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The Protocols That Govern Us

Posted on Wed Jul 3rd, 2019 @ 6:19am by Commander Hades,MD

1,553 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 98 - A Raid on Peace
Location: Main Sickbay, Starbase 400
Timeline: MD 03 1230 hours


Just as Hades was heading out of sickbay a new face seemed to pop up.

"Hello Doctor," Ezekiel said, as he walked into sickbay. The USS Falcon had arrived back on the station, Lieutenant Woodhouse, and Arianna Monroe, were catching up. Since Ezekiel was dating the good doctor, he needed to see another doctor, to get a clean bill of health. It was a silly protocol, but a protocol non the less.

Hades was still recovering and he was supposed to take the rest of the day off. He saw Carolyn's face but waved it away. This was a Commander and he'd never been in this sickbay. There was protocol that stated that Hades do the first exam. "Commander Bagwell. Welcome to sickbay." He ushered him into the main exam area. "I must say I am a bit curious."

"What has you curious doctor?" Ezekiel asked, not sure what had him curious. Was it his mission? Being cooped up on a small vessel like the USS Falcon for over a 100 days? Was it his relationship with Anna Woodhouse? The question, had his mind spinning.

Hades smiled, "Doctor Woodhouse is an excellent doctor. Yet you come and see me... not that I'm complaining I love my work and love getting new patients. But Doctor Woodhouse called me and transferred your file here. She seemed worried about you." He grinned like a Cheshire cat. "Shall I assume that love is in the air?"

"Been dating for two years, she tends to my short care needs. We agreed that work and personal life, should be separate. I hope its not an inconvenience, to have me on your case load?" Ezekiel said. His feelings for Doctor Woodhouse, or Anna as he preferred to call her by, were strong and secure. They both agreed it would be easier, for him to have an outside doctor, that wont be clouded with a relationship. When he was on the Falcon, she would see to his medical care, but when he was on the station. He would be treated by Doctor Hades.

Hades smiled, "Not at all. To be honest I love my work so new patients are always welcome." He motioned to the bio bed. "Now then. Have a seat on the bio bed. Let me start by asking if you have any obvious complaints for the moment or concerns before I start the exam."

"No Doctor, I am feeling great. Why are these after mission examinations needed?" Ezekiel asked. He was always puzzled, why special operations personal had to be screened.

"Well they were put in place to make sure that those coming back weren't injured, some injuries aren't noticeable and sometimes there are bacteria or viruses that can be hidden but nasty none the less. It's as safety precaution?"

"Never the left the Falcon, but I understand. Proceed away Doctor." Ezekiel said, as he tried to get comfortable on the bio bed. He sat there, allowing the doctor to do, what he needed too.

He smiled. "These are the protocols that govern us." He pulled out a tricorder and did a preliminary scan. "Alright, please lay down and we'll do a deeper scan."

Ezekiel never liked medical examinations. However, he complied with the simply request. He started to lay down slowly, and close his eyes. He kept his mind focus on the here and now. "You may proceed, doctor." He said, waiting for the devices to start scanning him.

Hades smiled, "Commander I assure you the exam will be painless. We've come a long way. A doctor's going to get a complex if his patients pretend to endure exams. I should start serving ice cream during the exams." He mused as he began the deep scans. He pulled out a hypo. "Just going to take a blood sample. Painless really." He pressed the hypo to the commander's arm. Within minutes the exam was done.

Hades hooked up the sample to a small machine connected with the bio read outs in the wall screen. "Alright you can sit up. We'll have the results shortly."

"Ice cream would be a nice touch." Ezekiel said, as he started to sit up. "I prefer Mint Chocolate Chip." He said. He was now having a craving for a bowl of ice cream.

Hades smiled. "Perhaps I will join you while we wait." He headed to the replicator on the side and indeed came back with two bowls. "So while we eat. Tell me a bit about yourself." As they tucked in a nurse walked by looking strangely at them. Hades looked up. "It's called Ice Cream's a valid medical therapeutic aid." The nurse looked somewhat shocked and then smiled and headed out. He smiled at the commander. " sounded plausible to me."

"Its the therapy, I prefer." Ezekiel said, with a big grin on his face. He was not sure, he was ready to really open up. He started to scoop up a spoonful of ice cream. "Name is Commander Ezekiel Bagwell, Special Operations Beta Team Commander, currently Commander of the USS Falcon. And in a long term relationship with my girlfriend Anna Woodhouse."

"Well it is good to meet you and I am glad you are a patient. Tell me about your medical background a bit. Anything that needs to be flagged or controlled?" He would read the file of course and know but he preferred talking with this patients. It put them at ease and it built rapport.

"You should have access, to my full background. Not much to tell. I work special forces, my unit is really good at it's job. During my down time, I prefer alone time with Anna and I. Not a big fan of large scenes." Ezekiel started to say to the good doctor.

He gave a nod and just then the test results beeped. "Excellent. Your results are ready." He reviewed them quickly. "Well all seems well and now that I am looking at your file, you haven't received your latest Abrazine injection. I can get that right now. Now... there is one more question that is rather sensitive."

"What is it?' Ezekiel asked, curious what had the doctor, a little on edge to ask a personal question. He assumed the doctor was on the fence about asking, because of his tone. He was not the greatest at reading the emotional well beings of others.

"Well you and doctor Woodhouse are have you...I mean are you planning..." He pulled at his collar. You think that as a doctor he'd get used to theses conversations. "That is are you planning on children....I mean soon. As part of being your GP I have to ask the uncomfortable questions to make sure that all vaccinations, and medications and exams are complete." Hades himself had had this talk with his wife and he knew it had been a difficult one.

"We have not discussed it in sometime." Zeke said, but it was something that was on his mind. "Why do you ask Doctor?"

He cleared his throat. "If you needed a a method of control. I can prescribe it. Coincidentally if you need an assessment to make sure you both are okay to conceive I can do that too." He sighed, "I sound like a snake oil salesman." He shook his head.

"We use protection, but you have given me something to talk about with her. I will have to see what she says. I will get back to you on this one, after my next mission?" Zeke asked him, hoping that would be okay.

"Excellent. Well now your tests results are perfect. I would say that your blood pressure is a bit elevated but that is natural. Not many people like coming to the doctors office." He studied the results a little further. "I have one vaccine that I need to update. Telerite Flu seems to be going around the station and since you check out clear for it I would like to give you a vaccine booster with your permission." Hades said picking up a hypo.

Zeke was not found of boosters, but he knew they were a necessary evil. He nodded his head in agreement.

Setting the dose he let the medicine hiss out. "Excellent. All done." He looked again at the readings. "I do have a few dietary suggestions." He pulled a PADD from the card that was next to him and typed something in. "Alright so everything seems well. Do you have any questions for me?"

"No sir, can you put those dietary suggestion on a data pad, or send them to my quarters?" Zeke asked, as he got off the bio bed, getting ready to leave.

Hades took a blank PADD and downloaded the appropriate diet. "Your diet Commander. I look forward to working with you."

He watched Zeke leave and then cleaned up. He held up his hands when he saw Carolyn peek around the corner. "I'm going, I'm going." With that he left to take the rest of the day for himself. What would he do? He found himself heading towards the promenade. He had something special in mind. He smiled as he thought of a surprise for his wife. He would get her something she'd always wanted.




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