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Meltdowns, Conversations, and Should Have Beens

Posted on Sat Mar 9th, 2019 @ 6:09pm by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant JG Ilan Rol

2,662 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Sickbay, USS Pegasus followed by Crew Quarters
Timeline: MD 02 1700 hours


Hades dropped down into his chair and laid his head back on the cushion. The staff had come and gone and he was due back on Cardassia but for now he just needed a quiet moment. Dinner last night was enlightening. He was also a little confused about things. He had to smile. Hades had a theory that whenever her was in inner turmoil the counselor found a way to be there.

Moments later Ariana appeared in the doorway. “So how has your day been so far?” She smiled as she stood massaging her aching back. It was something she was getting used to.”

Hades jumped slightly. He studied her. "Counsellor did anyone ever tell you that you have spooky timing?"

"" She grinned. "But I like it!" She walked over to the nearest chair and sat down sighing with relief as she took the weight off her feet.

He smiled, "So how are you feeling these days. This trip can't be easy for you."

"No it's not but I'm certainly not going to complain either." She smiled as she rested. "I consider both myself and my baby lucky to be alive and I intend to enjoy every little moment of this pregnancy whether it's an aching back. Swollen ankles, a wriggling baby or anything else." She grinned.

He laughed, "Fair enough." He pulled out a tricorder and scanned her. After a few moments he smiled, "All seems well. Your blood pressure is back to normal, I'm glad to say."

"Well that's good news" She smiled warmly. "Five months down only another four or five to go providing all continues to go well. So how are things going for you?"

He sighed, "It has been a rough time for me." He said honestly, maybe for the first time ever.

"Want to talk about it?" She smiled as she rested her feet on another chair. "Off record I promise."

He sighed, "Perhaps." He leaned back. "I guess I should start by saying that I've never been lucky in love. I think just about every relationship I've had has been a disaster and I just don't know if I can go through that again."

“Don’t let failed relationships put you off falling in love” Ariana smiled. “It’s better to learn from mistakes not to give up because of them. After I lost Jonathon I gave consideration to never bothering with finding someone else to love. To just raise my baby alone, but before he died Jonathon and I spoke at length about his wishes for me.” She paused for a moment to gather her emotions. “He wanted me to find someone else, a father for our child, he asked me to promise that I would and I did.” She sat dwelling on the thoughts of the discussion for a few moments before looking up at Hades. “I’ve moved on, that’s what you need to do too.”

He smiled, "Easier said then done when everyone who you've loved has betrayed you." He sighed as he stood and looked out the window. "Maybe it's a simple answer. I'm the CMO here and maybe as the CMO I should just keep my distance and stay single. It will help me focus on my craft."

“That’s your decision to make” Ariana relaxed back in her seat. “But as CMO you deal with a lot of stressful situations, we professionals need someone to share that burden and not just a Counsellor or family member. Not that I’m saying I mind you coming to me when you want to talk, I don’t mind at all. Besides give it a few more months and I’ll be the one giving you the job to do anyway!” She grinned.

He smiled, "I will have to think on it. I just can't get past the fear. Maybe for now good friends are all I need."

"Then may I be one of those good friends?" Ariana smiled warmly as she looked at him. "You've been nothing but kind to me since I got here and I already consider you a friend."

He smiled, "Absolutely. He sighed, "We could always use more friends." He looked away as if he wanted to say something but was weighing weather or not he should say something.

"And?" Ariana looked at Hades curiously. "What else do you want to say that you're not saying?"

He sighed, "Nothing...I just had a rough night. I was helping a mutual friend of ours."

"Ah...Rol?" She smiled as she gave him a quizzical look.

He sighed, "He had a meltdown. I got an emergency call and he was deep inside an anxiety attack. I just can't put my hands on it. This one was different This was a physical issue. I'm running tests."

“A physical issue?” Ariana frowned. “Generally panic attacks are, as you said, anxiety driven. For it to be a physical event is something completely different. Anxiety can have a drastic effect on the body but only if the fear that’s driving it is profound enough. What is it he’s so afraid of facing? There must be more to his background than we know for this to have become so severe a problem!”

