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Fast Trek

Posted on Fri Jul 5th, 2019 @ 12:42pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Lieutenant Commander Croesus

348 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 98 - A Raid on Peace
Location: Star Base 400
Timeline: MD3 1100hrs


Croesus life boat floated in space for a standard week before being retrieved by a passing freighter. Recalling only the Captains last words to abandon ship, both he and other officers survived to tell the tale.

Docking aboard Starbase 400, Croesus quickly recycled his uniform and headed upward to Admiral Bremer's office to give his report and to see if there was any open slots in his cadre.

Tapping the chime he awaited the Admirals response to enter his office.

"Enter." Mike said aloud. He'd just returned to his office after visiting the wounded and injured in Sick Bay from the Tarod IX raid.

Croesus entered the Admirals office, standing about a foot from the desk.

"Admiral thank you for seeing me . I know you had a hectic schedule. As you know Scorpio has been...reassigned. I am submitted for a slot in your cadre. My previous slot on the Scorpio was Chief of Science but I would be willing to resume what ever role you could use me in?" Croesus greeted.

"Welcome back Commander. I was sorry to see the Scorpio reassigned like she was. We do have a position open you might be interested in, Chief Operations Officer. Working hand in hand with engineering in station and ship upkeep. As you know the Chief Operations Officer has the primary responsibility of ensuring that starbase functions, such as the use of the sensor array, do not interfere with other systems or other teams or departments using the sensors. You'd have to prioritize resource allocations, so that the most critical activities can have every chance of success." Mike paused, "Interested?"

Chief of Operations had a wonderful sound to it, Croesus thought to himself. He had loved being an Assistant Chief a few years back. Pondering if it came with a full Commanders pip.

" Sir I would be honored to serve in that position. When can I start?" Croesus replied.

"Now." Mike said with a smile. "You know your way around already, get to it."

Mike gave a respectful nod as Croesus headed off on his 'new' assignment.



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