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Family Ties

Posted on Thu Jun 27th, 2019 @ 5:01am by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Lieutenant David Hurd Jr

1,649 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 98 - A Raid on Peace
Location: General Hurd's Office
Timeline: MD03 1200 hrs

With the marines home Ariana had given time for everyone to settle back onboard before heading for her father's office, she'd spend plenty of time worrying about him while he was gone so she wanted to check he was alright. Arriving at the office she pressed the door chime and waited for the familiar voice inside to call her to enter.

"Enter!", Hurd bellowed.

"Hi Dad" She smiled as she walked over to Hurd's desk. "That felt oddly....good calling you Dad." She grinned. "I was worried about you while you were away so I had to come and see you. How was the battle?"

A wicked smile spreading across his face, he said in a booming voice, "It was Glorious, many Remans fell to my blades and weapons in personal combat, and me and my men retook the outpost".

Ariana smiled as she looked at the wicked smile on her father's face. "It certainly sounds like you enjoyed yourself!! I have to admit I was worried about you. There wasn't much news back here as to what was going on in the field during the battle. I'm glad you came back safe!"

Returning her gaze, he said, "I will always be safe, I'm serving with the crazieist bunch of warriors in the galaxy."

“Maybe so but that isn’t a guaranteed outcome” Ariana smiled. “We’ve only just discovered that we’re related and I’d rather not have anything happen to you before I’ve had chance to get to know you!”

"Trust me, if you have you know even half the amount of combat i have seen, the so called 'hopeless battles' i have fought, and now that i know what i have to come back too, you would be much more sure of the outcome".

Ariana smiled warmly. “I’m happy to hear that! speaking of which I’ve asked Doctor Corrigan to double check the dna readings just to make our relationship official.” She relaxed back in her seat as best as she could.

Smiling, Hurd said, " Still not sure huh?". Before he could finish his thoughts he heard growling and what sounded like glass breaking from the space behind his outer office. Shooting up, he said, "Excuse me". Walking the short distance into the other room, he saw Axe had gone nuts chasing that damn holographic cat somebody had been slipping in his office. His couch back here had been shredded, as well as several vases had been broken. Grabbing his leash off the wall, Hurd chased him across the room, dodging broken broken glass shards, and slipped it around his neck. "Come on crazy ass, time to meet somebody new". Leading him back out, he said, "Axe, this Ariana, Ariana this Axe the German Shepard.

“Oh wow! You have a dog!!” Ariana gently held out her hand to let Axe sniff and see what he thought of her. “Some Betazoids find animals uncomfortable, it’s the emotions but I don’t mind. I love animals of all shapes and sizes!” She nodded to the other room. “Did he break anything important?”

"Several vases, he shredded my couch, and chewd up my desktop computer terminal back there", Hurd said laughing. "Somebody keeps slipping a holographic Cat in here as some kind of funny joke."

"Why would anyone want to do that?" She looked confused. "It's not much of a joke if it's causing damage to your property!" She shook her head. "If you have any suspects just bring them for questioning and I'll tell you if they're lying or not."

"Oh trust me i will, but not before i let my Marines have a go". Looking at Axe, he added, "Axe by the way thinks he owns the place." Just to prove the point Axe jumped up on Hurd's desk and stared at Ariana. "See what i mean?, a 95 pound desk ornament he thinks he is".

"Seriously!" Ariana grinned and stood up before pointing at the floor. "Axe...down!!" She smiled as Axe jumped down. "He's not so tough!"

"Oh?" Hurd said grinning widley. He turned to Axe and said, "Axe smile" Axe opened his mouth, exposing rows of razor sharp silver teeth as hurd said, "See those?, Those are a Tritanium/Duranium mix, his jaw streghth has been enhanced by 50 percent and his overall muscle mass by 20 percent, so in short, yes he can be tough.... and dangerous if need be."

