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Posted on Mon Jul 16th, 2018 @ 4:50pm by Cadet Senior Grade Marcus Mattson & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne

967 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Starfleet Medical, Earth
Timeline: Years Ago

Melody Jameson made her way along the corridors of Starfleet’s medical facility, she’d been given the unenviable position of interviewing a young cadet who’d recently been in an accident that had almost cost him his life. Witness statements had been mixed some saying it was his fault and others not willing to say one way or the other. She understood from the doctors and having read his medical file the extent of Markus Mattson’s wounds but the academy wanted answers.

The cadet was laying in a BIO-bed, the crash had been very violent. Sacrificing his arm to save his life and then passing out from the shock. He had yet to wake up, the doctors had been keeping him under in order to save him the pain that he would suffer from what had been done to his body from his own actions.

Arriving at Cadet Mattson's biobed Melody could only stand and look at the unconscious young man, she shook her head more in pity at what he'd gone through and would have to go through during the investigation. Her Betazoid senses were clamped down tight she'd learned before that cases such as this could hurt her as much as the person she was investigating.

With the investigator in the room, his nurse started the procedure to waking him up. At first it was slow but it didn't take long before his mind caught up. "Argh!" he called out, sitting up. He tried to use his lost arm to hold his pounding head, but he soon realized what had happened.

Melody jumped as well as her Betazoid senses picked up his initial jolt, the nurse smiled understanding. "Cadet..." Melody stepped forward as she smiled warmly at Markus, "can you hear me?"

His head was buzzing bad, an incisive ringing came from his left ear. "what?"

Melody looked at the nurse wondering if maybe she should come back when Markus had time to recover more fully from his injuries. She wasn't in a rush but Starfleet was and they wanted answers, she stepped forward "My name is Melody Jameson I'm here to.... ask you about your accident."

"What about it?"

“Starfleet needs answers as to what happened Markus, we have some accounts but you are the only one who can really tell me what happened out there.”

"Nothing strange about it. I pushed the fighter to hard and I nose planted it."

Melody looked at the nurse who was busy adjusting Markus’ medication and monitoring his condition. “Is that what you want to go on the record?” she took a seat beside the bed, “you are accepting total responsibility for what happened?”

He looked at her. "I don't believe in lies."

“I know... that much I can sense” she offered an understanding smile, “you were conscious the whole time? you didn’t pass out during the flight at all?”

"Yes, as far as I know. I remember..." he got a distant look on his face. "The ground getting closer, then moments before impact, darkness." he sighed and looked at the bandaged shoulder, there weren't even a stump. "I woke up to the smell of the fire and the heat..." he paused for a moment. "I felt the pain on my side, realizing that my arm was pinned. So I made the split second decision. Using my field knife I cut off my arm, crawled out of the wreckage before everything went dark again." he explained. "They are going to toss me out aren't they?"

Melody sat for a moment, “To be honest I don’t know, but in my opinion you’ve lost enough...” she looked at his shoulder minus his arm, “far more than any punishment could ever place upon you. I will recommend that you be allowed to continue but in the long run I can only recommend the final decision isn’t mine.”

"You don't have to sugarcoat it Doc. I know I will be tossed out, but could you do me a favor?" the cadet tried sitting up more.

Melody offered a smile, "Of course Cadet, what can I do for you?"

"Could you get me the study material for my classes? Maybe even the test data and specs of all the fighters I am allowed to read about?" he asked.

"Now that is something I can do Cadet" Melody smiled warmly, "I'll go one better and get you access to the data on all the fighters even the ones you're not allowed to read about yet" she smiled at the nurse who was standing nearby, "just keep it to yourself."

The cadet looked at her with a suspicious eye. "Why?"

"Let's just say I have a soft spot for hard luck cases?" she grinned, "this was a tragic accident Cadet and I intend to say such on my report."

He arched an eyebrow at her. "Standard fighters will be alright." he said, he wouldn't let her get into trouble because of him. She wasn't what he expected of a Marine psyche inspector.

“By all means Cadet” she smiled, “I know you feel responsible for this but your guilt has been far outweighed by what you’ve lost.”

"I hope so. I truly do. Thank you again ma'am." he gave her a weak salute, he was still very much under the influence of the medicine and he had lost plenty of blood.

“Get well soon Markus” Heather smiled warmly, “I would very much like to see you flying again. Now get your rest.” She nodded politely to the nurse before turning to leave.

Marcus sighed as he got comfortable. This crash wouldn't stop him, he would learn everything he could about the fighters and see if he could find a way to be the best pilot he could be.


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