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Posted on Sun Mar 3rd, 2019 @ 7:32pm by Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD
Edited on on Mon Mar 4th, 2019 @ 3:14pm

648 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Cardassia
Timeline: MD2

Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice...

Enjoying the fresh air and the warmth of the afternoon sunshine, Doctor Corrigan sat on a bench situated within the perfectly manicured gardens of the academic campus. Sequestered for the duration of the cultural exchange, the physician suspected an effort had been made to make the grounds more aesthetically pleasing to their guests. Or perhaps Cardassian's were more into landscape gardening than she imagined.

Either way, she had been enjoying the moment of solitude. Until a familiar voice had called her name. Older, yes but still instantly recognisable.

And in that instant she recalled how her conversation with Dr Hades had turned to the infamous Professor Richard Langdon. And further back, to movie nights her brother used to host of old films. She frowned, running through her conversation with Hades and then realising the mistake.

"Never say his name three times," her brother's voice whispered, an echo of a memory in her head.

Opening her eyes, Carolyn offered a polite smile as she looked up at the face of the aging physician. At almost seventy years of age, he looked exactly as she recalled, although with perhaps a little less of his greying hair than before. She didn't want to stare long enough to be sure. It would be rude.

Even now he wore his equally aging tweed suit, the shirt adorned with a brown bow tie that matched his eyes. He still clutched a walking stick in his right hand but if you asked anyone, he could outrun the youngest and fittest cadet if the mood took him. It just didn't take him very often these days.

His gaze was piercing, studying her as he awaited her reply.

"Professor Langdon," she smiled, climbing to her feet. "I didn't know you were coming to Cardassia."

"A last minute decision. Professor Isaccs was unwell so I was asked to step in. Although I can't say I care for the food. Or the tea. Fortunately I am here to educate not serve as a food critic."

"Oh, I hope it is nothing too serious," Carolyn said slowly, trying to mask her disappointment. Inwardly she wondered if it was too late to pull out of some of the lectures she had signed up for... "It was very kind of you to step in. I hadn't heard."

"I heard you were assigned to Starbase 400?" he asked, clearly curious as he took a seat beside her.

"Yes, Assistant Chief Medical Officer," she confirmed with a nod.

"Good, good. A talent should not go to waste," he murmoured, surveying the view. "What happened... It was simply tragic."

Carolyn glanced at him for a brief moment, taking a second to realise what he was talking about. Her smile faded, tensing as she too took an interest in the scenery. Long seconds of uncomfortable silence stretched out until the sound of approaching footsteps caught her attention.

"Professor, I'm sorry, but we are needed in the auditorium," a young woman called out as she hurried towards them, studying a PADD. "And Doctor Adams wants to run through his presentation."

"James Adams?" Carolyn asked curiously.

The young woman looked at her, surprised at the question and as if just really seeing her for the first time. "Yes, why?"

"No reason," Carolyn lied.

"Okay.... Professor, we really must go," the woman insisted.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," Langdon sighed as he hauled himself to his feet. "I trust I will see you at one of my lectures? I'm hoping we can teach the Cardassians some real medicine!"

With that he set off with a laugh. Carolyn watched him go, shaking her head. After one of his lectures, the diplomats were going to have a lot of work to do. She wondered if she should warn Dr Hades but then decided he had should enjoy his morning. He'd hear about this soon enough.



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Comments (1)

By Commander Hades,MD on Sun Mar 3rd, 2019 @ 9:05pm

Love it! Great log!