“Wow! He certainly looks tough like that.” She smiled. “Any more surprises I should know about?” She grinned as she looked at Hurd. “Dad...what I said about the tests, I don’t need further proof I just want to make it official before coming clean to Admiral Bremer. He is my commanding officer and as such I have to inform him about the fact that I’m your daughter.”

"Oh you will find i am full of suprises, i just give them all away at once." Falling silent at her last words he said, after a long pause, "I can understand, i can only imagine myself how im going to explain this both to General Jackson and Admral Bremer, but do me a favor and don't mention the enhancemences to Axe wiil you?, because im not sure how either would take it".

“I won’t don’t worry!” She smiled. “It’s a family secret.” She looked at Axe. “Did you have him augmented yourself?”

"His jaw strenth and muscle mass i did, his teeth, i mean his natural teeth, he lost due to a medical condition, so i had them replaced with those."

“Fascinating!” Ariana smiled. “So you’ve got an enhanced dog to go along with your possibly enhanced daughter! Makes perfect sense in a peculiar way. Oh and that’s another thing I won’t mention to the Admiral, at least not yet.”

"Well, the Admiral does not know about my implants and I’d rather keep it that way if you dont mind".

“He doesn’t know?” Ariana looked at her father in surprise. “In that case I guess it’s a secret between us then, once he knows we’re related and it gets reported back to Starfleet we’ll probably have temporal investigations here sticking their noses in! Unless of course Section 31 intervene on your behalf and keep them away.”

"Girl let me tell you something, and listen very, very closely", Hurd said intensly gazing at her. "I have cut all ties ties with 31, and am acting in such a way as to destroy them" "They are dangerours, murding, renagade outlaws who think they are protecting the Federation when they are not, and they must be stopped, by any means necessary.”

“Yes Sir” Ariana nodded. “I’m sorry if I overstepped my boundaries when I said that. I want to help, if I can. I’m a part of you after all, I guess that’s where I get my stubborn, tough streak from!” She grinned.

I forbid it. they have already tried to get me twice, ill be damn if you get in the mix and they hurt you as well."

“They’ve tried to get you!?” Ariana looked horrified. “Does anyone know about this!?” She paused to think. “What if they already know about me? They sent you back in time, let you fall in love with a woman back then and just happen to choose her for an experiment they’re running!” She shook her head. “What if my being here isn’t just a coincidence? Mum told me what happened to those on the program, they just....turned. Just like that! Am I going to turn too? Turn against you? Hell try to kill you!!”

"Calm down, I dont think you are going to turn, and I sure as hell know you are not going to kill me". Smiling thinly, he added, "Trust me, if they knew about you, you would either be working for them or dead by now, no inbetween, and as for the two they sent after me, both dead".

Ariana nodded. “That’s something then.” She took a relaxing breath. “So What happens from here? The computer has a record of our dna match now, if Section 31 are as good as we’re lead to believe they’ll know about me soon enough. I don’t want to hide the fact that you’re my father, I just want to have a normal father, daughter relationship.”

"As do i, and i say don't hide it at all". "Let them send who they want, i have more than enough men, my ship, and I’m crazy enough to kill them all".

Ariana smiled. “Once I have your granddaughter you can train me, I can handle myself in a firefight but I’m a little rusty. I do need to practice self defense, as for whatever I might have inherited from the experiments my mother went through I guess only time will tell on that one!”

"As i said, stay out of this, i will handle anything 31 related, is that understood?"

“But...” Ariana looked at her father. “Understood Sir.”

"Good, i'm glad we have an understanding on that", Hurd said smiling faintly.

“Sorry I’m just used to doing things my own way!” She shrugged her shoulders. “Guess I do need to buckle down a little. Anyway...” She stood ready to leave. “It’s time I was getting back to my reports, I may be on reduced duties but I’m still Chief Counsellor which means I still have a load of reports to read over and appointment schedules to sort.”

"Oh belive me, I can inderstand all that", Hurd said waiving his hands at the mess on his desk, "I can really can".

Ariana grinned. “Anytime you need a hand just give me a shout!” She smiled as she headed towards the door. “See you later Dad.”


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