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[USS Falcon] Echo in the Shadow

Posted on Thu Jul 19th, 2018 @ 12:18pm by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Cadet Senior Grade Marcus Mattson

3,419 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: USS Falcon - Bridge
Timeline: MD + 6, 1000 Hours

Zeke was on the bridge of the Falcon, when they began their simulated run. He walked over to the helmsman station. "Commander Rodgers, switch to simulation program one four on the main viewer." Called out Zeke as he watched the helmsman change to the simulated attack run program.

The USS Falcon was begining its simulated battle drill run. Sarah was near the captain's chair, and inputted the command codes to begin the simulation. The bridge was reconfigured for simulation mode. There was a beeping sound coming from the tactical station. Sarah looked at Dustin.

"Report Lieutenant." Called out Zeke, as he looked back to the tactical station, while still hovering over the helmsman station. He was hoping the simulation would not take long to start up. As he waited for Dustin to respond, he started to walk to the Captain's chair.

"Captain, we have a Romulan Valdore Class Warbird approaching the system, they have ignored hails from Starbase 321." Said Dustin, as he started to scan the romulan warbird.

"Why aren't they cloaked?" Asked Sarah. If they are not responding she could only think of two scenarios, one their communication array is broken or two, they are preparing to attack. And given the fact they are training simulation, she assumed they were ready to attack.

"I don't think they can, Commander." Called out Dustin.

"What does your sensors tel you?" Asked Sarah.

"The warbird has taken battle damage." Said Dustin as he continued on. "Sensors indicating massive amounts of damage to the hull and to the port nacelle." He said, as he continued his scans.

"Mister Reynolds, trying hailing the Warbird, again." Ordered Zeke.

Dustin tried to hail the warbird with no luck. "Captain the Warbird is altering course."

"What's there new course and speed?" Asked Zeke.

"They are heading out of the system, Captain." Dustin said, as he was puzzled by this course of action. What were the Romulans up to? He continued to scan the damaged warbird, but it was not offering any new insights.

"Shall we go after them?" Asked Sam at the helmsman station.

"No hold our position." Said Zeke.

"Captain?" Said Sarah, with a puzzled look on her face.

"The Romulans have not attacked any of other colonies or ships to the best of our knowledge, and there has been no hostile aggression on their end. I will not prevoke the Romulans into a combat situation." Said Zeke, wondering why he was justifying his actions to Sam.

"Captain the Romulans are slowing down, coming to a stop." Said Dustin, really puzzled by their behavior.

"I think they are baiting us to follow them Captain." Said Aubrey, who happened to be on the bridge. And noticing the strange behavior by the romulans.

"Their behavior is strange, Captain. But its becoming clear to me, they want us to follow them." Said Sarah, agreeing with Aubrey.

"Do we follow them Captain?" Asked Sam?

"No, we will dispatch our fighters to follow them down." Said Zeke, as he thought to himself, better to send the fighter and report back on the Romulans.

"Mister Mattson and Mister McDonald, man your fighters." Called out Sarah, over the intercom.

The cadet had been eating in the messhall a few minutes earlier, having inspected his fighter to make sure it was in acceptable condition. The call came through and he smiled. "Yes ma'am." he answered and hurried back to his fighter. He had been given a time table when they would start the drills so he was already in his flight suit.

Ariana had been hoping to visit Markus while she had a break in her schedule, to see the fighter he was so proud of but she arrived just in time for his departure, “Sounds like you’re up, good luck!” She moved back to the safe area, now she was getting a feel for what it was like for family members to have to watch their loved ones go and even though it was only a training mission she didn’t like how it felt. She could only imagine how it would feel to watch someone go out and not have them return.

The pre-launch check had been done as he smiled at the doctor. "You know, my official fighter will be a two seater when I get it." he grinned, hoping she would get the hint. The call came through that all systems was a go and he made the fighter lift off the deck a foot or so. Strapped to his leg was his music player, pressing a button. Music ( Kenny Loggins - Danger Zone ) started to ring through the cockpit as he gave the bay operator a salute, he was given the operator signaled he was clear to launch. With a huge grin, he pushed the accelerator forward to the max, the engines screamed as he shot out of the bay at incredible speed. Pulling a canopy roll before forming up next to the other fighter.

