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Posted on Thu Mar 28th, 2019 @ 8:43pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Lieutenant Commander Peter Garabaldi & Maria Garabaldi & Petty Officer 1st Class Aquilina de Luca

875 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: USS Pegasus
Timeline: MD5 1430hrs, following 'Lazarus effect'


After leaving the doctor's Peter and Maria had one goal, go home, get rest and start actually learning about each other.

"For the last 4 years I've been just...drifting." Maria said, "I had to raise our son alone, now you're back..."

Peter responded, "I tried to escape. But I couldn't, so I left you alone, I am so sorry."

She hugged him, "You didn't do it on purpose, so why don't we figure this out together."

"Sounds like a good plan."

"Miss Garabaldi?" The short dark haired Petty Officer asked. "I'm Petty Officer de Luca, Fleet Admiral Bremer's Yeoman. He's asked me to escort you aboard the Pegasus. He'd like to meet with you, both of you." She glanced at the man with Maria.

"Of course." Maria responded though she was still not sure. She looked at Peter who shrugged, "Lead the way Petty Officer. I'm not exactly having a lot to do."

Bremer's Ready Room

Mike had just finished sending several invitations to the high ranking Alliance members still at Cardassia. A few had already departed including Fleet Admiral Sevlek. They were requested to beam aboard the Pegasus at 1800 hours tomorrow and meet in Holodeck Four for an 'informal discussion'.

Mike stood and received a warm mug of raktajino from the food slot when the chime rang. "Enter."

De Luca motioned for the Garabaldi to enter the Ready Room and once they did she returned to her usual duty station.

"Please, have a seat." Mike said, motioning to two open chairs in front of his desk.

"Welcome back to the world Commander. How are you feeling?" Mike asked.

"Sill pretty overwhelmed." He thought, Commander, I'm a lieutenant, but said nothing. "Doc said I was in decent health, but aside from that I'm still in shock how much things changed."

Mike smiled, "I understand. Tell me, what happened?"

There was a pause then Peter began his story, "When the Heirophant was destroyed, I managed to get to an escape pod, but it was damaged during the ejection. I couldn't get a signal and was recovered by a Ferengi Salvage ship...." The story continued including his time as an engine slave on Orion pirate vessels. "..Then I was waking up in a dark room with Maria staring at me."

She spoke up, explaining how she and Jaca got kidnapped, she did give the best descriptions of the Cardassians she could, and what she could recall of the location, "When we managed to get out, I saw him and during the escape I realized...." There was a pause, "Who he was."

Mike nodded. "It took a strong man to endure what you did following the Heirophant's destruction. It also took a strong woman to endure the loss and now sudden return. You both have a long road a head of you." Mike paused a stood up.

He walked around to the side of his desk and picked up a PADD. "You both need someone stable to live, and since Maria already has that on Starbase 400, I believe her husband should join her. I'm not sure of your plans, however, looking at your record before the loss of the Hierophant and everything you've been through after, I'd be honored if you joined our crew, officially. Our Chief Security/Tactical Officer was reassigned a few day ago, and we have a need there. I believe you can fill that, with a promotion to the rank of Lieutenant Commander."

Mike handed the PADD to Peter. "This not only shows that you're Starfleet Record has been reopened, but you're now officially listed as alive again. It will be updated with your report following the Heirophant's loss and your offer of a position aboard Starbase 400."

Peter looked at the PADD, yes he was now per Starfleet alive. which was good and was now a Lt Commander, plus Chief of Security on a Starbase. He handed the Padd to Maria who looked at him and quietly nodded. They were still going to have a long road, but their personal shorthand had not changed.

"Sir, I would be honored to accept."

Mike then picked up a small box and handed it to Maria. "He's a little out of uniform." Mike smirked before walking back to his seat, then turned back to the couple, "Oh, and the job comes with a week of leave followed by another thirty days you can take when you want to."

Maria took the small box and pinned the little disc that signified his new rank. Peter continued and nodded, He would have to start catching up, especially with tactical on a starbase. "When do you want me to start?" He wasn't sure if start the week today, then go back to work, or start work ASAP.

"You'll travel back to the station with us in two days, then report for duty a week later." Mike said, then smiled and added, "You two need to catch up first."

"Thank you sir." This came from both of them.

Mike smiled, "That PADD also has a lot of regional tactical information, Starbase 400 and our support ship info, and more." Mike extended his hand, "Welcome aboard the Pegasus and to the Starbase 400 family."

Peter took it, "Thank you sir."



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