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Beloved - Part 1

Posted on Thu Mar 28th, 2019 @ 8:37pm by Commander Hades,MD

1,349 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Cardassia Prime, Town of Gotemay
Timeline: MD 05 1600 hours


Finding a quiet place outside the village just on the outskirts of the forest Hades set up his tent. The view was magnificent and if Pon’farr did him in at least he’d have the view on his way out. The first few hours were quiet and meditation seemed to calm him and then the pain set in.

Hades cried out in pain, in frustration and anger. His body violently shaking. The meditation hadn’t worked. He felt that his Katra would soon slip away. He would not survive this Pon’farr. He laid down in the grass next to his tent, propping himself against a tree. It was time he gave in. Carolyn wouldn't be happy but his promise to return would not be honoured.


The sound stirred him. He could not move to see who it was but his body and his heart knew.

The figure ran towards him sliding to a stop where Hades lay. “Hades! What’s wrong?”

Hades studied the new arrival. “Ha…how did you find me?”

“I was at the market when you burst by. I could see something was wrong. I…followed you.” The concern was evident on the new arrival’s face. “You should be in sickbay.”

Hades sat up using more strength then he’d ever used. He could not let anyone see him like this…it was un-Vulcan. “Get out of here! Go!”

“Don’t you take that tone with me! I know something is wrong. You’re sweating, your mad as a bee that’s been smacked with a newspaper and you’re pale and obviously in pain. How can I help? We need to get you to the hospital.”

Hades resisted the new arrival’s pulls, “I’m dying.”

The shock on the beautiful face before him was evident and instant. “What? No! No this is a …”

“It’s not a mistake.” He sighed, “My people call it Pon’farr. It is a time where a Vulcan is driven to return home to…take a mate, to solidify a bond to a mate chosen long ago.”

Hades watched as a mix of emotions ran through eyes that seemed to act as a mood ring changing colours with life’s storms.

“You have a mate?”

Hades smiled reaching up with great effort and a shaking hand to brush a stray hair that had fallen across the new arrival’s smooth forehead. “No.. I do not. I would not have begun things with you if I had,” he said his voice taking on a softness he found always there when this particular Starbase crew member was present. “Since I am not bonded and I cannot make the symptoms go away with meditation…”

“You can’t die.”

Hades watched as the stormy eyes filled with tears.

“You can’t, Hades.”

Hades could see the moment the idea formed in those eyes. “Can…can we be mates?”

Hades shook his head. “This is not about the act mathra. It is the bond, the mind link that is required to sustain the Vulcan.”

Hades watched the smile spread across the lovely face before him. “You know I looked that up. My Vulcan is good but wasn’t good enough. mathra. It means butterfly. Why Butterfly?”

Hades smiled. He tried to speak with the sound was weaker than just a moment ago.

A sigh, “Why can’t we bond in that way? I mean I know that this thing between us just started but… that means nothing.”

“I could not ask this of you. We are both…uncertain of…”

“Damn it Hades! I’m not uncertain. I knew the very first time that I met your grumpy butt that I liked you. Shan’hal’lak is what the Vulcan’s call it.”

Hades sighed his brow knitting and frustration. “This is not love at first sight.

“The hell it’s not. Maybe not for you but it was for me. I have spent my life praying to my gods for someone like you. In you I see the second part of my soul.”

Hades watched for the first time unable to speak.

“You see, Hades, my parents were an arranged marriage. Their parents put them together much like your Vulcan people do. My mother was in love the moment she saw my father. He … took some time. My mother said she loved for the both of them until his feelings caught up. Well, I never understood what that meant until you. I know you doubt, I know you fear this thing between us, I know that you fear love and getting hurt but I won’t hurt you. I won’t disappoint you…at least not on purpose. You say that you won’t survive this…and…and it’s not because of your condition but stubbornness. I am prepared to take this slow after the bond but I am not prepared to let you die because if you go so does my heart, my soul, and my very breath.”

Tears ran down Hades’ cheeks. “I…”

“Please…take my hand. Bond with me. Let me hold you to my heart, let me show you the love you have not yet had. The bond can be broken at a later time but give this a try, I trust you with my life, won’t you give me that trust, take a chance. Confront your fear of love.”

The words stuck something deep within Hades. He recalled Lai’lira’s message about being given a choice about confronting his fear.

Part of him wanted to say no. This beautiful soul before him was more then he deserved. “I…”


Hades sighed, “A bond is difficult amongst Vulcans but more so amongst those who are not. Your species does not have active telepathy but this bond will activate that part of your mind where the abilities lay dormant. It will be a link between you and I where you will know what is in my mind and I in yours.”

“Less talking more bonding.”

Hades laughed, even during this serious time the beautiful soul before him could make him laugh. He gently cupped the face of his soon to be beloved. “Are you sure?”

“Do you need me to go get a data PADD and type it out?”

Hades smiled, “Alright. It will be like a mind meld but…stronger. Ready?”


Hades began, “I take you as my mate, my partner, my equal, the second part of my soul. I give you my loyalty, my allegiance, my life, I promise to protect you, keep you safe, and to always be there for you. I give you my mind and take yours for my own. We are one mind, one heart, and one path.”

Hades felt the pull a buzzing in the back of his skull that signified a bond being formed.

His beloved spoke even though words were not necessary, “Hades, I take you for my mate, I give you my heart, my life, and my being. When you cannot see I will be your eyes, when you cannot hear I will be your ears, when you cannot stand I will be your strength. I will be the wind that holds you up. I will protect you with my life. I will love for us both, I will treasure every moment.”

Hades could feel the tears falling from his eyes again.

Who was this jewel given to him?

Who was he to deserve such a precious gift?

Gently he drew his beloved to him and touched his lips to the lips of his beloved’s. Tonight he would give all he had and all he was to this pure and beautiful soul that had touched a part of his heart he thought long dead.

Images feelings were shared between the two, blood fever burning in both.

Hades stood and held his shaking hand out to his beloved. “I take you as my Beloved. The bond is now complete.

To Be Continued...


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