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Posted on Wed Jun 19th, 2019 @ 6:40pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Lieutenant Commander Peter Garabaldi & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne

733 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 98 - A Raid on Peace
Location: Bremer's Office
Timeline: MD3, 0810hrs


Having spent the night deliberating what to do Ariana had made her way to Bremer's office. She paused out by the door before pressing the chime.

Mike was reading a report from the ERT mission at Tarod IX. "Enter" he said without looking up.

Walking inside the office Ariana offered an uncharacteristicly nervous smile. "Admiral...may I have a word with you Sir? I have....concerns about the intentions of a member of the crew."

Mike finished the sentence he was reading as he stood. "Of course." His tone was one of concern and he motioned to a chair for Ariana to sit. "What's wrong?"

Ariana took a seat before explaining. "I had a...visit from an old friend. He's recently been assigned here, he has a somewhat checkered past where his attitude to authority is concerned especially where women are involved."

Mike eyed her with concern, "Please explain."

"I met him a few years ago when he dated Freya Ross. He was always nice enough but...." She shrugged her shoulders. "There was something about him this time, he seemed....cold, calculated." She played with her hair. "He played with my hair and some of the things he said gave me the creeps!"

Mike had heard enough already. A predator like that had no business in on his station. He tapped a few buttons. He'd promised Commander Garabaldi time off after returning to duty, but the serious nature required his new Chief Security Officer, so he sent him a message to come to his office at once.

"This is obviously far beyond simple flirting." Mike replied, "I've asked the new Chief of Security, Commander Garabaldi to join us. I want you to give him a full report so he can look into this, personally."

Peter had received the message. He knew to expect the unexpected, so he got in to uniform, which was filling in better with Maria's insistance on feeding him. So he headed out and reported in to the Admiral's office.

"You wanted to see me sir?"

"Yes, Commander, please come in and have a seat." Mike replied.

Ariana looked at Garibaldi. “I have....concerns about a new arrival on the station, his name is Andrew Ignatious.” She looked at Bremer then back at Garibaldi. “I can’t divulge the contents of our counselling session but I can say that I feel he’s a possible danger to women on this station.

That made Peter pause, "What can you give me?"

Ariana paused for a moment. "He's a predator Mr Garibaldi. From the way he....touched my hair and how he seemed to revel in my discomfort...." She paused again. "His personnel file clearly states that he has a problem with female authority. I believe he will dominate any woman he comes into contact with. I hate to think what he might do to a woman who stands up to him!"

Peter made some notes in a padd, and then spoke, "Ok, based on that we can open an investigation, but I will need evidence to nail him to the wall, that means I'm going to need access to his service record and any other open cases to start."

“There’s one or two incidences already listed in his personnel file, he hit a female officer who questioned his judgement about something. He also threatened another with much more than that, hence his reassignment. I don’t know whether or not Freya Ross can help you, she used to date Andrew several years ago that’s how I got to know him.”

"Ok, that'll help, show a pattern, I will be extending a request to Ms Ross to sit down with either myself or someone of my staff, any gender she's comfortable with to answer some questions, if she wishes."

Ariana nodded. "I'm sure she'll help you. She knows Andy better than me anyway.

"Good." Peter didn't smile, this wasn't the time for levity, "I'll be in touch for interviews and I'll start pulling his records."

"Thank you." Mike added.

Mike then looked at Ariana, "Do you have anything else you want to add? Do you want to take some leave?"

“No Sir I’m already on reduced duties, I’ll go stir crazy if I sit around and do nothing.” Ariana smiled. “I’d like to keep doing what duties I can still do.”

Mike smiled and nodded.



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