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Treatments and Chocolate

Posted on Wed Jun 19th, 2019 @ 10:01pm by Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD

3,084 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: Episode 98 - A Raid on Peace
Location: Sickbay, SB400, Chocolate shop (later)
Timeline: MD 03 1200 Hours


Kalani was a bit scared. Today would be her first treatment for the removal of the brand between her shoulders at the nape of her neck. She walked in and was lead to a bio bed to wait.

“Hi there,” Carolyn announced as she entered the room where the Orion science officer was waiting. “Sorry for postponing a few times - and for having you wait in here so long. At least, unlike your last visit, you can have the privacy of your own very own treatment room.”

She smiled, "No problem at all. You helped a lot of people and actually I'm surprised you didn't take some time to rest. To be honest I'm just happy to be finally getting this off." She sighed, "I was thinking about it for so long."

"Doctor Miller is going to be joining us," Carolyn explained as she took a seat beside Kalani, a hypospray in hand as another doctor arrived. "This is her area of speciality and she is one of the best around."

"Hello, Lieutenant," the aforementioned Dr Miller said with a curt nod as she entered right on cue, moving to set up the equipment without another word. Protecting an air of quiet authority and confidence.

"This," Carolyn explained to Kalani while administering the hypo, "will help make you a little more comfortable. Ease any pain as much as we can. And the more relaxed you are during the procedure increases the likelihood of it's success. Which may mean we don't have to repeat this too many times.

"Dr Miller will do some further prep, numbing the skin around the site as well. But I promise, I will be sitting right here with you the entire time."

She didn't add that she didn't entirely trust herself to perform the procedure when - despite her arguments to the contrary with Hades - she didn't feel entirely herself yet. It had been an easy out to defer to Miller, making use of her talents and expertise.

Kalani smiled, "It's okay. There was no pain medication when it was put on...I can handle pain." She lowered herself on the special biobed that had an opening in the head section so that the patient could see and breath out of it. Like a massage chair of sorts. Under the face was a little shelf where she could fold her hands. She took some deep breaths as doctor Miller started preparing the are with a topical anesthetic. She tilted her head to the side and looked at Carolyn. "Thank you for agreeing to help me with this."

Carolyn smiled, "no problem at all. It is a brave thing you are doing, Kalani. We all want to support you through it."

"Can you feel that?" Dr Miller interjected, testing the anaesthetic before she set to work.

"No." She said still feeling a bit nervous about the procedure.

"Good. Now, head down, hold still," Miller ordered, tone brokering no argument.

"I am right here," Carolyn reminded her softly, keeping a hand on Kelani's arm as Miller set to work. It was painful just to watch as the woman began to effectively strip away the layers of scar tissue. And this was the more straight forward part.

Kalani bit her lip. The pain was dulled but she still felt it. She closed her eye and stayed still. It was worth it though because when she was done she wouldn't have that hideous reminder of her past. This was her new start. A tear escaped the side of each eye.

She kept her breathing even. She wondered how many treatments she'd need.

"You are doing so well," Carolyn told her. "Just a little longer and we will need to stop for today."

She waited and she knew the moment the treatment had stopped. She sighed, "That wasn't so bad." She dared not move until they told her to. She knew she she'd have a bandage there for a while. "How many more until it's all gone?

Carolyn shot a questioning look at Miller, who was studying new images of the area.

"One, two more at most," the older woman decided, studying the monitors with steely grey eyes. "Let me sterilise and cover the site so you can get dressed. The area will be very tender for the next 24 to 48 hours. Avoid any trauma to the area as much as possible, no sleeping on your back. Our pain medication is not thatgood."

Without another word, Miller set to work. Her touch soft as she meticulously tended to her patient. "I think I am all done here," she concluded finally.

"Thank you," Carolyn smiled up at her, allowing her colleague to retreat. "Okay, Kalani, just take your time and lets get you up and all set to go."

Slowly Kalani pushed herself up being careful not to twist the wrong way. She winced several times before she was on her feet fully. She smiled even though it was clear there was quite a bit of pain. "That wasn't so bad."

“Uh huh,” Carolyn grinned, not buying it. “I can give you something else to ease the pain a little. You don’t need to be a hero in here.”

She sighed, "You know there were times when I belonged to the Syndicate that pain was the only way I know I was still alive." They walked towards the main bay slowly. "I remember this one time my team and I were trapped in a dilithium mine for a week. The walls had come down around us and as we dug our way out we worked four hours our hands and legs hurt." She shook her head and tried for a smile, "That was a long time ago anyway." She sighed, "New start, new home." She looked at Carolyn and then spontaneously hugged her. "Thank you so much for your kindness and your help!"

“Dr Miller did the hard part, and you,” Carolyn pointed out with a warm smile, “but you are very welcome. We will see you back in about five days but you know we are here if you need anything or if it gets a little too sore.”

She smiled, "I...."