Ariana smiled to herself she might take him up on that one day for now she headed on her way.

Lieutenant Paul "Copperstone" Ramirez, was completing his pre flight checks, as he settled into the fighter. He knew he would be strapped into the perfect killing machine, part of him was happy it was only a training scenario. He would kill if he had too, but Paul believed that all life was sacred. He started to glance at his instruments, and reviewed his flight path, when he remembered one something he forgot to tell the young cadet.

Paul put on his mask, and tapped his communication device, he spoke slowly and calmly. "Shadow Fox, you have the lead, I will be your wing man for this training exercise. Acknowledge signal, Cooperstone request radio check." Called out Paul, curious how Marcus was going to take the news. Paul was ordered to help him by Zeke. They were both curious to see how he will handle the pressure.

Marcus was surprised by just about everything that was said. Not long ago he had been given the call sign Shadow Fox and now he was going to lead this engagement. "Roger Cooperstone, Radio check. five by five." he started as he turned off the music, he looked around out the viewport, trying to see if there was any visual anomalies. There were some gas not far away. "Sending orders." he sent the orders over directly.

Position eight o-clock high, two hundred yards away. Upon your discresion, A) Return to ship and report B) Signal ship for reinforcement then join in close formation for engagement.

"Shadow Fox to Copperstone, please confirm data transfer." Markus said as he kept a relatively long distance away from the target, far away enough so that the phasers wouldn't be as effective against the tiny fighters but sill close enough so they could close the gap quickly, then he matched speed.

He wouldn't risk someone else life if he could help it.

Paul received the data pack stream, "Roger Shadow Fox, we are ready to leave the nest," called out Paul in a calm and collected voice. He then signaled the Falcon's duty officer.

"Make sure you have the right music, Shadow Fox." Said Paul, as he heard Marcus playing a classic hit called 'danger Zone,' earlier, during radio check. Paul knew a good pilot had to be in the right frame of mine.

"Yes sir." Marcus said out of reflex, reached down to his leg and put on his favorite list of music. The first thing that came out was The Bohamian Rhapsody by queen. He liked this song so much that he was humming to it as he got in to the zone.

The two fighters followed the cruiser, one roughly two hundred yards behind and above the other as they started to move closer to a cluster of space gas. "Shadow Fox to Copperstone, be ready and raise shields. Feels like we are being baited to..." that instance a green light lit up the gas formation and Marcus just barely managed to pull away as the plasma disruptor fire skimmed his shields, slightly rocking his ship. "Signal the falcon we have been engaged by the enemy." he ordered, granted he could have done it himself, but since he was closer he needed to focus on who ever was going to face them. Two fighters came screaming out at them. "Two bogies, coming in hot!"

"I see them, I'm at your six o'clock a little low." Called out Paul over the intercom channel. The two scorpion fighters flew right by them on the port side. "They are circling back, Shadow Fox, identifying two more bogies at our four o'clock attempting to flank us." Said Paul, curious to see how Paul was going to respond to two attack groups. Does he order them to split up or stick together.

Marcus cursed slightly under his breath. "Alright, we should pull the fighters away so that the Falcon can deal with the cruiser. Follow my lead and break when we are outside the range of the cruiser." the cadet punished the accelerator to the max as they sped away from the gas cloud. "Go vertical and let me know the instant you pull up, I'll see if I can catch one who follow you as they give chase." he pushed a few commands in the his computer, making ready to kill the impulse engine so that he would literally glide through space, that way he could use the thrusters to turn the ship without changing direction, it should give him enough time to shot at one of the enemies that went after his wing-man before turning back towards his precious heading. With luck they would be down one bogie and level out the field a little.

