The USS Yuzhao was also the assignment for one Ensign Mike K’Wor Bremer Jr, his first posting after graduating from Starfleet Academy.

K'Temoc needed to send a ship into the Triangle. He thought about taking the Yorktown or needing Captain Harrison with the Steadfast but he knew if another raid happened it might lead to all out war and he needed to be on the station. He considered sending Bagwell, but he and the Falcon just returned from a mission and they needed some downtime.

He was left with only one ship and commander to send.

"Admiral, how can I help you?" Ensign Harper asked from behind his console in the Brig.

"I need you to release Commander MacLeod and Mister Vercetti into my custody. He's the Fleet Admiral's approval." He handed a PADD to Harper.

The Ensign read it over, then handed it back to K'Temoc. "Alright sir." He tapped a few commands into his console, then lead K'Temoc back to the cell the men had been sharing.

MacLeod stood when he saw K'Temoc. Tom stood a moment later.

"How's Sara?" Mac asked.

"She's fine, only minor injuries. She's in Sick Bay but will be released in a few days." K'Temoc replied.

Harper tapped a few commands on the panel beside the cell and the force-field deactivated.

"I'm granting parole to you both." K'Temoc said as they stepped out of the cell.

"I'm sending the Vanguard to the Triangle to track down a Romulan ship that's been spotted there. The Romulans don't typically venture into the Triangle, so its presence there is a concern. I'm not looking for a fight, just information." K'Temoc explained as he handed a PADD to MacLeod. "You'll depart tonight."

Mac looked over the PADD. "Understood."

Tom started to walk toward the door, but Harper cut him off. "I thought you said you were paroling us both."

"I am. You're going with the Vanguard." K'Temoc replied.

"Huh? Why?" Tom asked.

"There's a lot of civilians in the Triangle, Pirates. They might be more willing to talk with you than a Starfleet Commander....and I know you've done business with people in the Triangle before." K'Temoc explained.

Tom let out of a breath. With the attack on Tarod IX by the Remans, he knew the situation could be dyer. "You just need me to make contact with some people I know to see if they know anything about that Romulan ship? No Shadow Ops shit?"

K'Temoc raised an eyebrow at Tom's question. "I'm just sending you to help talk with the people there. No Vito, no covert or infiltration mission. This is just an intel gathering trip."

"Alright." Tom replied.

Mac and Tom glanced at each other. While they had come to an understanding and a truce while in the brig, neither was sure how much they could trust the other again yet.

"You'll depart before 2330hrs, so you better go do whatever you need to do before then now." K'Temoc replied as he left the brig. Tom and Mac were close behind.



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