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Dose of Reality - Part 2

Posted on Sun Jun 16th, 2019 @ 10:12am by Commander Hades,MD

1,236 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 98 - A Raid on Peace
Location: Splendora Sage's Quarters
Timeline: MD 03 1100 hours


Previously on Dose of Reality ....

Nivar sighed, “Alright what about the boyfriend?”

“He’s in the brig isn’t he?” Hades asked.

“Yes but should be getting out soon and he’ll go all protective and then I’ll have to stun him.”

Hades actually smiled, “And Splendora will break you in half. I’ve seen her tests. Her strength is coming more and more and I hear she whipped your butt twice.”

Michael raised an eyebrow in Vulcan fashion. “I have no idea what you are speaking about.”

And now the continuation...


Harris shook his head. “Sorry to interrupt but is anyone else worried that so far she has the highest test scores of any of our people?”

Hades sighed, “No. She was younger than most and her abilities are…”

“No match for yours,” Michael finished. He sighed. “I really wish you would listen to the council. Take your wife and take a vacation. Go to the colony. They fall under the First Federation and Starfleet has no reach there. Florence would be vaporized on sight. We need you on the colony. You are a…what is it that humans say. A big cheese.”

Hades chuckled. “The council rules I am just a figure head.”

Both Harris and Michael shared a look that said they did not agree.

Hade sighed. He didn’t have time for this. “Your orders, Michael you go and rest. You’ve been with her all night while she was ill and now through this. Sleep, take a break. Harris I want you here to make sure this doesn’t happen again. Monitor her. I want hourly updates until she is up and about.”

Harris gave a nod and headed back in the room to sit with Splendora to make sure her vitals were strong.

Hades turned to Michael. “You do not need to protect me.”

“The hell I don’t. The council has given the order. I am your bodyguard until someone else can be sent.”

Hades rubbed the bridge of his nose. “If Bremer found out about any of this he’d airlock us all.”

Michael smiled, “Somehow….I doubt that. He seems like an honourable man.”

Hades gave a nod. “He is. He loves his crew. Would give his life for them.”

“Then why don’t you trust him enough to tell him who you really are.”

Hades sighed, “I’ve built a career here. I am finally happy. I can’t risk losing that. I am just a doctor Michael. You all treat me as if I were a jewel.”

“But you are. You were the first to transition, you saved our people, you brought us out of that lab, and you brought those who did this to us to justice. You founded a colony that gave our people safety that is far beyond Starfleet’s reach. You are the Hero of the Vrekasht .”

Hades raised an eyebrow. “I did all that? Vrekasht?”

Michael smiled for the first time, “Like it or not you are a hero to all of us. The first to transition, the one who presided over most of us transitioning the one who cared for us. As for Vrekasht …we are not what we were once. I am no mere Vulcan, you are no El Aurian Vulcan Hybrid these genetic manipulations have created new beings. Yes we are all from different planets but we are not what we were born and we needed a name… at least the council thought so and they chose Vrekasht the Vulcan term for outsiders.”

“Another nod to me I suppose.”

Michael placed a hand on his shoulder. “Armond. We need you. I know your life is here but you have to live for all of us. Let me keep you safe.”

Hades sighed, “Armond died long ago. I am now and shall be Hades for the rest of my life. Alright. Let the council know that I will consent. But we do this right. We’ll have to speak with Bremer…or T’Lar. They have to know the truth…but not yet.”

Michael gave a node.

“Okay go rest. I have to get back to Kalani and Sickbay and the thousand other things. I have to see my nephew before his father picks him up and a last goodbye to my sister.”

Michael gave a bow. “We grieve with thee.”

“Dear God man! Did you just bow to me?”

“Um…no….” He did it again and retreated.

Harris’ laugh drew Hades’ attention.

“That is not funny.”

Harris sighed, “Maybe not but like it or not the council rules because you gave them the authority. One word from you and the Vrekasht jump to what you say.” Harris sighed, “Haven’t you noticed the council sends you questions…seeks your advice? They make day to day decisions but you get final word on the hard things.”

Hades sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “I…didn’t notice. I thought I was just a sounding board.”

Harris sighed, “Yes well take a closer look old man.”

Hades laughed, “Well if all you and Michael say is true how come you aren’t bowing and groveling?”

Harris stuck his tongue out, “You and I grew up together, we went through the academy together…ish I was a couple years ahead of you. I know you too well old man.”

Hades laughed, “Good. Now we just have to get others to think like you.”

Harris sighed, “Hades. William Shakespeare said, ’Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.’ You are in that last category. While you have duties and responsibilities to this station and to your new family you also bare one for the Vrekasht. We look up to you, we love you, some even worship you.”

Hades sighed, “That’s the problem I don’t want to be worshiped.”

“Perhaps not but you saved a lot of lives. You lived for the Vrekasht and we know what you have done for us. None of us asked for these modifications and it could have been…horrible. You saw how Khan was treated. Our people could have gone down that route but you prevented that. You kept us touch with our grounding, our humanity, dignity, compassion, and you let us grow into what we are now. We are alive because of you. And you are a hero. You are the one who negotiated a home for us, you negotiated the entry into the First Federation and their protection. You keep our colony supplied. Hell when I told the Council of your marriage they declared a holiday.”

Hades looked horrified.

"It's true your wedding day is now a The day of Joining Nobody works on the colony. They will celebrate it yearly."

Hades stood he suddenly felt ill. “I’m going to go.”

Harris watched him leave. He sighed and went back to sit by Splendora shaking his head. He felt for his friend. He really did but he also knew Hades would find a way around all this. He'd done it all his life straddled being an officer and providing for those who needed him. He wasn't their leader really, never would be but his works were...More then most would have done. He refused to give up an that stubbornness saved them all."



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