Lynn strode into the bay at that moment. "I'm back!" She looked at Carolyn. "I owe you a thank you. Doctor Hades said that you convinced him to speak with me. I promise it will never happen again."

“To be honest I didn’t think he was listening to me, welcome back” Carolyn said quietly, surprised. Turning back to Kalani, Carolyn had a sudden need for some space, “how about I walk you out? I have a need for some proper chocolate and a replicator is just not going to cut it.”

Just then Hades entered. He had a few things to drop off now what he'd made one last check in on Ensign Gallaway and then he would take the rest of the day off. He gave a nod. "Ladies."

Lynn gave a wave.

Kalani smiled at Carolyn. "Sounds good." She looked at the doctor. "He's so handsome." She said. Her husband was her world. It was a short time but she loved him with all she had.

Lynn hearing this turned. "And off limits to the likes of you!" She turned and huffed away.

Kalani blushed green. "I'm sorry." She said to Carolyn. "I should not have said that out loud." They were still keeping their union a secret. This morning when he'd returned she'd held him, they'd both cried, they'd talked about a lot of things before she was due here and he had a few errands to run. She was glad that they would have tonight. He had confessed that he wanted her to stay with him more and more he'd also surprised her with the news that they'd be moving to new quarters just prior to the wedding.

Carolyn waved away Kalani’s concern. “Don’t worry about it. Lynn is... Lynn. I honestly cannot fathom her sometimes. And that was our CMO, Dr Hades.”

She smiled a secret smile, "Oh...we've met." She said as they walked towards the exit. "I still shouldn't have said it. Lynn doesn't like me very much." She sighed, "It's a green thing. Everyone has a preconceived notion of Orions." She then looked at Carolyn, "What is Chocolate?"

“Only the most amazing creation in the known universe!” Carolyn declared, “ you cannot even imagine ...”

She saw Hades standing at his office and she waved. “Vital mission, I’m going to take my lunch now but I’ll be back in five,” she told him, looking very serious before adding, “chocolate emergency.”

He gave a nod, "Take your time. Eating quickly has been proven to not be helpful in digestion."

Kalani laughed, "Spoken like a true Vulcan." She told Carolyn. She cast one more glance at Hades, sent him a secret smile, and then followed Carolyn.

“I’ll introduce you to Michael, he runs a small store on the promenade. He makes all of the chocolate himself and it is to die for...” Carolyn was saying as the door to Sickbay closed behind them.

Kalani smiled, "Then lets go!" She followed Carolyn. "I can't wait to try it." As they walked they passed by a shop and Kalani stopped. "Oh my! They are beautiful." In the window sat several active puppies of all kinds.

“Cute,” Carolyn agreed, watching Kalani as she stood watching the puppies play with the toys in the huge space the owner had set up for them. “Animal lover, huh?”

She smiled, "I have always wanted a puppy. I saw them at the Academy and there was a store there I would visit often. I volunteered working with them. Do you have one?" She asked her new friend.

“I kill plants, I am not trusting myself with a puppy,” Carolyn said with a firm shake of her head.

She smiled, "One day I might get one. Right now...well I can't afford it but maybe I can volunteer off hours to help at the store." The continued on their journey. "So tell me a little about you."

“Well, I’m no botanist for one thing,” Carolyn confessed as she navigated the promenade. She could walk to this particular shop in her sleep. “Never had a puppy, or a cat. I think it would be too lonely for them, you know? And you probably guessed I have a thing for chocolate. It’s my comfort food.”

She smiled, "Have you always wanted to be a doctor?"

“First I wanted to be a mermaid,” Carolyn grinned, “but yeah. My parents are both doctors, my grandparents too. I used to do surgery on my dolls and whenever my brother decided to destroy them just to torment me. I made my dad teach me how to do proper surgical stitches and everything.”

She smiled, "How old were you?"

“I was six,” she grinned.

"I was like that too. Growing up in the orphanage I knew I wanted to be an Archaeologist / Anthropologist. I remember digging up the orphanage grounds. The caregivers were not happy....well except for Adamanta, she was the headmistress. She encouraged my passion. There were days where she would take me to her home and I would spend the night with her and her family. She a mother to me, she'd read me stories of far off places and myths. She helped me find my first job at the museum." She grinned.

Carolyn smiled, "she sounds like an incredible woman. And now look where you are! Do you still keep in touch?"

"No...I don't talk to her. When the Syndicate took me she and her husband tried to defend me and were killed." She sighed sadly. Shaking away the tears that threatened. "It seems so long ago now."

"I am so sorry," Carolyn said quickly, hating that she had touched on the subject. "For whatever it may be worth, I think she would be proud. It sounds like she wanted you to do something you loved and you are following that dream, even though it has been a difficult journey. Ah, here we are!"

As they rounded the corner the smell of chocolate hit them and Carolyn stopped and simply breathed it in. Her mood already lifting. Resisting the urge to pull Kalani through the shoppers milling around and probably inflicting a lot of pain doing so, she forced herself to be patient.