"The Vulcan's believe in mind over matter. He has to control his mind. I've been working with him meditation wise hasn't helped." He sighed. "I just don't know what to do. I would like to assist him but....he won't let me."

“Is there anything I can do?” She looked at Hades curiously. “I know I can’t make him talk about what he doesn’t want to talk about but there must be something I can do.” She sighed. “I can’t do a telepathic reading without his permission and even if he did it would probably be too stressful in my current condition anyway!”

Hades laughed. "I've been in his mind. Place of no return." His smile lingered. "I'll sort itself out. He's going to see his step father tonight."

"Fingers crossed it'll do some good then" Ariana smiled. "Can I ask a favour? Would you check the baby for me?" She looked perplexed. "I can feel that he or she is alive but since I collapsed I don't seem to be feeling as much movement as before. Maybe it's just my imagination or the stress I've been under, I just want to be sure everything is okay."

He smiled and picked up his tricorder. Slowly slipping the tiny probe from its compartment he let it hover over her belly and watched as the readings came through. "All read outs normal. It could be the stress. Tell me about your diet as of late."

“I’ll admit when I was stressing I wasn’t eating as regularly as I should have been” She gently rested her hands on her stomach. “I’ve bedn making sure I eat a healthy breakfast, if I snack it’s on fruit or something else healthy and for meals Marcus has programmed me some options into the replicator. Generally a tray of milk, fruit juice, a selection of items from all the food groups and also a dessert option if I want it too.” She shrugged her shoulders. “I guess I am still a little uptight, these seminars should take my mind off things and when we get home I’ll arrange something with our new counsellor, my friend, Freya Ross to say a proper goodbye to my lost baby. It’s what I need to do.”

"I think that's wise." He said. "If I can assist in any way let me know."

"I will, now tell me what I can do to help you." Ariana sat looking at Hades waiting to see what he'd say.

"Nothing really I just.." A calm voice interrupted their conversation. =/\=Doctor Hades medical emergency crew quarters....=/\=

As she rattled off the number he sighed. "It's Rol." He grabbed the med kit. "I think you should stay here." He somehow knew she wouldn't.

“No chance!” Aeryn stood ready to go with him. “Whatever is going on I need to help sort it out. Rol is part of the Counselling department after all. He needs both our help!”

He sighed, "Fine but block your senses. Trust me on this." It didn't take long for them to reach the quarters and Hades punched in the override code. The door hissed open and he was greeted by a nurse trying to calm a very agitated Rol. Hades dismissed the nurse. Rol was obviously having trouble breathing. His face was red and his eyes swollen. Hades quickly flipped open his tricorder and reviewed the read outs. He sighed and closed it. Stepping into Rol's space he grabbed the man by the shoulders. "Breath Rol. Just breath!"

Ariana had ramped up her mental barriers as much as she could but her pregnancy wasn't helping with control. Walking into Rol's quarters was like being hit by an invisible, emotional cricket bat. She stayed back not too far from the door in case she needed to get out in a hurry. She kept silent not wanting to interrupt Hades work with Rol, it didn't help that she was partially feeling just what Rol was experiencing.

Rol focused on breathing and a wave of dizziness caught him off guard. He began to collapse and Hades caught him. He brought him down gently and began speaking in Bajoran to the man.

Rol seemed to respond but the tears soon overtook him.

Hades sighed and then embraced Rol. "It's alright." He turned to Ariana. "His step father has passed away."

Ariana had managed to get a better grip on the emotional overflow now Rol was calmer, walking over to where the two were the tears in her own eyes were a good indication of how strongly she was feeling his emotions. “I’m so sorry Rol. I want to help you...we both do. All you have to do is let us.” She wiped away a few stray tears feeling rather silly, She was going to have to talk to Hades about her senses and what she could do to control them while she was pregnant.

Rol just broke away and went to the window to stare out at the stars. He said nothing.

Hades sighed, "Counsellor perhaps you better head home. "I'll stay here."

