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Forget Starfleet - Part 2

Posted on Sat Apr 6th, 2019 @ 11:36am by Commander Hades,MD & Splendora Sage

688 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: USS Pegasus, Observation Lounge
Timeline: MD 07 0400 hours

Previously on Forget Starfleet….

She smiled. “I’m alright.”

He tilted his head. “Oh really? Why a morbid mood then? Anything to do with Tom?”

She let out a breath in a hiss.

And now the continuation…

“Bingo!” He leaned back. “Okay doc, your turn.”

She sighed really needing to talk to someone. She trusted Hades, “We take one step or two steps forward and a few back. We connect, bond, then he pulls away. Last night we watched the closing ceremonies, we talked, he started talking with me about something personal and then he shut down, pulled away, then then he says, ’ "Well, I'm glad you ran to the station, and stayed. And, I hope you're planning to stay for a long time.’” She sighed, “I mean really, you just shut me out of a part of your past and then … sometimes it’s like I love you come here, no, now go away.”

Hades smiled, “Men are complicated. Not all men are emotional...or logical. Do you think he loves you?”

She shrugged, “I think he cares deeply about me. I love him with all I am I even bought an engagement ring.”

Hades snorted, “He’s not the type to let a woman propose. I would be careful with that.”

She sighed, “Well I don’t care. I was going to propose now with all this going on….he’s lost so many people he cares about I think that’s what keeps him from fully expressing his feeling. He won’t deal with the past and is worried about being hurt by the present and thus pushes away the future.”

Hades sighed, “Again…do you think he loves you?”

She sighed, “I think he cares about me a lot. Does he love me…I don’t know. I am afraid to ask. I don’t want to push him.”

“What do your senses say?”

She shrugged, “I don’t use them around him. It’s an unfair advantage. He can’t tell what I’m thinking or felling.”

Hades smiled, “Well that just shows me you love him. Now that being the case, communication, it seems is your issue. If you will not use your sense then ask, talk to him. He seems like the open and honest type.”

She sighed, “I’m afraid to ask.”

Hades let the silence stretch. Allowed her to process things a while. “You love him, tell him.”

“I have.”

He sighed, “Ask him to tell you how he feels about you and ask him where he sees your relationship going. Now I gather there is another part that is frustrating you.”

She sighed, “Yes. He’s too…. Sweet.”

Hades raised an eyebrow, “Huh?”

She sighed, "Last night after the closing ceremonies he dropped me home and said goodnight and kissed me on the cheek. Before that when you released me to sickbay he said let's go to my quarters and sleep....we went to his quarters and we slept...literary." She sighed again. "He’s sweet and romantic and kind and there are days I just want him to be….I don’t know maybe grab me by the shoulders and declare his undying love for me while beating his chest and… saying something Neanderthal like….like…I’m Tarzan you Jane!”

Hades hooted in laughter, “Are we talking about a human or Klingon here? You know Vercetti is human right? He’s old school. Romantic taking his time. Again communication. Talk to him.”

She huffed, “It’s not funny.”

Hades wiped the laughter tears from his eyes. “It is very funny. Alright…Alright.” He said getting a hold of himself. “Honestly if you two put as much effort into talking as you do into running away from one another…What do you think is stopping him from fully expressing himself? What do you think he’s waiting for?”

Splendora crossed her arms over her chest, “Special dispensation from the Pope?”

Hades doubled over in laughter slapping his knee.

Splendora chuckled….”Okay….it’s a little funny.”



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