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Remembering the First Day

Posted on Sat Jun 22nd, 2019 @ 11:43am by Admiral Deela T'Lar

1,953 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 98 - A Raid on Peace
Location: Admiral T'Lar's Office, Starbase 400
Timeline: MD 03 1150 hours


Isaiah held Voltar in his arms as he and T'Mira walked to meet the boys father. He wold take Voltar home and Laga's body would travel with them. They'd talked to Hades and he was slowly descending into a ball of stress so it was decided that he and T'Mira would take care of this task.

As they walked the promenade Isaiah noted that the XO was up and about. He had to smile, something he rarely did. They'd met just a few days ago when he'd come aboard. He remembered it as if it was yesterday....

MD01: Morning

Isaiah checked his uniform one more time in the turbolift on his way to the Admiral's office. He sighed. Starting something new was always hard and with T'Mira not there it was harder. He'd tied his hair back so that his Vulcan ears were prominent, as he usually did, and his cast earing from Bajor hung off his right ear, as it always did. He regretted that he hadn't inherited the ridges on the nose. It would have been interesting. On the outside he looked Vulcan with a bit of a rounder face and perhaps a build that was too muscular for Vulcans but he was happy with the way he'd turned out.

The trip to the office didn't take long and he stood outside for a few moments. He rang the chime and then waiting with his hands clasped behind his back, in proper Vulcan fashion.

Deela had heard that there were several new crewmen joining Starbase 400. She hadn't had the chance to meet any of them. She was catching up on what she needed to do during this new mission not involving her.

She looked up towards the door when she heard the chime. She called out, "Enter" and waited to see who was gracing her doorway.

Nivar walked into the XO's room. "Lieutenant Isaiah Nivar reporting in." He stood at attention waiting for to call at ease. He wasn't due on duty for a couple more days but he wanted to make sure he introduced himself.

She observed this stranger standing before her for a moment. She then gestured to him, "Have a seat Lieutenant. I was not expecting you for a few more days?"

"I came in in a bit early ma'am." He walked over to the seat across for the admiral and sat down. "I figured if I could be of some help that would be great. I've taken the liberty of visiting my ship as well. If she's needed she'll be ready to go." He thought a moment. "I have read up on the situations and am ready to help."

Deela paused for a moment before speaking, "That would be for Commodore Pike to decide. You will have to report to him and let him know that you have arrived early." The marines and medical were already on their way.

"Of course ma'am." He thought a moment. "I have a few things to complete with medical and counseling." He smiled slightly, "Perhaps it's a blessing that I arrived after they all's not easy getting a medical from you brother-in-law...he can be kind of mean and order tests just to aggravate me." He chuckled. As if remembering he handed her a PADD. "My transfer orders."

"Thank you." Deela looked it over then set it down on her desk, "Is your wife aboard as well?"

He gave a nod smiling fondly at thoughts of his wife. "T'Mira, yes. She is only here to help me settle and then is off to her posting. She needed this time with Hades, she rarely get to see her brother. She's the same as I but is working Tactical for the Mercy."

"Oh, I did not realize that your wife and Dr. Hades were related. It is a small world." She looked at him, "It is a shame that she will be away from you. That can be hard at times."

He gave a nod. "It is fine. Starfleet is our life. Perhaps we can be posted together one day but for now it's logical we do our jobs and meet when we can. She will come here when on vacation and so forth." He studied the Admiral. "I have read the crew files here and...I must say I am impressed. It seems like a good crew."

"Yes they are. I trust them with my life." Deela sat forward, folded her hands onto the table, "I am impressed with you as well. I see you have a lot of awards for bravery and valour."

Suddenly he looked uncomfortable. Isaiah wasn't very good at accepting awards. Starfleet gave them out but... He sighed, "I only did my job Admiral." He shrugged, "I know Starfleet gives these out but I have never been good at accepting them. My wife tells me often that one day she will ask Hades to invent an anti award allergy vaccine." He smiled a little. "In any case I have been...what is it that Human's say? ahh, yes. I have been blessed to have worked in a lot of areas and the experience helps be do the job that is my life."

"To you and me, they do not mean a whole lot but it gives others a sense of security having the knowledge that you are good at what you do and they feel safe. Does that make sense?" She looked at him for a moment, "I know, humans can be so illogical at times." She remembered her father always telling her mom that she was being illogical. She never understood why her dad married her mom, a Betazoid woman. He never really did get her.