It wasn't long before the moment came and Marcus killed the engine, drifting through space, he used the thrusters to turn the ship without changing the direction he was drifting, this turned his weapons at the scorpions that were pulling up to chase his wingman. The young cadet, opened fire at the lead scorpion, striking it twice on the dorsal side, badly damaging the fighter but not killing it. It was clearly dissabled, but for how long he didn't long Marcus didn't know. Once that was done, he turned the ship a little more and was facing his own chasers, firing at the closest as he turned on the impulse engines again. He could feel the G's pushing him in to the seat. He knew that his weapons weren't effective at the range he was shooting at them, but. If they were heading towards him, he would have a few moments faster on the draw because they would litteraly be flying straight in to the effective range of his weapons. It was simple logic, few pilots thought about that, even firing just before they were inside the range when playing a game of chicken would give you first and maybe even second hit for free before you where exposed to their fire.

He was lucky and skilled enough that the closest fighter got direct hits and with continued fire he managed to destroy the first one before he pulled away, he had got a few scrapes on his shield and it needed to take a breather. So he killed the impulse again, turned the ship again before cranking up the speed to max, making him skid across space.

Paul followed the lead of Marcus, he was impressed how well he was keeping his composure. "Shadow Fox, the two flanking fighters are retreating, the other fighter is making a direct run on the Fox's den." Said Paul. He thought to himself, 'Let's see how good you really are kid.' Paul had been impressed so far with his performance on the simulated attack run. Paul knew what was about to transpire, he wrote this particular program. A lot of seasoned pilots struggled with the program.


Meanwhile on the USS Falcon.

With the crew busy with the shakedown Ariana didn't presently have a lot to do in her usual role as Counsellor, knowing the interceptor class may not have a space on the bridge for a Counsellor just the necessary crew but there was a workstation at the rear of the bridge from where she could observe how Markus was doing. Heading up to the bridge she stepped out of the turbolift and over to Bagwell nodding politely as she did so "If you don't mind Commander is it alright for me to remain on the bridge? I'll stay by the workstation out of the way."

"Not at all Counselor" Zeke said as he walked her over to a secondary station. He then whispered to her. "I would really appreciate it if you could offer a review bout how the bridge crew handled the simulations. The role of the Falcon is special operations and constant change, I plan on introducing a series of combat drills, and mix it up on them. To see how they handle the change. I need to know if they can handle the stress, that will be brought upon them."

Ariana nodded keeping her facial expressions neutral as Zeke told her of his plan, "Of course Sir after all that's part of what I do" she smiled warmly, "all I ask is if anything changes that isn't part of your plan that you let me know."

"I will, rest assure. Thank you Counselor. Today is an easy mission but the crew will be woken up real early, don't ask, just report to the bridge when you hear the call. I am happy that you agreed to assist us " He said as he walked back over to the command chair, and started to look around the room.

Ariana watched as Zeke returned to his seat, she was as curious as he was to see how the crew would react to what they thought was a real emergency.

Zeke walked over to his command chair, and typed in a few commands. "Lieutenant Reynolds, Are the Romulans still tracking on their original course?" Asked Zeke, wondering if he needed to alter there attack run.

"No Captain, they are still tracking." Said Dustin. He was just as surprised as the captain was.

Zeke was surprised, the fighters should have forced the Romulan's to alter course. But they were still tracking steady. Zeke "I don't like this." Bold stated Zeke as he tapped on his chair combadge.

"Falcon to Shadow Fox, alter your course. Prepare for attack vector, but do not fire unless fired upon." Called out Zeke. He was hoping to force the Romulan's to alter their course. It was very strange, they were not cloaked.

Zeke watched Marcus alter his course. He smiled, 'good move kid,' he said to himself, as he looked over to Dustin.

Ariana listened as Markus spoke, he was a competent pilot but deep down she was concerned about whether thoughts of his accident would cause any lingering problems for him. He’d seemed fine during his interview with her & she believed he was ready to fly but she hoped nothing would happen to change that.

"Lieutenant Reynolds, are we in range of the cruiser?" Asked Zeke, he wondered what the cruiser was doing. He was focused on the performance of Marcus. Now he needed to focus on the enemy cruiser.

"Captain, the cruiser is fleeing the area fast." Dustin said with a tone of shock in his voice. The Cruiser was well armored, and prepared for battle. What was the point of this aggression, if not war. So far only one fighter had been destroyed. So why the retreat, he wondered?

Sarah was a little surprised by this news. "Track them for as long as you can Mister Reynolds." She said, thinking this was not the last they were going to see of the romulan cruiser.

