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A request to consider

Posted on Sat Mar 9th, 2019 @ 6:42pm by Brigadier General Kaden Ross & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne

1,329 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Cardassia
Timeline: MD02 1730 hrs

Ariana was enjoying the open spaces of Cardassia, she was planning on getting some sleep but she'd decided to take one last walk before turning in early. She wasn’t alone for long before a familiar sense of someone approaching crossed her senses. “Hello Kaden” she smiled as she looked at Kaden.

Kaden needs time alone to figure out how to exactly approach Ariana on his proposal that he and Freya discussed it was his way of apologizing to her for his actions earlier. But the woman was almost like the sister Freya never had and she was really nice to Kaden once he came around to trust her to where he liked her too. With John gone and her alone expecting a baby he couldn’t picture her not having anyone to look after her at this point in her life yes she was a capable woman but he felt compelled to help her. Hearing Ariana greets him from behind he stopped dead in his tracks turned to face her. “Oh..hey didn’t see you there.”

“Care to take a seat?” Ariana smiled as she motioned to a seat. “I know you were uncomfortable and put on the spot last time we saw each other. I understand that you sometimes say things you don’t intend to say so just to say no offense taken okay?”

Kaden took a seat resting his elbows on the table and interlaced his fingers. “Ariana, I feel bad for that I looked forward to seeing you again especially since John passed away cause I wanted you to have some good old friends back in your life after such a tragic event like you had and instead I became a bumbling insensitive idiot back there.” He looked at her belly a small feeling of uncomfort rising deep down. “I knew you were expecting but...I guess with Freya wanting kids and me wanting the time it just made me freak out.”

"You're feeling pressured?" Ariana nodded understandingly. "Would you like me to speak to Freya for you?"

“I don’t know." Kaden began. “Ariana, I understand she wants kids and hell I do as well I want little ones running around.” He leaned back in his chair. “But she tells me that Doctor Hades said there might be complications and it has me on edge.”

"Kaden..." Ariana paused. "I lost a baby....I was carrying twins when I got here, but disaster struck. What I'm trying to say is that the doctors on the station are the best! They saved my life and that of my baby. Trust in them and let them help. They won't let anything happen to Freya, she'll be in safe hands I promise." She sucked in a breath as she gently stroked her bump.

“I need time, Ariana, can’t you understand that? Being a dad is a big task I have to take on and for all I know I may be the worst father in history.” Kaden shook his head with a long sigh.

"Kaden give me your hand" Ariana held out her hand. "Trust me. I'm not going to hurt you. Just give me your hand." She waited for him to slowly give her his hand before gently resting it on her stomach. "You feel that?" She smiled. "That's the miracle of life Kaden. For what's it worth I don't believe you'd be a bad father."

Kaden pulled his hand away looking at it. “Well, I do I mean look how I acted towards you, Ariana, our friendship is a rather unique one you and Freya are almost sisters and well...there was that time you and I saw one another naked. But what if, Freya, was in your position being that far pregnant and I just...acted like that to her I would feel like a complete jerk.” He couldn’t help but slouch in his chair.

"Your wife knows you, and so do I" She smiled. "Anyway I think for now the best thing to do is to stop worrying and let your marriage progress naturally. Trying to force events to happen or not to happen, will just lead to problems."

“Ariana, I want to ask you something and this may seem a bit out of left field here if you will forgive the Earth reference but I owe you a serious apology.” Kaden nervously tapped his fingers on the table trying to muster up the courage to ask.

"Just come out and ask, I promise I won't bite." Ariana grinned as she waited to see what this mysterious question was.

“What do you think of the idea of coming to stay with us? I mean with John gone and all you well expecting I hate the idea of you being alone at a time like this. It mean a lot to me if you would, maybe it would help me get used to the idea of a family of my own.” Kaden quickly sat up in his seat. “That is if this rumour of you seeing someone is true then I will understand if you say no last you need is a oaf like me around to mess things up.”

Ariana paused for a moment. "Kaden that's a very generous thing to offer. To be honest I am seeing someone but I know he worries about me being alone." She paused. "We'd have to make sure you have large enough quarters back at the station" She smiled. "Incase I'm not being clear, that's a yes. I don't want to be on yours & Freya's way so I'll only stay until after the baby is born, maybe just until I've recovered from the birth."

“Well, you are welcomed to stay longer if you want.” Kaden suggested although it was nice of her to agree to it.

"We'll see how it goes." Ariana smiled. "Thank you Kaden, are you sure Freya doesn't mind?"

“Actually she lit up like a Christmas tree to the idea guess maybe she is hoping like I am having you around will get me to come around to having kids but also give you the support you need.” Kaden confessed.

"Well I hope I can be that good a help" Ariana smiled. "Tell Frey I accept I'll arrange some clothes and things for my room when we get back and have your quarters sorted." She smiled warmly.

Kaden pulled out his personal PADD and began to make notes on it. “I will be sure we get on the way, I hear you are seeing some flyboy that true?” He asked curiously.

Ariana smiled and nodded. "It's true, his name is Marcus Mattson. It's a bit strange being the older person in a relationship but before he died Jonathon told me to find myself someone. I was reluctant to do that but you can't help who you fall in love with." She offered a warm smile. "He takes good care of me and as Jonathon was a marine I'm considered part of the marine family as well. You could say I have a soft spot for marines I guess, much like Freya.

Kaden had heard of the term of robbing the cradle but damn love was a rather strange beast at times. “Well, long as he don’t love his ship more than you and you both are happy that is all that matters. But I have noticed you and Frey do have a rather soft spot for grunts...must be the uniforms I suppose.” He said in a teasing tone.

"You never know!" Ariana stifled a yawn. "Sorry, long day! I think I'm going to turn in for the evening." She smiled as she stood ready to head on her way. "It's been nice talking with you Kaden."

Kaden got to his feet and smiled as he fixed his uniform jacket. “It was my pleasure, Ariana, I will be sure to let Freya know the good news.”



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