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Shadows of the past

Posted on Sat Jul 6th, 2019 @ 11:00am by Lieutenant JG Ilan Rol

774 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 98 - A Raid on Peace
Location: Rol's Quarters & Bajoran Shrine -- SB400
Timeline: MD 03 1400 hours


Rol pushed the covers back slipping out of bed. He slipped into a robe and walked into the living room. He was so glad he got the rest of the day off. There was an air of stress on the station and even though counseling was a small department they had enough to cover him taking the rest of the day off.

“Green Tea, Pineapple flavour.” He watched the drink hummed into reality and smiled as the scent hit his nose. It was tangy and flavourful and healthy! He’d made a resolution with himself to eat and drink healthier and to live the life he’d always wanted.

Picking up the cup he headed to the window and began to sip slowly. The flavour was an instant wakeup call as were the arms that slipped around his waist and the kiss on his shoulder.

Rol smiled and turned. “Good sleep?”

His lover gave a nod. “Excellent.”

Rol smiled. “Me too. I really needed a break.”

“Tell me about it. You work harder than anyone else. I’m really glad you are taking some time.”

Rol sighed. “Me too.” He pointed to the replicator. “Why don’t we get some late lunch.”

He watched his lover’s head shake. “No. It’s late in the day. I have duties to attend to. I’ll see you tomorrow. I’ll just grab a shower before I go.”

Rol watched the door to his bathroom open and then close.

He turned back to his star watching. He was troubled by his conversation with Braxton earlier that day.

Taking his tea he sat down and reviewed the file. He could handle it but…just to be sure he opened a message and hammered out a quick note to Ariana.

Dear Ariana
I spoke with Braxton today…it was a rather difficult conversation
And I think that he may be making a rash decision. I would like
To get your assistance with it.

He sighed as he hit the send message button. He reviewed a few more files and the door opened to his bathroom a short time later. His lover, showered and changed, came out. They embraced quickly and he watched as his lover headed back to duties that were waiting.

Rol showered and changed and then headed toward the office. He would need to talk with Carolyn too. He’d try and grab her tomorrow. Today he would come up with a plan. There were so many people to worry about here on the station and he couldn’t shake the bad feeling he had whenever he spoke with Hades as if the man had the sword of Damocles hanging above his head. Bajoran’s where known for their feelings so he’d have to make it a point to stop at the temple.

On his way to the office he made a turn to go to the Bajoran shrine. Stepping inside he lit the candle by the main alter and silently prayed. He prayed for his friends and their health and for strength and for wisdom.

“What brings you here my son?”

He turned to see the Prylar standing there. “A heavy heart and mind.”

The Prylar walked over to him and sat down on the bench not far from where Rol was kneeling. “I see. You are Rol Ilan?”

Rol gave a nod. He looked weary at the Pryler. “You know of me?”

He had not been a regular at the temple that was for sure.

“Only what I have heard.”

Rol sighed, “I assume not good things.”

He sighed, “I have heard of your family, your mother and half-sister that is Cardassian. I know of your brothers at the Monastery. The Rol family is known in a good away…”

“Except for my mother with her Cardassian lover and half Cardassian child and me who accepted the Cardassian as a stepfather.”

The Prylar sighed, “Your mother had no choice…during the occupation but the rumours are that he freed her and she stayed.”

He sighed and stood up. “I need to go.”

The Prylar stood “My son, if you wish to seek the wisdom of the prophets then you are welcome to.”

“Even if you think me a collaborator?”

The Prylar smiled, “We all have things in our past. You did not ask what happened to you but took in your half-sister and loved her as if she were fully your blood. That is commendable."

Rol have a sharp nod and headed out. He wondered briefly if he'd be haunted by the shadows of his past for all time."



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