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A Simple Talk

Posted on Sun Jul 7th, 2019 @ 9:49am by Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Brigadier General Kaden Ross

2,308 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Episode 98 - A Raid on Peace
Location: Marine Exectutive Ofiicers Office
Timeline: MD03 1300 hrs

Sitting in his office, Hurd rubbed his eyes wearily. He had been going over after action reports since they had gotten back, hand had not slept at all in almost 4 and a half days. Sighing, he lay the PADD he was holding down, tapped the comm panel on his desk and said, "Captain Ross, Petty Officer Ross, please report to my office, just walk on in when you get here, Hurd out".

Kaden was in the middle of writing a letter to the family of a recently deceased marine who had just passed away overnight which had brought the numbers of those KIA to now three. Which surprisingly was very good despite the hell they faced against the Remans but it took a toll on him mentally he hated losing people. After getting the call from Hurd to come see him he wasn’t really in the mood for a lecture or whatever it was he was going to talk to him about. Entering Hurd’s office his morning beverage in hand Kaden set it down on the table and gave the General a salute. “General, you wished to see me?” He asked.

"Yes Captain, please sit", Hurd said rubbing his eyes.

Kaden sat down in the seat next to him before taking a drink of his morning mint mocha latte with betazoid chocolate sauce. He wondered what the meeting was about but he was glad it got him away from thinking about the news of another marine passing away.

Freya arrived about 5 mins after her husband, walking into the office she saluted the senior marine and smiled at Kaden. "Reporting as ordered Sir."

Waving at a chair, Hurd said, wearily, "Please sit Freya".

“Thank you Sir” Freya nodded and took a seat.

After his guests were seated, he said, "Before we begin, how are your mornings going?"

Kaden sighed not wanting to discuss the fact he was busy writing a letter to the family of the dead marine who died of his injuries. Instead he flexed his hand that was a bit tender from his recent episode of his condition. “Well, been a bit a rough morning so far with me a little.”

Freya gave her husband an understanding look. “It’s been a quiet morning for me Sir, I haven’t been released back to full duty as yet. If I may ask is everything alright Sir?”

"Oh on my end everything is fine, just no sleep in almost 5 days, burdon of command." Hurd rubbed his eyes once more and reached for two PADDS on his desk. "I called you both here to review your action during our most recent battle." "Now i know what these things say, but i want to hear it first hand from both of you, in person, and please be candid."

“To be honest Sir” Freya looked at her husband then at Hurd. “I’ll be the first to admit I messed up! I saw a wounded person isolated from others, I asked Kaden if his marines could give me cover to get over to the casualty. Once there I was surprised to find his injuries were self inflicted.” She paused for a moment. “I turned away for a moment to find medical supplies and before I knew it there was a knife in my side. There were so many wounded! I couldn’t let them down, so I packed my wound and kept working for as long as I could.” She looked at Kaden again then back to Hurd. “I’ll accept any punishment you may deem necessary Sir.”

Kaden’s brow creased as he crossed his arms. “You don’t want my opinion on the matter, Sir, as what I have to say should be off record and total disregard of rank so all I will say is you have my report.” He replied.

Freya looked at Kaden, what enthusiasm she did have suddenly took a giant dip as she knew how he felt about her not getting medical treatment right away.

Looking them both dead in the eyes, Hurd said. " I said be candid. so out with it".

Kaden removed his uniform jacket and set it on his lap. “Alright, Petty Officer Ross, what she did was stupid and reckless but she regrets that does she deserve to be reprimanded for her actions? Yes. But I believe the Petty Officer will NEVER do something like that again.” He looked at his wife next to him. Getting to his feet Kaden tossed his jacket on the chair. “However, back there on that planet you was reckless yourself charging at those Remans as if suddenly you no longer cared what happened to you for some reason. I may not approve the choices of weapons you use in combat but I know the General David Hurd the man I idolized growing up along with my Great Great Grandfather would never have done something that stupid!”

Kaden approached his desk resting his hands on the edge. “I once saw you give a speech when I was touring the Academy Campus at West Point you famously said when all your plans fighting the enemy are forced to change. You never lose your head and take a slow approach engaging them forcing them to make the mistakes and then use those against them. That is not the famous man I saw down there whatever happened to you before we went to Tarod IX is beyond me. You want to be stupid and reckless suddenly with yourself be my guest but don’t you ever involve me and my marines in your stupid antics again!”

Freya looked at Kaden in shock, she knew he could be outspoken but she wouldn’t be surprised if he ended up in the brig for this outburst. Her eyes fell on Hurd as she waited to see what his response would be.”

His face falling sadly on his desk, a single tear escaped his Eyes as said, "Your right, you really are." "And you really know how to break an old General's heart, you know that?''

Kaden wasn’t sure how to respond to that instead he quietly returned to his chair and sat down. “I am sorry, General, I didn’t mean to come off hard like that it’s just...I care about those under my command and those I look up to. You are one of the men I grew up admiring you was always a strong supporter for a military branch in the Federation just like my Great Great Grandfather was.” He fell silent again not wanting to say something to make matters worse.

“Was my husband right General?” Freya looked at Hurd curiously. “If there’s something going on, personally or otherwise you know you can talk to me. Either that or Lieutenant Monroe, that’s what we’re here for.” She offered a smile. “My role onboard makes me a two way split between the Counselling department and the Marines. I plan on requesting assignment to any cases involving marine personnel.

