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Of Friendship and Catching Up

Posted on Wed Jun 19th, 2019 @ 9:53pm by Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne

2,015 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 98 - A Raid on Peace
Location: Infirmary
Timeline: MD 03 1130 hours


Ariana had been back and forth to the infirmary since the return of the ships, she'd been wanting to see Hades and make sure her friend was alright but she didn't want to be in the way. Giving things time to calm down she was pleased to hear that Hades was finally up and about. Making her way to his office she stifled a yawn as she peered around the doorway.

Hades looked up. He wasn't supposed to be back at work but he was never good at sticking to doctor's orders. A sound drew him from his notes.

"Sorry!" She looked apologetically at Hades. "I came here to see how you were. I was worried about you."

He smiled, "I'm a tough bird." He motioned to the seat. "Come in." He stood and headed to the replicator. "Something to drink?"

“Oh no, thank you!” She grinned. “I spend all my time in the bathroom as is with this little one’s weight on top!”

He ordered a tea for himself. It had been a rough few days and it clearly showed on him.

“I’ll warn you now, you may get a call regarding a crew member called Andrew Ignatious. I had a....uncomfortable run in with him in my office and the Admiral has ordered an investigation. I stated the fact that I think he could be a risk to females on this station.”

"I see." He sat down. "I will catch up on the reports. I have promised several people to take the evening off but I can work from home."

“You’re supposed to be resting aren’t you?” Ariana gave him a ‘you know you are’ look. “But who am I to moan about getting rest? I’m the a-typical must keep going person! Although....I have been obeying your orders and getting some rest.”

He gave a nod. "Good. Rest is vital. Have you been getting exams regularly?"

"I've checked in when I've needed to." She offered a smile. "It came as somewhat of a shock learning about Cameron being my baby's father but we've talked and he's prepared to be the father his baby needs." She smiled. "He's willing to take care of me and to be honest I need him."

"I had not heard. I will be catching up in the next day or so." He said making a note to review Ariana's file again.

"Jonathon left me a letter explaining everything which helped somewhat, but..." She paused. "There's something else, that I already mentioned to Carolyn. It seems that General my father!"

"I see." He was starting to get a headache. "It seems to have been an eventful few days."

"Tell me about it!" She shrugged her shoulders. "It seems that my father did some time travelling during his career with section 31, not that he's gone into details. I'm dreading what temporal investigations are going to make of this! He went back in time, fell in love with my mother and voila she falls pregnant with me!! It gives me a headache just thinking about it!" She looked at Hades curiously. "What do you know about the implant my father has? From what I understand I shouldn't be able to read him?"

"Unfortunately I cannot discuss his case with anyone without his permission." He gestured to the desk full of PADDs. "Let me look at all this and then I will catch up all that has gone on." He sighed.

"Of course, I'm sorry." She smiled warmly. "I'm just adding more concerns on top of a lot more you have. I will try not to add to it. So how are you doing? I take it your break worked out for you? The rumour mill worked overtime about that one!"

"You mean on Cardassia?" He rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Yes well the rumours still fly. I try to not pay any attention to them." He sipped his drink. "But to respond to your question I am well. Recovering from the injury trying to stay out of sickbay as much as possible to give myself time to rest. I actually planned to take some time off so I want to make sure things are all ready here when I take my time off."

"Wow! You're actually wanting time off!?" Ariana grinned. "Seriously though I'm glad you've decided to take some rest time. Is there a certain someone that you plan on taking your time off with?" She looked at Hades curiously. "I promise I won't say a word to anyone."

He supressed a smile. "Just some time off." He stood taking the empty cup back to the replicator to be absorbed. "But as to the rumours that I am indeed married now. I can confirm that I am. The who shall remain a secret for a while longer. At least until we are ready to have a formal Starfleet wedding." He was getting more and more comfortable with talking about marriage because he'd decided that he couldn't live without her.

"That's wonderful Hades! Congratulations!!" Ariana smiled warmly. "I've no doubt she must be a wonderful woman. I hope you have many happy years together!"

He smiled, "She is unique in every way." He studied Ariana. "I am sorry that Carolyn and I were not available when the news came about the father of your baby." He had recalled something. "Have you spoken with a counselor? This cannot be easy to process."

"Actually....I talked with Splendora." She sat quiet for a moment. "The strangest thing happened in the Holodeck when she took me there, we both witnessed something that neither of us can explain! It sounds crazy but....I saw Jonathon and my son, he was holding him. Splendora said she didn't program it and we both witnessed it. I even spoke to him! Well more like shouted at him!!" She shrugged her shoulders. "I'm okay with this Hades, I'm actually happy!"

