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Lazarus effect

Posted on Thu Mar 28th, 2019 @ 8:11pm by Lieutenant Commander Peter Garabaldi & Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD

1,717 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Sickbay, USS Pegasus
Timeline: MD 05 1300 hours


The morning still felt odd, Jaca was still asleep she had slept 24 hours so far and was concerned she'd have to wake her so they could head back.

Today was the day they were going to face the music, bringing a Starfleet officer back from the dead.

"You ready?" Peter asked.

"Yeah." Maria said, "the worst thing is, we end up in prison."

"Don't worry I'll shank a dude for you."


They headed to the transporter pad in the hotel. "Two to the USS Pegasus."

"Very good."

They disappeared and reappeared on board the ship and headed to sickbay.

Hades had finished most everything. His control was slowly slipping and he would need to leave soon. He looked around the sickbay intending to leave when the door hissed open. He looked over recognizing one of the civilians from the station. He wanted to sigh but Carolyn was still with another patient so he'd have to stay at least a little while. "How may I be of assistance?" He asked fighting the urge to wipe the sweat off his lip.

There was a pause then Peter spoke, "This is going to sound weird, my name is Lieutenant Peter Garbaldi, I was declared dead after the destruction of the USS Hierophant."

Hades rarely found himself speechless. "I see...I am guessing your medical officer...wasn't a good one as you seem very much alive."

Maria did smile, "In his defense, the ship did blow up. But the funeral was very nice, we had a great spread."

Then Peter spoke up, "Basically a serious course of events made me dead. I'd like very much to not be dead."

"I see." He sighed. "As CMO I should be able to get your records. If you'd be so kind as to wait over there...I regret I must lock the door and call a security officer to be stationed outside. Standard procedure." He wasn't sure how they got on the ship without him being verified but Hades would follow Sec Pro. "Doctor Corrigan this is Doctor Hades, Please join me when you finish with your patient." He motioned for Maria and Peter to enter a little private office.

Peter just nodded, that was standard. So they walked into the office, and Maria came with, she was a civilian on the starbase and because of the trip, she did have clearance to be on the Pegasus.

Hades took care an empty terminal and entered his security code. He downloaded the file on a PADD and copied a second for Carolyn. He studied the PADD and read the reports. He sighed. This was going to take a while yet. He hoped he could last. He was starting to feel unwell but was glad Carolyn would soon be here to help. He called security and sent a note to Admiral Bremer about what was going on. With that he entered the room and placed a box on the table. "Alright. Statement first." He motioned for Ensign Rogers, a security man, to enter. "Mr. Garabaldi. Please tell me what happened on your ship and how you survived. We must enter an official statement first."

That got a pause and Peter began, "I was on the bridge of the Hierophant, Maria had had her 3-month prenatal checkup, the baby was fine.." He began with a brief recitation of the facts of the situation, the Gorn ship and the complete chaos of the battle. "I got to a bridge escape pod, during the escape my homing beacon was damaged in the ejection and I was recovered by a Ferengi salvage vessel. I was sold to an Orion pirate vessel as an engine room slave. Then I was sold to some Cardassians, who they were I don't know, and next thing I'm being rescued by Maria."

"Which was totally accidental." Maria said, "My friend and business partner Jacaranda, were abducted out of the market for some reason, during an escape I saw a human male who we took with us, then I saw who he was....and..." There was a pause, "He was back."

"Alright." He picked up the cube and gave it to the security officer. "If you'll follow me I will begin the exam. I have your medical records."

Peter walked over to a biobed and sat down.

Hades turned on the bed sensors and picked up a tricorder. "Computer please bring up records of Lieutenant Peter Garabaldi. Side by side with subject A." He began scanning the commander, the computer began collecting data. "Please stay here the scan will take a few minutes

“Is everything alright?” Dr. Corrigan asked as she entered the room, glancing back at the security officer. Heading towards Hades, she frowned, “I thought you had gone.”

"Not as of yet. We have a resurrection to confirm." He said handing her a PADD.

