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Small Detour

Posted on Sat Mar 9th, 2019 @ 6:29pm by Brigadier General Kaden Ross

2,249 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Cardassia
Timeline: MD02 1715 hrs

Kaden sat on one of the new blankets he bought in a secluded area of the park next to a pond waiting for Freya to meet him while she was finishing making her purchases in the market place. It was hard to believe that at one time this park was littered in craters and dead bodies from the Dominion War. He was only a toddler when the War was raging and could remember his parents taking time away from running the family car manufacturing business to protest the conflict citing his great great grandfather; General Olsen Ross of the old United Earth Military Assault Command Operations prophecy of not maintaining a proper military force when MACO was disbanded in 2162 as what be the downfall of everything that was achieved from the Earth-Romulan War. Of course, the 22nd Century was rather complete mess riddled with tall tales of some time travel warriors messing around in that period that led to the Xindi Attack on Earth. Whether that was true or not Kaden always thought it was bull shit and still does but one thing was for sure before he joined the Marines he was the first of his family to do so since Olsen Ross served and continue his great-great grandfather’s legacy again. Laying on the ground he crossed his ankles and rested his head on his arms like a makeshift pillow waiting for his wife to meet him while staring up at the blue sky watching the clouds slowly move by.

Freya had gone her own way after they’d done their shopping to go and see what symposiums she had lined up. There were quite a few medical symposiums, some she needed to attend and others that weren’t a necessity for a field medic. There were also some for the Counselling staff and other general symposiums as well. One thing was certain she wasn’t going to get bored anytime soon! She’d managed to attend a couple of short symposiums before heading to meet Kaden as she knew he was waiting for her to join him. She smiled as she walked over to see him stretched out staring at the sky. “Anything interesting up there?”

Kaden smiled as he focused on his wife. “Why yes, a beautiful Betazoid just showed up.” He replied with a grin. “Your shopping took a bit longer than I thought so I went ahead and attended a Military symposium that was hosted by a fellow with a few interesting theories on The Dominion’s military dominance of the Gamma Quadrant.” He patted on the blanket for Freya to join him. “Luckily we agreed to come here earlier cause you were still doing things when it was over been waiting a while for you, My Love.”

"Sorry I got carried away shopping then I had to check the symposium list to see what I need to attend." She sat down before lying cuddled up with him. "Forgive me?"

Kaden pulled her closer kissed her on the lips with a smile. “Nothing to forgive, Frey, gave me some time alone although I was starting to miss you a little.”

"Only a little?" She smiled as she returned his kiss. "You know this is like an extension to our honeymoon. I'm enjoying the extra time with you, I expected to be so busy I wouldn't see you that much until evening!"

Kaden rolled onto his side to look at Freya better propping himself up on his elbow. “Most of the Military stuff I need to attend is tomorrow I did do one today while you were busy figured I break in the blankets we bought from the tailor shop while I waited for you.”

"Well, I'm here now!" She grinned as she lay back on the blankets and stared up at the sky. "So what am I looking at here besides our ships orbiting the planet?"

Kaden placed his hand on her belly and rubbed it a little. “I was just thinking about my family history a little...” He sat up as he looked around the area. “Some of the locals say this was once the site of no man's land on the final days of The Dominion War. Took them several years to make it what it is today and you can’t even tell a battle took place here.”

"No you can't" She smiled as she looked at him. "So tell me more about your family history."

“Well, before my family started the family business building cars I came from a long line of warriors on Earth starting with my ancestor Nathaniel Ross who began the tradition fighting in the French and Indian War and the American Revolutionary War with his son Thomas Ross before the tradition carried on for generations in my family. That was until my great great grandfather General Olsen Ross resigned after MACO was disbanded tried to focus on the family business with his brother.” Kaden sighed as he laid back down again looking up into the sky.

"And you want to be remembered as the heroic warrior too?" Freya smiled. "Another reason why I'd like us to have a family, to carry on the family line."

Kaden sighed and shook his head. “It shouldn’t be all about my family line there is yours too. Besides I am the first Ross in over two generations to be back in service and the first to join Starfleet. You and your family I guess just don’t wind up like your Aunt and Cousins the ones you said make Lwaxana Troi look tame in comparison. I can see why your dad and she don’t get along her and her kids drive everyone insane how your uncle fell in love with that is beyond me.”

“Well, love isn’t discriminate it happens.” She smiled. “She may be eccentric and a little crazy but she’s different and a real laugh sometimes. There were times growing up when I got so uptight about things and she was always the one who brought me around with a laugh!” She grinned as she thought about it. “As for the family line...” She placed his hand on her stomach. “I want to have our baby growing in here Imzadi. I know I go on and on about it and I know you’re afraid about it too but no matter what the future brings we can face it together.” She lay looking into his eyes. “Please Imzadi. Say yes and I can go and see Doctor Hades see what this treatment is to increase our chances.”

