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Settling in and setting up

Posted on Sun Jul 15th, 2018 @ 11:41pm by Camron Wayne

727 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Quartermasters Office
Timeline: 10 minutes after last Post

After exiting the lift on the floor that commodore pike had told him he glided down the corridor toward the office of the stations quartermaster. It was here that he hoped to not only be able to get quarters for himself and for charlie but get setup with a place to work and an office on the promenade.

He arrived at the office door and rang the chime then waited to be allowed entry. "ENTER." Came a loud voice from the other side of the door. Camron allowed the door to open and then glided into the office. One look around was enough for Camron to see that this was a very overworked understaffed area he would have to be careful here or he might upset the man in charge.

"Hello Ensign I was hoping we could do some business today if you have time that is. If not I can always comeback when it would be better for you." Said Camron calmly as he parked his chair infront of the ensigns desk.

"I do not have time now and likely will not have time a week from now either so best get on with your unresonable request so I can forget it and get back to my other work." Said the harried ensign rather crossly

"Alright sir cards on the table then. I would like two sets of civilian quarters preferably close togather I would also like to have a shop on the promenade with access to either a large cargo bay with external access or a small shuttlebay also with external access." Said Camron flatly

The ensign put down what he was working on and studied camron for a few seconds. "The quarters I can do without a problem even finding space on the prominade for your office would not be very problematic however the large cargo bay or small shuttlebay might be hard to sell especially when it is a civilian requesting that kind of thing." Said The ensign flatly as he kept studying camron. "What did you say you did anyway." He added

"I can understand that ensign and hope we can come to an agreement in that regard. As to what I do I did not say but since you asked I am a mechanic with a speciality in shuttles, runabouts, and other small craft. I do have references from SFCE as well as may high profile clients from earth if you want to check me out." Said Camron as he handed over a PADD containing his business plan as well as references and financial situation.

The ensign turned back to his terminal for a few minutes before speaking again. "Alright I can ;give you two residential apartments on deck 750, I also think I can get you an office on deck 114 so that you can at least get a storefront up and running the other part well I will have to take up with someone higher up the chain then I am as it is not exactly normal for a civilian to request such a thing." Said the ensign much more calmly now after all the guy in front of him was honest and had already given him more respect then alot of people just in the way he was talking.

"Alright if that is what needs to be done then that is what will need to be done. I do thank you for getting us some quarters so quickly and for getting us a shop front this fast I was honestly not expecting it." Said Camron calmly

"Not a problem sir and if you have any other things you need come back and ask for ensign William Ramero I will do my best for you." Said the now IDed Ensign Ramero.

"Will do william and if you ever want to stop in for a chat my name is Camron Wayne and the shop will be called intergalactic mechanics. It has been nice to meet you but now well you have your work to get back to and I have a transport to unpack and a shop to get setup." Said Camron lightly as he headed for the door.

"Not a Problem Camron have a good day and I will let you know when I can get you the other part of your request." Said William before he went back to work.


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