"Run that by me again?" Carolyn said quickly, taking the PADD from him and scanning through it before looking towards the man on the biobed. Peter Garibaldi. Glancing at Hades, she raised an eyebrow, "I admit, this is a first for me."

"Yes.. for me as well. We need a blood sample and dental imaging. Care to do the honours?" He asked.

"You know how to show a girl a good time," she teased, grinning as she moved past him, towards the biobed. Offering their latest patient a warm smile, "I'm Doctor Corrigan. And you must be our very own Lazarus. You must have had quite the adventure, Mr. Garibaldi. Maybe I can get the highlights? After I've ran this dental scan... It'll only take a few seconds."

Hades began going through the tests he'd already run while Garibaldi explained.

He still held Maria's hand who had not let go of him since they entered sickbay,
Once the scan was done he began. Starting with the damage to his escape pod and then the recovery by a Salvage ship, then his time as an engine room slave on at least 3 Orion pirate vessels, "...One time my captain lost me in a game of Dom-Jot, the guy wasn't that good." THen he continued about the final sale to the old Cardassian, then his recovery by Maria. "...and now I'm here trying to be not dead."

“I am very happy to say you are most definitely not dead,” Carolyn assures him as she took a blood sample. She looked up at the woman who stood at the bedside, asking with a warm smile, “and I take it you are Maria?”

"Yes, hello." Maria looked a bit overwhelmed about what had changed in her life.

“If you both want to wait here, I’ll get these blood tests run and the reports filed,” Carolyn told them as she moved away from the pair, looking up at Hades, “care to join me?”

With great pain he stood and they both entered the office. "I have run a cardiac rhythm and brain waive patterns and they match with enough variance of course to allow for age and so forth." He sat down hard in the chair in the by the lab screens. "I believe I am at an end. I will divert the rest of the exam to you," he said looking pale.

“I can look after everything for a couple of days,” she assured him. “And I can wrap this one up. Just get home and do what you need to do to get better. Two days remember...”

He sighed, "Two days..." If he survived that long. "Let the Admiral know as soon as the results are in." He gave a nod and then headed out the back way. He would not take much. A tent and some food.

Carolyn watched him leave, wishing she could do more. Beside her, the terminal chirped, happily announcing some of the results were now ready. At the Academy they had all joked about this process, imagining increasingly fantastic and absurd reasons to report someone had come back from the dead. Nobody ever expected to be used.

Less than ten minutes later, she slipped back into the room where Mr Garibaldi was waiting. Still holding Maria's hand.

"Congratulations, based on every test we have available, I am delighted to report you are very much alive," she told him with a grin. It was even more absurd having to say this. "I've compiled and submitted my report along with the necessary documentary evidence. The issue of you resuming your duties is a more long term concern and will, of course, be at the discretion of your CO pending psychological reports and a full physical exam. And of course, only when you feel willing and able."

Peter just smiled, "Feels good to be back in the land of the living doc." He paused, "Well I'd like to get the exam ASAP so we can get the ball rolling."

"One step at a time," she cautioned. "While I did say you were alive and from what I've seen so far, in surprisingly good health, there are some things to address before you'd want to commit to that physical. Don't try to run before you can walk, as they say."

Peter nodded, "I know I'm going to need a lot of reading before I'm even duty ready anyway. Things do change."

Maria however, still unbelieving, "What's wrong with him?"

"Nothing too serious," she assured them both. "And probably things you know yourself. Malnutrition is the biggest factor. We need to get you on a balanced diet, including some supplements to help your body recover the lost vitamins and minerals you've been missing. All going well, a couple of days should see a marked improvement. And some proper rest wouldn't go amiss."

Maria smiled, "That will not be an issue, I will make sure he eats, give me a list on what foods to use and I will put the weight on him."

"Okay, for now, I need to submit this to the Admiral. I want to see you back here in two days, and I can do a full physical then if you are feeling up to it. For now, though, I think you'll have our security friend as a shadow until you are officially undead. So to speak. Do you have any questions for me right now?."


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