Giving it all up. he said, "At Archanis IV, i lost almost the entire on duty crew of the Tirpitz while i was on the surface fighting the Klingons." "On the surface i lost 450 men, for a grand total of 1,100 men KIA in the past couple months, young men and women cut down in their prime, people i respected, trusted and cared for, and when they trusted me, i got them killed." "Then, not long after that, my wife, whom i loved very much, divorced me with no explination, took our kids, and left, and i haven't heard from her since".

Freya nodded understandingly. “That’s a lot to deal with on your own General. Is there anyone, any other family? Someone I can contact who could be here to help you, support you?”

Kaden just sat in silence not sure what to say or do for that matter he felt he had already done enough damage so he figured he let his wife do some talking for the time being.

"Ah on the family front, i think their will be some news comming out soon of interest to both of you, but its not my place to say anything." "May i suggest you ask Lt. Monroe, she is the one who told me this, or... I shouldnt have opened my mouth, forget i just said any of that."

Freya looked at Kaden curiously because looking back at Hurd. "Ariana?" She nodded. "I'll mention it Sir. In the meantime, are you going to reprimand me for my actions?"

Raising an eyebrow Kaden was rather curious about what the General and Ariana had been up to recently right now it was best saved for another time. “Sir, I know the Petty Officer messed up but I would like to note her punishment should not be a harsh one. As for the injured that wounded her I like press formal charges for attempted murder and assault.” He told him.

"No....please don't!" Freya looked at Hurd. "The man who stabbed me had serious self inflicted injuries, I don't even know if he survived surgery and besides it wasn't his fault. He was being controlled by the Remans, he couldn't help himself."

“The man harmed you, Freya, he should at least be punished for his actions of assaulting a fellow marine with a deadly weapon.” Kaden waved the his jacket in front of him still talking with disregard of rank. “A marine who is the center of my universe and my wife who I would die for!”

"You're missing the point!" Freya looked at her husband. "He was being controlled, he couldn't stop himself!!" She sighed. "As a Counsellor and his victim I will testify on the man's behalf myself if I have to! Besides like I said, I don't know if he even survived."

Kaden opened his mouth then closed it he knew best when to admit defeat. “Alright, fine you win but it is up to the General on what to do about this matter if your assailant is still alive.” He said.

"Kaden you are missing the point", Hurd said softly. "Reman telepathy and mind control is almost perfect, evil in its form." "It could make you laugh while you slit the throat of your best friend so no, it was not that Marine's fault".

“Exactly.” Freya nodded. “I could sense his internal fight as he let go of the blade, I didn’t feel it before as I was too busy trying to keep the Remans out of my head!” She sighed.

Kaden was silent for a moment before shaking his head and rubbing his forehead. “You’re right both of you, I guess I am just so caught up at the fact the petty officer was injured I am letting my emotions get the best of me.” He confessed.

"See what i mean?", Hurd said falling silent for a moment. After an awkward silence, Hurd asked,m "And just what is wrong with my Battle loadout?"

Kaden didn’t want to go into a measuring contest with the General right now. “You want to use things that belong in museum or in a antique case to fight be my guest.” He said.

"Fair enough", Hurd said laughing a little. "So is there anything else you wanted to add that you felt was not approriate fo a official report?"

Freya shook her head. “No Sir.” She looked at Kaden waiting to see if he wanted to add anything.

Kaden proceeded to put his uniform jacket back on feeling everything he had to say as a non Starfleet Officer had been said. “Nothing else from me at this point, Sir.” He said zipping up his uniform.

Standing and saluting, Hurd said, in a hushed tone, "Then you are both dismissed".

Freya looked at Hurd shocked. “Sir!? Aren’t you....going to reprimand me?” She looked at Kaden in surprise before looking back at Hurd.

"Absolutely not, you did what any Marine would do, and furthermore, im putting both of you up for the Medal Of Valor for your actions and leadership during that fight, understood"?

Freya looked at Hurd completely astonished. “Medal of...Valor!” Her shocked expression changed to a smile. “Sir! Yes Sir!!”

Kaden paused wanting to say something mostly at the fact he felt he didn’t need another medal for just doing his job but was glad to hear Freya wasn’t being punished despite he said she should of been. In reality he just going by the book not sure the General was that type or not so he just gave the man something he thought he wanted to hear. “Sir, I am not sure how I should react to the fact you are putting me up for a medal...I was doing what I was trained to do.”

Smiling, Hurd said, "I disagree Captain, both your actions and deeds, as well as those of those the Petty Officer", he said glancing at her, went far above and beyond, and warrant the highest honor that can be bestowed upon a Marine, and i intend to see you both get it".

"Thank you Sir" Freya smiled and nodded, her smile beamed as she looked at Kaden although she knew that deep down he was annoyed at her for her actions.

Kaden on the other hand just sat up setting his jaw now he didn’t want the General to get him wrong he was honored but he was doing his job with a heavy sigh he nodded. “Understood, Sir, I am...honored.” He saluted Hurd then left.

Freya watched her husband go before looking back at Hurd. "If there's nothing else Sir?"

"No, you are dismissed".

"Yes Sir." With that she saluted and headed on her way.



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