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Dose of Reality - Part 1

Posted on Sun Jun 16th, 2019 @ 9:48am by Commander Hades,MD & Splendora Sage

712 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 98 - A Raid on Peace
Location: Splendora Sage's Quarters
Timeline: MD 03 1030 hours


“Hurry up! 15cc hypo! Now!” Hades grabbed the hypo from Harris. He pressed the hypo to Splendora’s neck and let the dose hiss out. Her convulsing body slowed but did not stop. He briefly lifted her eye lid. “Damn it! 25 ccs of Tricordrazine. Get me a cortical stimulator. It’s not bloody time yet!”

Gypsy and Rain Sentinel held hands. The twins’ lips were pressed together, Tass stood off to the side.

Hades attached the cortical stimulators as a just in case measure. He watched as the seizures that had been shaking Splendora’s body eased slightly.

“She has been like this for a long time! She was find when she came back from trying to see Ariana.” Michael Nivar paced.

Hades took a breath to keep his calm. “Michael just calm down.” He turned to Harries. “Time?”

“Two minutes since the last dose.”

“Again. 25ccs.” He took the hypo and pressed the Tricordrazine to her neck again for a third time. This time she seemed to fully calm. He sighed and picked up his tricorder.

Time ticked by, minutes that felt like agonizing hours.

Splendora opened her eyes. Her lips were blue and she shook, sweat covered her body. She tried to speak but a jumble of nonsense came out. She looked up at Hades with alarm in her eyes.

“It’s alright. It will take a few hours for your speech to come back. Just rest.” He remove the cortical stimulators and turned to the Sentinel sisters and tossed his tricorder to them. “Wipe it and bring it back. I need you to fix it so that it reads out and doesn’t record.”

They gave a nod.

He stood and looked at them. “When it is done go back to the colony. Use your vacation time. Florance has been spotted in the area. I want you all safe. Tass you go with them.” He turned to Harris. “If I didn’t need you here I would send you as well.”

Gypsy stepped up. “What about the council? They will not want you here. Florence….”

“Does not know my true identity. Leave by this evening. Am I clear?”

They all nodded and hurried out. He looked at Michael Nivar. “She is your focus. Keep her safe.”

Nivar shook his head. “Not my priority. The council is clear. You are priority.”

Hades stood raking his hand through his hair. After the crappy week he’d had he didn’t need this. He turned back to Splendora who’d fallen asleep. He motioned for the three to meet in the living room. Harris, Nivar, and Hades walked to the living room. “Alright. Hear this, she’s close to full transition. How ready is she?”

Nivar shrugged. “Not that ready.”

“Alright you have one month…perhaps two. What happened this morning…I have never seen it with any transition.”

Harris pipped up, “Except in yours. I was there, remember. I saw it.”

Nivar gave a nod. “So did I”

Hades didn’t remember much from his transition. He just remembered waking up. “Alright. How sure, Michael, are you that Florence is on his way?”

“There are rumours. He’s staying close. I am about to submit my report. Bremer wants to see it first.”

Hades gave a nod. “Your report will read that she’s not showing any unusual strength anymore. She has been tested and has failed all tests so far. You will continue to test her but you feel that she might not even go through the transition.”

Michael crossed his arms over his chest. “Florence won’t buy that.”

“No but it will be shared with the rest of the brass and Joseph will make sure they are convinced.”

Nivar sighed, “Alright what about the boyfriend?”

“He’s in the brig isn’t he?” Hades asked.

“Yes but should be getting out soon and he’ll go all protective and then I’ll have to stun him.”

Hades actually smiled, “And Splendora will break you in half. I’ve seen her tests. Her strength is coming more and more and I hear she whipped your butt twice.”

Michael raised an eyebrow in Vulcan fashion. “I have no idea what you are speaking about.”

To be continued...


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