Kaden wasn’t certain but he could feel her hand slowly move down his body. “ do make a very valid point, Frey, but if I didn’t know any better I say you really trying to convince me.” He motioned to her hand slowly making its way down him.

“Maybe I am” She smiled as she looked at him. “But I think we’d need somewhere a lot more private than here! it working?” She gave him a wry smile.

Kaden could feel Freya reach down his body. "Uh...I think so..." His breathing was increasing a little. Kaden pulled Freya off him as he got his feet kicking off his shoes and pausing to take a look around feeling a bit nervous but still nobody was in sight. "I don't think we need to worry here of anyone seeing us."

"Are you serious!?" Freya may have been letting her hands wonder but she was fully aware that they were in public on a planet where they were guests. "Kaden....we can't! not here!" She was feeling the urge to make love as much as he was but if they were caught they'd face the wrath of their new Commanding Officers. "There was a place I saw not far from here..."

Kaden sighed and sat back down on the blanket she had a point probably wasn’t wise to do such a thing like this out in the open. “I guess you have a point...” He reached for his shoes shaking his head as he started to put them back on.

Freya waited for him to put his shoes back on before quickly taking his hand and leading him back along the path the way she’d come. She was going to lead him to a storeroom before seeing a denser area of trees not far from them. “Wait...” she grinned a wry grin. “We’ve never made love like this before.” She pulled him over to the trees hiding them away behind the bow of a large tree. “We are so naughty!”

Kaden didn’t have time to say anything when Freya pulled him off the ground leaving their things on the grass she was caught up in the moment. But the memory of his foolish idea of making love to her in public at her parent's house came to mind as he was being led into the trees. “Frey, stop...STOP!” Kaden pulled himself free from her hand. “I...I can’t do this...” It wasn’t that he didn’t want to make love to his wife but he didn’t do it out here and risk getting in trouble. Walking back over to their things the Marine sat back down on the blanket hanging his head in shame.

“I’m sorry” Freya’s smile faded. “I guess it was a stupid idea. There are some seminars and meetings going on this afternoon that I should attend anyway.”

Kaden motioned his wife to come to join him on the blanket. “Hey, it is not your fault it was mine in getting you all riled up I just...feel that you are right on keeping ourselves out of trouble here not to mention me making a fool of myself any further.” He looked up at Freya and smiled. “We can always pick this up in our quarters if you want.”

Freya smiled. "Now that is an offer I can't refuse!" She grinned.

“Wife, I uh...want to ask you something that has been on my mind all day,” Kaden confessed.

"Okay," Freya sat and looked at her husband. "I'm listening."

“I been thinking with how I reacted earlier too, Ariana, I know she is going through a lot with John gone and all that I don’t like the idea of her being alone like she is.” Kaden looked at Freya raising his eyebrows. “What do you think of the idea of her coming to stay with us?”

Freya looked at Kaden in surprise. "Are you serious?" She smiled. "I think that's a lovely idea! I fund hear a rumor that Ariana is seeing someone but I'm sure if she has a problem with staying with us she'll tell us." She gently kissed Kaden on the cheek. "You are wonderful you know that?"

Kaden offered a smile as he adjusted himself to face Freya better. “Well I just feel after how I acted to her earlier this would be my way of apologizing plus might help me down the road get used to the idea of you know...having a family.” He waited for Freya’s reaction unsure what it could be.

Freya practically glowed at his mention of having a family. "Oh, Kaden!!" She threw her arms around his neck and gave him the biggest hug yet. "So when do we ask her?"

Kaden returned her hug while also trying to figure out how to respond to that. “Uh, I am not exactly see...I am a bit nervous to ask but I guess the next time I see her I suppose.”

Freya nodded. "Well if you want me to ask her, just let me know okay? I think it would mean more if it came from you though."

“No I will ask her but come to think of it...didn’t you mention she met some flyboy?” Kaden could see the look on his wife’s face as if she was wondering if he going to go off on some rant. “I know that look, no I have nothing against pilots....well except if given the chance they marry their ships than anything...bout as bad as engineers.”

"Just don't say that in front of Ariana!" Freya gave Kaden a serious look. "You'll hurt her feelings. We give her boyfriend the benefit of the doubt, besides she'll probably want time alone or time away from us with him. She'll need us more once the baby is born, she'll need to rest and recuperate that's when we'll be of the most help to her."

Kaden sighed as he rested his hand on hers. “I will try to not say that besides, I wasn’t expecting her to not see the guy I mean she has uh...needs.”

"Oh those needs..." Freya smiled and nodded. "I don't think Ariana will be rushing into anything so soon after losing Jonathon. Plus if she did want to be alone with her boyfriend I'm sure she'd probably accompany him back to his quarters or arrange it for when we're not at home."

Kaden thought in silence for a moment before nodding. “Well, long as she is happy and we are happy that is all that matters.” He replied with a smile.

"I guess that just leaves us to ask Ariana now then." Freya smiled. "Let's hope she'll accept.



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