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Counseling Connection

Posted on Sat Apr 6th, 2019 @ 11:51am by Lieutenant JG Ilan Rol
Edited on on Sat Apr 6th, 2019 @ 11:51am

773 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Various, USS Sutherland
Timeline: MD 07 Morning


Having completed so much of her tasks this morning and having stored the Sutherland artifacts Kalani decided to see a counselor for her counseling clearance. She arrived just a moment before and rang the chime waiting for the door to open. She looked down at the PADD in her hand. Lieutenant Junior Grade Ilan Rol The name sounded Bajoran but it was in the wrong order.

The door hissed open and she walked in. “Hello. Are you Ilan Rol,” she asked seeing that she was right and he was Bajoran.

Rol had just finished updating a file when the door chimed. He looked up at the woman who’d just spoken and smiled, “It has been a whle since I’ve heard my name spoken correctly.”

Kalani smiled, “I know the feeling. I’m Kalaniadreyeliorani. For simplicity sake it’s Kalani Liora.”

Rol smiled. “It’s lovely to meet you. How can I help you today?”

She handed him a PADD, “I have come for my onboarding clearance.”

“Oh? You’re new?”

“Ish….” She smiled. “I’ve been a bit busy and kind of slipped under the radar.”

Rol laughed. He was great at reading people and he could see that despite her outward cheer Kalani was not exactly comfy speaking with a counselor. He smiled at her, “So since this is just an informal chat to do some on board clearance and get you certified for duty why don’t we go for coffee? How about the mess hall in fifteen minutes? It will give me time to finish the report I was working on.”

Kalani smiled, “Perfect.”

Rol watched her go and felt a bit bad for fibbing about the report. The truth was he already sent it but he needed some time to review Kalani’s file.

=/\= 15 Minutes Later – Mess Hall =/\=

Rol sat down across Kalani his coffee in hand. “Hello again.”

Kalani smiled holding her hot chocolate between her hands, letting its warmth seep into her body. “Did you have enough time to check my file?”

Rol started at her slack jawed.

Kalani laughed, “I’m pretty good at reading people. I appreciate your trying to make me more comfortable. It’s easier to talk here then in a counselor’s office.”

Rol smiled, “Well then let’s chat. Tell me about what brought you to the Starbase.”

Kalani took a sip of her hot chocolate and began, “I am not a ship person. I have wanted to be on a starbase since I was at the Academy.”

Rol smiled, “So this is a dream come true?”

Kalani smiled. “Absolutely! I saw a posting and got it. I’m really happy. To be honest I haven’t unpacked yet. I can’t wait though. I want to be more settled.”

Rol sipped his coffee and added a bit of sugar. Stirring his coffee he studied the woman, “So I read in your file that at the Academy you were a champion swimmer. What other hobbies do you have?”

Kalani shrugged, “I love to read, and to learn, and languages.”

He smiled, “Yes I saw your impressive linguistic knowledge. What lead you to learn all those languages?”

Kalani put her hot chocolate down, “Well if I wanted to be in the antiquities business I needed to know languages.”

He smiled, “Fair enough.” He studied her. Well I think I will clear you for duty. I do have a stipulation.”

Kalani started at him with weary eyes, “Which is?” She sighed, he was going to want her to attend counselling sessions, she knew he would.

“We’ll talk again. I noted a few things in your file, you growing up an orphan, your time at the syndicate, and the incident on the Heart.”

She resisted the urge to roll her eyes, To name a few she thought.

Rol sighed, “Kalaniadreyeliorani you seem like an honest person and I know you are intelligent, your IQ scores are off the charts. So think about this and tell me honestly, are you over these things?"

She looked at him, “No, I cannot tell you I am.”

He smiled, “Alright then. We’ll meet again in a few weeks.”

Kalani stood, “Thank you Counselor Rol.”

He smiled, “Ilan, please,” he said allowing her to use his first name an honour he allowed very few.

Kalani, knowing Bajorans held their names as scared as Orions, Vulcans, and a few others gave a nod, “I am honoured.” She turned and left. She had a medical exam to complete and one last check on the artifacts.



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