"Not this time!" Ariana sighed and walked over to Rol. "I am sorry for your loss, you need us Rol and I need you. You're a valued part of the counselling team and a friend. You can pretend all you like but I know what you're feeling because I can feel it!" She paused for a moment. I am going to sit right over there..." She pointed at the sofa. "When you're ready come and talk to me okay?" With that she did just that resting her head back on the sofa as she did so.

Hades clasped his shoulder "She is as stubborn as you are my friend."

Through his pain Rol had to smile. He let Hades lead him over to the sofa and sat down. Hades looked at the counselor. "Why don't you tell her what happened last night."

Ariana looked at Hades offering him a smile as Rol settled on the sofa. More to let him know she was alright so he didn't have to worry about having two patients to look after instead of one. "So what happened Rol? You know that what is said here will not leave this room."

The silence was long, so long that Hades thought Rol wouldn't answer. "He called me last night."

"Okay" Ariana looked at Rol. "Then what happened?"

"He asked me to have dinner with him today and I said I wasn't ready. This morning I got the call from his house staff." Hades gave a man's shoulder a squeeze. "This is not your fault."

"He's right, you weren't to know Rol." Ariana gently rested her hand on his giving it a gentle squeeze before letting go again. "If you'd have known what was coming you'd have been there."

"Would I have?"

Hades looked at him. "So what now?"

Rol shrugged, "I was asked to attend his memorial. I don't know if I should go."

"If you can face it then I'd suggest you go." Ariana sat looking at Rol. "If you don't go you may end up regretting it in the future and it may give you some closure. If you would like someone with you I'd be more than happy to accompany you."

Rol shrugged. "I'll think about it.

Hades looked over at Ariana. "Maybe we should go. You need some sleep and I have something that might help your back." He turned to Rol and held up a hypo. "So do you but I suggest this to help you calm down."

Rol eyed him, "Doctor you seem to be enjoying the fact that you are about to give me a shot."

Hades smiled, "Who me? Not in the least....okay maybe a little." The earlier tension between the two seemed gone. They seemed to have struck up a friendship rather quickly.

Ariana smiled at the relationship between the two as she stood up ready to leave. She waited until Hades was ready rather than interrupt. "Actually Braxton already gave me something for my back pain I just haven't got around to using it much. Although something longer term would be nice."

Hades pressed the hypo to Rol's neck emptying its contents with a loud hiss. "Off to bed with you. I shall check on you in the morning."

He turned and he and Ariana left. He sighed, "This is going to be a long trip."

"Tell me about it!" She grinned. "Still it's good Rol is finally talking to us about this. He's started the long road to recovery, he just has to keep on going."

"Yes that is good." In that moment the exhaustion Hades was feeling seemed to show through. It had been a while since he rested and it appeared that he wouldn't be getting any rest.

"Might I suggest you get some sleep Doctor." Ariana offered an understanding smile. "You look worn out and you are just as important as anyone else."

He smiled, "Perhaps tomorrow. I have a meeting with the head medical officer on the planet tonight. A dinner after that and then I have to check on Rol. Tomorrow I have an early sickbay shift and a few other things." They found their way back to sickbay. "Let me get you that back soother. You might need help putting it on."

"That...would be lovely." Ariana smiled. "I really do think you should take it easy though, you need rest too. Just make sure you get some sleep tonight okay?"

He smiled, "I will try my best." He pulled out a large patch. "Rather medieval. You peal and stick through the day to keep the pain away." He shook his head. "My apologies that was not meant to be a rhyme."

Ariana couldn't help but giggle. "Actually I like it! You're a poet at heart." She looked at the patch, "I know it's a stupid question but it won't have any side effects on the baby will it?"

He shook his head. "None what so ever. In fact it will make the baby more comfortable and your back less painful. Only have it on for eight hours." He handed her a box. "When you run out come see me I have more."

"Thank you!" Ariana smiled before stepping forward and kissing him on the cheek. "Consider that appreciation for all your hard work." She stepped back as she yawned. "Right now I'm looking forward to a good nights rest.

He smiled, "Well then have a good rest."

"You too Doctor" Ariana smiled as she watched him go before heading on her way.



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