"Aye Ma'am." Said Dustin.

"Do you want to recall the fighters Captain?" Asked Sarah? She was ready to end the simulation. But the decision was the captain's.

"Not yet. That was to easy, prepare to alter course Lieutenant Carrington." Said Zeke, as he watched the main viewer, flicker a little.

"Course Captain?" Asked Sam, wondering what the captain had in mind.

"I want to shadow the cruiser." Said Zeke. He wanted to keep his distance, and keep an angle on the cruiser. He wanted to make sure the fighter was truly gone.

"Aye Captain." Said Sam.

Zeke looked over to Ariana, gave her a half smile before looking over to Dustin. "Any other sensor contacts?" Asked Zeke?

"Non sir." Said Dustin, who was waiting for the enemy to re appear. He had a sneaky suspicion that the enemy was lurking.

Ariana sat observing the crew, so far they were all coping admirably with the surprise that Zeke had thrown in. There were nerves but that was to be expected anyway so far she had no complaints.

Paul followed the lead of Marcus, he was impressed how well he was keeping his composure. "Shadow Fox, the two flanking fighters are retreating, the other fighter is making a direct run on the Fox's den." Said Paul. He thought to himself, 'Let's see how good you really are kid.' Paul had been impressed so far with his performance on the simulated attack run. Paul knew what was about to transpire, he wrote this particular program. A lot of seasoned pilots struggled with the program.


Zeke heard the radio chatter. "Any other contacts?" Asked Zeke, as he looked over to Dustin. He was also suspicious. Romulan's were not known for their suicide attack runs.

"Captain. The cruiser has just cloaked. Last known heading was 456 by 78 by 5." Said Dustin.

"That course takes them out of romulan space." Said Sam.

"Not going to take any chances, cloak the Falcon and shadow our fighters. Let's see if this truly over." Said Zeke.

Marcus looked at his small screen with the indicator where the targets where. "Primary objective is protect the Falcon, keep an eye on the other two in case they decide to reengage." he turned his fighter towards the single fighter and punched the engines to the max. He hoped he was fast enough to catch it. He looked at the screen again, the falcon was gone. This was strange but he wouldn't let that change his approach.

"Motherbird probably flew the nest for safety Shadow Fox," called out Paul on the communication line. He was basically telling Marcus that the USS Falcon, was cloaked. Paul wondered if he was going to continue on the single target or go after the two retreating fighters.

"Confirmed." Marcus said as he was close to the target.

"Coming into weapons arrange Shadow Fox, acquiring target lock, request permission to go weapons free?" Called out Paul, to see what the young cadet was going to do next.

Marcus smiled. "Permission granted, moving back to cover your rear." he let his wing-man have the kill as he put on the focus to see if the other two would try anything. He slowed down so that he was now taking the wing-man spot, this was to allow Paul an unobstructed field to fire on.

Marcus had given him the go ahead order, Paul thought to himself, 'good move kid,' with a smile on his face. "Roger that Shadow Fox, weapons locked on target, going for the kill shot." Said Paul as the tactical display then started to beep. It was saying the simulation was now over.

"Shadow Fox and Copperstone, return to mother den." Called out Paul as he de-cloaked the USS Falcon. And the scene fades.

Marcus watched his instruments go back to normal, so he figured the simulation was over and the call also came through indicated the fact. So he located Copperstone on his screen before started his aproach to enter formation. Even if the training was over, his flight evaluation wasn't done until he was debriefed. That was one of the things he had told himself. "On your wing Copperstone." he said over the com.

Special Guests:

Lieutenant Ariana Monroe
Cadet Senior Grade Marcus "" Mattson
Lieutenant Paul "Copperstone" Ramirez (NPC)

USS Falcon Crew:

Commander Ezekiel Bagwell, Commanding Officer
Lieutenant Commander Sarah Rodgers, Executive Officer
Lieutenant Anna Woodhouse, Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant Junior Grade Dustin Reynolds, Chief of Security
Lieutenant Junior Grade Samuel Carrington, Chief Control Flight Officer
Lieutenant Junior Grade Aubrey Miller, Chief Engineer


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