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Forget Starfleet - Part 1

Posted on Sat Apr 6th, 2019 @ 11:10am by Commander Hades,MD & Splendora Sage

885 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: USS Pegasus, Observation Lounge
Timeline: MD 07 0300 hours


Hades found himself back on the Pegasus in the early morning hours. He’d followed the computer’s instructions to the observation lounge where a lone figure wrapped in a long shawl sat holding a mug and looking at the stars.

“Am I intruding?”

Splendora had been in the lounge since it emptied at around 2300 hours, since shortly after she and Tom had returned to the ship. They would be on their way back soon. She had a lot on her mind. The familiar voice brought her out of her deep, dark, and haunting thoughts into the cold of the present.

She looked over at Hades as he sat on the sofa to her right. “I’m still royally pissed at you.”

Hades signed and scrubbed his hand down his face. “Can you be pissed later? I need to talk…I need help.”

That gave Splendora a pause. She looked over at Hades for the first time. He looked tired, haggard, and she sensed the emotions rolling through him like a storm over a sea.

In all the time she’d known the good doctor he’d never been such…an emotional wreck nor did he ask for help. She turned to face him. “Is this something you should be talking about with Monroe?”

He sighed, “Yes. I want to transfer to you. This isn’t something for Starfleet ears or records, at least not yet.”

She sighed, “Okay…I’ll need you to sign a…”

“Transfer of counseling file request.” Hades finished of her while handing her the PADD. “Needs your signature and your license that you are able to treat fleet personnel.”

She raised an eyebrow in perfect imitation of a Vulcan. “Well aren’t you helpful.” She opened the PADD and imputed her info and handed it back to Hades. “Okay transmit this to Monroe and send me a copy. You know she’ll be pissed and hound you to see why and what’s going on.”

He sighed, “Yeah. Does that mean we can talk now?”

She looked at him, again, surprised. “Alright. Yes technically we shouldn’t until the transfer is complete and until I get your file from Monroe but after what I found out about Rebirth and Starfleet Intel and Section 31 I say forget Starfleet… put it nicely.”

He sighed, “I almost died this week…and I got married.”

Splendora, who’d been drinking her coco sputtered. “Oh man! That went up my nose” She waited until the pain passed. “Yuck! Coco in the nose!” She put the mug down not trusting herself with it…especially since the Vulcan beside her was throwing curve balls. “Let’s start with the death thing I am in a dark and morbid mood.”

“About a day before we left for Cardassia I started to feel unwell. I knew I was heading into Pon’farr and I knew that meditation would not cut it…this time.” He continued talking about the symptoms and his feelings of almost dying. When he was done he looked at Splendora hoping her words would be harsh.

Splendora listened not only with her words but senses. Never afraid of silence she let it stretch while she gathered her thoughts. “Hades I know you. You’d rather die than marry someone you have no feelings for. If you choose to marry it is because you care deeply so why the secrecy…why the hesitation in acknowledging the marriage?”

Hades shrugged his shoulders, “I don’t know.”

Splendora held his gaze, “Do you want me to try answer that?” When he didn’t respond she set in, “Because you want your mate to change their mind. You see yourself as some horrible disfigured beast that doesn’t deserve love and you can’t find a reason why someone like your mate would love you. You worry how they were able to fall for you so quickly and you worry about how you were able to fall for them.”

Hades just stared out the window.

“Hades,” She touched his arm. “Look at me.” The tears in his eyes told her she’d hit pay dirt. “You are worried you can’t love this person…that you have nothing to offer. But you see the fact that you didn’t ask someone like T’Lar to break the bond or even Commander T’ren who was a Vulcan priestess and is here now with us tells me that you have feelings for this person. Am I wrong?”

He shook his head. “Alright so you want to give this a try, right?”

He gave a nod.

“You want us to work on this block?”

He gave a nod.


“Because my mate deserves better. I want to be better.”

She smiled, “Alright. We’ll figure this out. Rome, as the humans say, was not built in a day.”

He gave a nod. “I guess.” He looked at her. He noted her sadness too. “El Aurians are the best listeners in the galaxy, I’m half El Aurian so I might be a good listener.”

She smiled. “I’m alright.”

He tilted his head. “Oh really? Why a morbid mood then? Anything to do with Tom?”

She let out a breath in a hiss.

To Be Continued...


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