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Truth and understanding

Posted on Thu Jun 27th, 2019 @ 5:08am by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Camron Wayne

1,548 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 98 - A Raid on Peace
Location: Monroe's Quarters
Timeline: -Backpost- MD02 1900 hrs

OOC: Apologies for the backpost didn’t realise this hadn’t gone up!

Ariana sat in her quarters alone, she’d only come back to get a few things to take to her room at Freya & Kaden’s but she hadn’t yet faced reading the letter Jonathon had left her. Deciding she couldn’t put it off any longer she walked into the bedroom and headed over to the bedside drawer that contained the handwritten, unsealed letter that Jonathon had asked her not to open until the right time came. Walking back into the living area she took a seat and slowly opened the letter.

My Dearest Ariana,
If you're reading this letter then the time has come for me to explain one of the hardest decisions I ever had to make. One made out of my love for you, knowing the fate that was lay before me.

We had always planned a family, but having attended the clinic I was given the news that I wouldn't be able to be the man to father your children.

I couldn't bear to break your heart so I took the only avenue open to us. I agreed to using genetic material from a suitable donor. Just to see the look on your beautiful face the day you were given the children you thought were ours, made my heart sing! I couldn't face telling you the truth.

I hope you can forgive me my love, and I wish I was there with you now to raise our children together. Remember how much I love you Ariana and always be strong.

Your eternal love


A few tears fell onto the letter before she folded it up and carefully put it back in its envelope. The miracle she’d witnessed on the holodeck with Splendora had eased the pain she felt at her husband’s loss and freed up Her heart ready to accept Cameron as the new man in her life. Her child was his and she wanted to raise their child together if Cameron wanted it that way.

Cameron was not so sure about the whole situation yet call it shock call it nerves but what ever it was shook him to his core. Ariana's child was his of that there was no doubt and he could accept that. No what had him scared was that the woman who was fast becoming the most important person in his life would not want him in hers any more. "Honey if you will have me I would love to try and make a family with you. Who knows maybe a few years from now our girl will have a little brother or sister if we can manage it.". Said Cameron softly

Ariana wiped her eyes as she looked at the man beside her. “ want to do that?” She gently massaged her bump, something she found relaxed her when stressed. A smile slowly appeared on her face. “I’d like that Cameron. I’d like that very much!”

"Well then I suppose that makes us a couple. Though I hope your not expecting an engagement ring until we have been togather at least more then a couple weeks." Said Cameron he was onl half joking with that statement but he knew they both had things to work through if this was to work.

Ariana grinned. “There’s something else...” she paused. “There’s someone here I want you to meet. I’ve only just found out in the strangest of circumstances but it seems General Hurd is my....father!” She shook her head it was all quite strange. “I will explain everything to you when I understand it better myself but right now I want him to meet the man who holds his daughter’s heart.”

"Your dad is the second highest rank in the marine unit. I am a dead man." Said Cameron lightly.

“Not at all” She smiled as she gently held his hand. “My father and I are still getting to know one another, this is something we’ve both just recently discovered. It’s a long story and I’ll explain it better when I can. Right now there’s something I’d like to do.” She gently reached her hand to Cameron’s face touching his cheek, before gently leaning forward to give him a tender kiss.

"You keep doing little things like that and I would be willing to face down an angry nausican for you, a new father will be nothing." Said Cameron lightly

Ariana smiled the biggest smile yet. "So what effect would it have if I did this?" She kissed him again, this time a lot more passionately.

Cameron did not say a word he just wrapped his arms around her and with a seconds move had her sitting on his lap as he deepened the kiss. "If you are not careful love you will find out just exactly what that kind of kiss would do to me. I might have lost use of my legs but the rest of me works perfectly."

Ariana smiled as she looked into his eyes. "I think I'd like that." She kissed him again with equal passion letting it linger for a few moments longer before their lips parted. "That's if you don't mind making love with a pregnant woman?"

"I would not mind but it takes two to tango as they say and if we are to do that well then I think we both might be a little over dressed and in the wrong room." Said Cameron lightly

Ariana smiled. "The bedroom is right over there and as for clothing..." Her fingers made light work of his shirt as she helped him out of it. Her dress followed that as they left a trail a clothing all the way to the bedroom.

< Sometime Later >

Ariana lay cuddled up in Cameron's arms, as best as she could given her rounded stomach. She moved her damp hair away from her face as she smiled at Cameron. "That was....amazing!" She gently kissed him letting it linger for a few moments before lying her head on his chest. "I never thought I'd feel like this for anyone again, I'm glad I found you."

"Love I think it is me who should be glad. I had honestly just about given up finding anyone to spend my life with. I have no idea how or why but I am very VERY happy you are part of my life and I hope will be part of it for many many years to come." Said Cameron as he ran his hand over her bare shoulders and back.

Ariana smiled as she ran her fingers gently across his chest. "I would like that more than you could ever know! When I lost my husband I thought I'd be raising my children....child, on my own. I never dreamed I'd ever find someone to become a family with. It makes it all the more special you being this little one's father."

Cameron really had no idea what to say to that he just put his arm over her protectively and hoped that his actions would speak louder then words because right now he could not speak even if he wanted to. ~Imzadi~ That was the only thing he was thinking right now he had read about it and well it just felt right even if he only thought it in his own head.

Ariana smiled. "Do you know what Imzadi means? It stands for my beloved and that's what you are to me " she knew he'd ask how she knew what he was thinking. "I didn't read your mind, when we made love you bonded with me. It's something that happens between Betazoids and those that they are ready to be life mates with. We touched 'souls' if you like."

"I knew what it translated to roughly and I know it is something very special." Said Cameron.

“It is indeed” Ariana smiled. “Would to talk to your daughter?” She gave him a curious look. “I’ve read talking to the baby gets the baby used to your voice. She’s quite a mover so you might even get to feel her move!”

"I would love that." Said Cameron softly

Moving back on the bed Ariana lay back so Cameron could talk to his child. “ to the bump!” She grinned as she gently rested his hand on her stomach.

Cameron barely put his hand on the bump when he felt the kick. "This little one is going to be either an athlete or a marine she has one heck of a kick." Said Cameron as he leaned over. and spoke softly. "Hey little one you better calm down or your mommy is going to be upset with both of us." said Cameron lightly

Ariana's smile beamed. This was a moment she'd always dreamed of, relaxing back on her pillow she was so relaxed watching Cameron enjoying himself that she slowly started drifting off to sleep.

Cameron felt himself relaxing as well and he started drifting off to sleep for once he was content with his life it could not get better then this in his mind.


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