He smiled, "Good. That is the key. Vulcans believe in an afterlife, in the Katra living on." He wondered about Laga. She had nobody to transfer her Katra to. Had she perished? "Embrace the happiness." He said. His voice was not its usual powerful tone. The injury, the death of his was all catching up to him.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Ariana looked at her friend concernedly. "You don't sound your usual self, you can talk to me that's if you're ready to, of course."

He sighed, "It has been an eventful mission. The colony, my sister's death...I guess I require some time to adapt," he said sounding every bit the Vulcan.

"You lost your sister? I'm so sorry!" She shook her head. "If there's anything I can do to help..." She let the sentence finish itself.

He smiled, "It's alright. She was on a diplomatic post. She was also hoping to settle on the colony with her husband and child." He saw the look. "The child is fine. He is with T'Mira my half sister and her husband for now."

"At least that's something encouraging." Ariana smiled as she gently massaged her own bump.

"Yes." He studied Ariana feeling like he wanted to turn the talk away from him. "How is your preparation going for the baby?"

"I haven't thought a lot about it as yet! I have moved in with Freya and Kaden Ross though. They offered to let me live with them for as long as I need to " She smiled warmly. "Kaden has already sorted the room, Cameron is making the crib for me and Splendora took me shopping for a whole hoard of supplies!"

"What about the birth. Have you thought about having the baby here in sickbay or perhaps in your quarters. We also have a birthing centre."

"The birth....I haven't planned a thing about as yet! To be honest that's the part that scares me the most!! Actually I'd go so far as to say it terrifies me!!"

He gave a nod. "Nothing to fear but your fear is understandable. We'll make sure that it is smooth." He reached into his desk and pulled out a PADD. "This contains all your options on it. If you'll review it and then let us know. We also have the option of a holosuite birth where we can create any environment that you wish."

“Really?” Ariana looked at Hades in surprise. “That sounds interesting. Are there any particular ones that have been used before that you could recommend? I’d like to see them if there is.”

"Well given your Betazoid heritage we can have the Betazoid pool recreated. There is a whole ceremony that goes with that."

“It sounds nice but I’m not that worried about a ceremony!” Ariana grinned. “I’d just like a nice relaxing environment where Cameron and I can enjoy...if enjoy is the right word!....the birth of our daughter.”

"Actually Betazoid births can be easy." He said.

“I certainly hope so!” Ariana grinned. “I guess we’ll find out won’t we?” She paused for a moment. “Hades, just promise me something? If anything does go wrong, you’ll put the baby first?

He smiled, "If that is your wish then I will comply. But I will fight for you both...if anything goes wrong. I wont let it though."

“I know you won’t my friend” Ariana smiled. “I have every faith in you. There’s one more thing I need to ask you.” She shifted in her seat to make herself more comfortable. “I mentioned about my father. He did briefly mention section 31 but obviously wasn’t able to go into details about it. It’s mother was part of an experimental group whilst she was pregnant with me, she just didn’t know she was pregnant at the time.

Section and their experiments. Her words stirred the happenings of today and what Splendora was going through and what he'd talked to Harris about. "Experiment?" He asked weariness creeping into his tone.

“The experiment was to create a telepath capable of reading shielded enemies, such as my father with his implant. For her it was a failure, but not for me.” She frowned. “I just got to father is sent back in time, he falls in love and has a child with a woman who is mysteriously chosen by section 31 for an experiment.” She looked at Hades. “Is it possible that was the whole idea? To create a child from a veteran marine, endowed with abilities that could be used in the field?” She sighed.

"My dear Ariana, Section 31 makes all things possible." He sighed. "You should speak with Michael Nivar. He's a section agent on this station."

Ariana nodded. "I will, thank you." She smiled. "Now you promise me something! That you'll stop worrying about everyone and everything else and go enjoy some time with that new wife of yours!"

He smiled, "I have one check in to make then I will rest. Don't worry. I am used to being put through the ringer several times."

"Well I worry regardless!" Ariana grinned. "Besides it takes my mind off the fact that my daughter seems to be a champion footballer in the making! She's got one hell of a kick!!" She gently moved her hand off her stomach. "She takes offence to anything that rests on here, including my hand."

Hades smiled, "She will be a good woman like her mother." He stood his legs suddenly shaky he collapsed in the chair. The day's trials were getting to him. "I'm fine." He said at her expression. "Just tired."

"In that case I'll go and let you get some rest. I need to go grab a little while myself." She smiled warmly as she slowly got to her feet. "I'm glad you're doing okay Hades, I'll speak to Nivar."

He gave a nod and watched her go. He had one more stop to make and then he could rest. He just hoped his body would hold out.



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