"I guess I'll be able to pack up early, my favourite customer is here!" a cheerful voice declared as a man in his late fifties appeared in the doorway to greet them. His clothing and appearance was meticulous, his smile inviting as he ushered them inside. "And you brought a friend!"

"It is a major emergency," Carolyn whispered to him as if confessing a great secret, "Kalani has never enjoyed chocolate. I couldn't let her go to a replicator, could I? I told her she had to come here."

"Quite!" the man agreed, turning to Kalani and offering her a charming smile, "I am Michael DeVres, owner and finest chocolatier on the station. Welcome!"

Kalani smiled, "Hello! I'm Kalani and I have been told you make the best chocolate ever. I love food so here we are." She pointed to Carolyn and herself.

"You have been told correctly!" Michael nodded, heading into the back of the shop, "let me get you one of my sample trays, and we can find out what kind of chocloate you like best."

"There are more then one kind?" She looked at Carolyn.

"Oh yeah," Carolyn nodded. "Sooooo many kinds of chocolate. Swiss chocolate is his speciality and my personal favourite. But he does others."

"Oh my! I'm looking forward to this." She gave Carolyn another hug. "Thank you for showing me this!"

"No girl should be without chocolate, it is better than anything in the universe when you find the right kind," Carolyn told her. "And then some absolute legend invented hot chocolate."

As the tray was brought out Kalani's eyes widened. "They are so beautiful....are you sure they are for eating?"

"Absolutely," Michael smiled, the woman's enthusiasm infectious. "Food should look as good as it tastes."

Carolyn grinned, "go on, try some. Cos I would eat the whole tray if I had the chance."

Kalani smiled and picked out one. It was a dark chocolate with citrus flavour that seemed to burst in your mouth. She tried a milk chocolate and pineapple filled one too. "These are amazing! They should give you a food award."

"See?" Carolyn nodded, "I told you! Michael, your very finest selection for the lovely lady please and my usual?"

With a chuckle he disappeared again. "I really should just work here. It would be far more economical," Carolyn confessed to Kalani as Michael returned with two beautifully wrapped boxes packed full of chocolate. One he handed to Kalani, the other to Carolyn. "Pleasure ladies."

"Thank you!" She gave Michael a hug too. "How much for the chocolate?"

"My treat," Carolyn assured her as the headed back out. "I may not be able to instill upon you the wonders or finding ancient ruins but I can welcome you to the world of chocolate."

Kalani laughed, "Well thank you. You have done some much for me. You have to let me make you dinner."

They walked back to the sickbay chatting and talking about chocolate and food. When they entered the bay Hades was just rounding the corner. He studied the two smiling women.

"Look! Doctor Corrigan showed me chocolate. It's like nectar from the gods. There is a man named Michael...who should get an award for chocolate. I got pineapple and orange and milk chocolate. It takes care of all the food groups."

Hades supressed a smile and instead raised an eyebrow in Vulcan fashion. "Fascinating." And it was fascinating the way his wife could make him smile even when his mood was low.

Kalani gave Carolyn a hug, said a goodbye and promised to message her about dinner.

Hades studied the woman as she left and then turned to Carolyn. "Chocolate," he said. "You treated her as a patient and then took her for chocolate?"

"Sort of...."

"Carolyn Corrigan," he said in a mock sharp tone. "Follow me." He was about to leave when they'd returned. He would say his peace and then leave the sickbay for the rest of the day.

"Technically, Doctor Miller treated her," Carolyn said slowly as she followed him, "and then she walked with me to the shop where they happened to sell chocolate."

They walked to his office and when the door closed he turned to Carolyn. "You could have done that procedure in your sleep yet you called in Miller. I have a theory," he said sternly. "A theory that states that you weren't feeling your best and called in Miller to assure the process went well. Right?"

"Miller is a specialist," Carolyn reminded him.

"Yes or no?" He asked again.

"Yes," she sighed.

"Then you held a patients hand and comforted her while the procedure was going on to put her at ease. Correct?"

Carolyn frowned, not quite following where he was going. "Yes..."

"Finally you left work to go and take her for Chocolate cause you sensed and probably saw that she could use a friend and that there were many that judged her on the simple fact that she's Orion. Right?"

Completely and utterly confused, Carolyn nodded, "I mean I love chocolate but yes..."

"Do you know what that makes you Carolyn?"

Carolyn signed, closing her eyes and fearing the worst. "Please don't say you are making me take time off..."

He smiled, "No. No time off unless you request it. It just makes you a good doctor who will do what it takes to make sure her patients get the best care possible. You saw she could use a friend and gave her one. That makes you, Carolyn Corrigan, a warm, kind hearted person who is a blessing to this department." He put an arm around her shoulder in a brotherly fashion his 6'3 frame dwarfing her 5'7 frame and dropped a brotherly kiss on the top of her head. "Thank you for what you did for that young woman." With that he headed out of sickbay. The rest of the day was his.

Carolyn stared after him, completely lost for words.



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