He gave a nod. "Yes well I am half Bajoran so I can understand that." He smiled. "You know we Vulcans are not that logical either. Take T'Mira, a full Vulcan, yet...sometimes I swear she is as logical as a lemon tasting like a banana." He smiled. "We're just good at wrapping our illogic in logic...sound about right?" He was grinning, something he rarely did.

"Yes, it does." Deela smiled, "So you do have a sense of humor. That is good. You will need that here."

"Admiral may I be open about something?"

She spoke matter of fact, "I would expect no less."

"I was not looking forward to this...posting. To be honest I had wanted to leave Starfleet. I believe I am finding that now intrigued by the prospect of being here. This will the stability I am seeking." He sat a bit straighter. "The Vulcan in me is fascinated but the Bajoran in me is excited. This is... a floating city that seems to be more than that. It is a family." He shrugged, "At least that was my assessment."

Deela nodded, "Your assessment is correct. I too felt the same way and I still feel that way today. And hopefully your wife will one day make this her home as well."

He gave a nod. "Perhaps. She is a free spirit. Yes...I know odd for a Vulcan but nonetheless it is true." He rubbed his nose disappointed once again that he hadn't inherited the nose ridges of his mother's side. "I do have a few things I did wish to discuss thought."

"Okay. What would you like to discuss?"

"One being that having done time with Section 31 I understand there is an agent here. Michael Nivar...He is my half brother. He knows not of my existence so that might be a difficult reunion." If anything Isaiah was blunt and to the point at times.

"And you would like to meet him." She wasn't quite sure how to make that happen.

"Ohhh he'll find me. He's section. When he sees Nivar on the manifest, and I assure you, he is monitoring it, he'll come looking." He sighed. "I believe in keeping my CO's and XO's informed." He said.

"Now, the other issue, the more important matter is what's going on now with the colony. How can I be of assistance with that?"

"Your assistance is not needed. They are being taken care of and things are moving along. I am sure that you can find things to do on the base like spending time with your wife before she departs." He seemed to be all about work.

"Actually she is on the Mercy with Hades so I cannot spend time with her but I can review the ship I will command as well as the most updated..."

The door chimed, several times, in an unrelenting chirping sound. Whoever was behind the door was either upset or annoying or perhaps a bit of both.

Deela spoke with a hint of annoyance, "Enter and leave the attitude outside the door."

A frazzled young woman came in carrying a data PADD. Her job was normally personnel but because the XO's Yeoman had a day off she was covering. She sighed, "My apologies for interrupting....these are the latest casualty reports. Mostly colonists, one diplomat on temporary assignment, several of our officers minor injuries and one critical command level." She handed the PADD to Deela.

She glanced at it, "Who's critical?" She changed her mind, "I will take a look at it. Thank you. That will be all for now." She watched her leave, leave began to read what was on the PADD.

A list of colonists was there as well as some crew injuries and under critical, Hades was listed. These were the updated lists at the time of their transmission. Hades was in fact now recovering but the truth was that Corrigan had to stop his heart to keep him from bleeding out.

Just as if on cue when she read the PADD Nivar's com chirped. "Kalani Liora to Isaiah Nivar."

He raised an eyebrow at the XO and when she waved her permission, with what he thought was curiosity, he answered it. "Go ahead."

"Something....something is wrong. I think Hades was hurt I have this feeling...Can you find out?"

He looked up at the admiral, "Stand by." He tapped the badge off. "Admiral...Is Doctor Hades on the casualty list?" A bond between a husband and wife was strong. Even though she was not Vulcan Hades had bonded with her telepathically. If she was feeling something...He had a sinking feeling the critical was Hades.

"I will find out right now." Deela did as she promised and got an answer, "Yes, he is on the list." She hated to see anyone get hurt during a mission.

Nivar sighed. His lips pressed closed. "Well, Admiral I should go....Hades told me he spoke to you of his marriage. I will have to let Kalani know. If you are agreeable I will leave now to take care of that."

Deela nodded, "Yes. You are dismissed."

Present Time

Isaiah snapped out of his memory. He didn't want to remember the panic and worry Kalani's face held when he'd told her about Hades. He was glad it had all worked out. He was glad he'd met the XO. She seemed like a good woman and someone he could be friends with.

Their path took them towards the Admiral. As they approached Nivar gave a nod. "Admiral. This is my wife T'Mira," he said nodding at the tall beautiful Vulcan. "This is our nephew Voltar. His mother was killed at the colony."

Nivar reflected on how many amazing people he'd met there already. He was actually looking forward to being posted. It was starting to feel like a fresh start.



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