USS Mercy: Checking Sickbay
Posted on Tue Apr 23rd, 2019 @ 6:19am by Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD
942 words; about a 5 minute read
Episode 98 - A Raid on Peace
Location: USS Mercy, prior to launch for Tyrod IX
Timeline: MD1 - 0945 hours
"... every medical kit needs to be checked to ensure everything is there that should be there," Doctor Corrigan explained as she stood at the desk in the medical office. Piled up on the desk in front of her was a small stack of kits, and beside those another small group of pouches. "And then, if they are correct, add one of these and then tag it."
Beside her, Chloe Winters took one of the pouches, unravelling one to check what was inside. Surgical tools. She tried not to dwell on that.
"I check these to, yes?" she said, grateful to have something to do even it was something that seemed trivial. Behind her the nurses were a terrifyingly efficient operation, doing exactly what they had been trained to do in this situation. Every time she had tried to help she seemed to be getting in the way.
"Exactly," Carolyn nodded. "Just remember not to touch the contents, if you do, sterilise them and then add it to the kit. These should be enough in case we do need to send a team down to the surface. Only a doctor takes these kits, which is why they need to be tagged."
"You think people will need surgery on site?"
"Always prepare for the worst," Carolyn told the cadet, "and then you can't be blindsided."
It had happened to them on Cardassia and it had cost lives. They weren't going to that again.
Hearing someone come in the office behind them, Carolyn glanced over her shoulder. "You know you can call people to the Bridge, Captain," she reminded Hades as she let Chloe get to work. She studied him for a moment, considering before whispering, "so, did you spin in the chair yet?"
He tried to hide a smile, "Commander is fine, not a captain yet...or a full commander for that matter." He paused. "And yes it's a myth. The chair does not spin." He looked around. "As you were. Doctor Corrigan follow me."
"I'll be back in a minute," Corrigan promised Winters before following Hades. "Have you had any update on casualties?"
He shook his head. "Not yet so we are preparing for the worst. You have run of sickbay and the staff. I will be spending most of my time on the bridge." He looked around longingly. "I promise to try not interfere. Call me if you need me though." He sighed, "We also have a head Nurse bring him up to speed on everything." He handed her a PADD. "He is skilled very good at his job."
"You are kind of in charge of everything so you can interfere all you like," she told him as she glanced at the PADD, "of course I don't have a good track record of listening to you."
He gave her a look that said. Really...I didn't notice. He shook it off. "An concerns?"
"I do have a couple of things... Our Cadet. She has never been in this type of situation before, not even in a simulator. I don't know if this is going to help her or scare her to death. Any recommendations?"
"Talk her through things. She is skilled but...low self esteem. Worried she doesn't deserve to be here. That one needs reassurance. She works best when you ask her to talk through things she's doing. It's important we make her feel like part of the team."
"Okay. Second. Since we know next to nothing, we have to be prepared for the worst. So we are going to divide up into trauma teams. A mix of skills and experience. I'll lead team one, McLintock team two and so on," she told him.
"That would be a good plan. Have a service line ready, Trauma, Triage, Surgeons, Recovery. We will need most nurses there."
She took an audible deep breath to prepare herself for however he would take the next part. "The marines, Braxton aside, are going to be overwhelmed. They're is a high chance they will need us on the ground and, if so, team one will be primary responders."
"They have their own medics for now. We should have a stand by team ready."
"Agreed. And we have McLintock aboard. She is more than capable of running things here if it comes to a team beaming down. I know it isn't ideal but I have more experience at dealing with cases on the ground," Carolyn insisted, "it is the most logical plan."
"If necessary we don't know anything yet. I might pop down myself." He said.
"Nope, the Commander stays with the ship," she reminded him with a grin. "You don't get the non spiny chair and be in charge of sickbay. You get to like, shot at stuff instead and press big red buttons."
"Have you ever served on the bridge Carolyn?" He asked with some amusement.
" I'm a doctor, not a pilot," she remind him, sighing as she waved him away. "Okay, now go do commander type things so I can go delegate things."
He shook his head and started out the door.
"Oh," she said, turning back to face him, "and you know, thank you. For not leaving me back on the station. And you know, for saving my life and all."
"Yes well there is still time to turn around." He said.
"Ha!" she grinned as she turned and headed back towards the office, "you're regretting it already!"
"True but keep something in mind with your dreams of away missions. You never listen to me so why should I listen to you." He turned and headed back out.