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[USS Falcon]The return (slight flashback)

Posted on Sat Jul 21st, 2018 @ 2:53pm by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Cadet Senior Grade Marcus Mattson

2,020 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Ariana & Markus' Quarters
Timeline: MD 06, 1800 hours

OOC: We on the falcon weren't really finished to go MD 08 yet, so myself and the Lt add a slight flashback.

Ariana was excited at the prospect of seeing Marcus again just the thought of him being back aboard the ship safe and sound made her heart flutter the way it had when she first met her husband Jonathon. She was pacing the floor awaiting his return, just the way she used to when Jonathon was due home from his marine duties.

Marcus had been debriefed and had been given some leave time to unwind, so now he had left the fighter area and headed for his quarters. He needed a shower, the high G's didn't really stop you from sweating.

Ariana's heart skipped a beat as she sensed an arrival at the door she could only guess it was Marcus so her eyes rested on the door waiting for the doors to swish open and reveal him.

She wasn't disepointed and with a sigh he entered the room.

"Marcus!!!" Ariana almost leapt on him as he walked in the door, before she knew what she was doing she had lent forward and placed a gentle yet romantic kiss on his lips. Her expression changed to one of embarrassment as she took a slight step back, "I err... I'm sorry I... missed you."

"There are other ways to show that, not that I am complaining." he coughed to try and remove the awkwardness in his system. "I bet I tasted terrible, I'm all sweaty and all." he had for a moment accepted the kiss before he could truly think what had happened. He figured it was hormones or something.

"Actually I quite enjoyed it..." She blushed and backed away a little " perhaps I'd best let you get your shower I have to put my cream on anyway" she paused for a moment, "unless... Would you mind? It's just stretch mark cream for my stomach, knowing how good you are at massage you'd probably be better at putting this on my bump than me anyway."

"I would be honored. But after the shower. I don't want to mix sweat with the cream." he said nothing about the enjoyment of the kiss, feeling it should be left alone.

"Thank you" Ariana smiled "I'll let you get your shower while I relax for a little while." She walked over to the bed and sat down grabbing a nearby PADD to read.

He smiled, got some spare clothes from the replicator and a towel before entering the bathroom. The shower was quick and simply to the point to get him clean. He exited the bathroom wearing soft pants and lose shirt. "Alright, I can add some of the cream now if you want."

Alicia had decided it would be best to change into a skirt and top instead of her uniform to make it easier for Marcus to apply the cream for her, she didn't have that big a bump but maybe a little bigger than usual considering the early stage of her pregnancy probably because her body was preparing for her twins. "Thank you for this" she smiled warmly, "I guess it would be easier if I lie on my bunk" she lay herself down but couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed at pulling up her top to let Marcus get to her stomach. "The cream is right there.." she motioned to the nearby table.

Marcus picked up the cream, opened it as he applied some on his one hand before taking a seat on the bunk. He looked at the slightly raised bump on her stomach, he could see that she was in good shape from what the rest of her lower torso looked like, but the bump had him starring at it for a moment, lost at the beauty he felt about it.

"Has you mesmerized already huh?" she smiled, "I find myself a little mesmerized sometimes too, it's amazing to think that there's life being created inside me. I usually put the cream along my pelvic line too but you can leave that part for me to do if you like."

Marcus slightly shook his head out of his state. "Yes, that is very true. But I also think it is some of the most beautiful things to observe." he started to smear the cream over the bump, using long gentle strokes. "I would only go that close to your... private area with your explicit permission and only if you want me to."

"I don't mind I trust you" she smiled as she enjoyed the feel of him touching her skin, it was soothing and relaxing yet it touched her heart in more romantic ways as well. "I thought you did very well out there today but listening to you on the bridge reminded me how much I missed not having you here."

"Thank you. Sadly I have to keep my mind focused on my task so I am unable to think of anything else out there. But I admit, once I was debriefed, I was thinking about how you were doing." he added more of the cream on his organic hand and stopped just inches above her clothes, he would be mere inches away from her core and he would know if she shaved, trimmed or grew it wild.

Ariana did her best to ignore the sensations his fingers were having, she hadn't been touched by anyone since the night she & Jonathon conceived their twins. She had no reason to shave now she didn't have anyone plus being pregnant made it awkward to shave anyway. "I... could hear everything you were saying and doing on the bridge the Commander wanted my assessment on how everyone was doing."

"I see. That makes sense and what were your assessment?" he asked as he bit the bullet and moved his hand under her clothes to smear the cream over her pelvic area, noticing her state down there but said nothing.

Alicia took a calming breath his touch was driving her emotions wild, "My assessment..." she calmed herself by focusing on his question, "I thought you handled yourself expertly out there and the crew were equally as focused. I was impressed." She involuntarily fidgeted a little his touch was gentle yet amazing.

"There. I think I am done." he said as he quickly removed his hand, it was getting a little to... intimate and he didn't want to go there. She was a grieving widow after all.

Alicia breathed a small sigh of relief and also disappointment all at the same time. "Thank you for your help, actually I'm so relaxed I could fall asleep right now" she grinned, "would you mind if I grabbed a nap?"

Marcus stood up before placing the cream where he found it. "Not at all. I will just jump up in to my bed and read a book and put music in to my ears. That way you won't be disturbed." He said as he jumped up in to his bunk, and pulled the cover closed so the light wouldn't distrub her, he found a PADD and his music player, placed the earplugs in his ears and turned on the music.

Ariana lay back in her bunk closing her eyes to relax, she managed to drift off just fine but memories of Jonathon and their romantic times soon filled her mind before the nightmare of his death flooded her mind causing her to suddenly awake with a scream banging her head on the underside of his bunk at the same time.

Marcus hadn't heard her but he had felt it. He pulled out one of the earplugs and pulled the cover just enough so he could see out. "You alright?"

Sitting up gently on her bunk Alicia was sitting on the top with her head in her lap sobbing. Her head was thumping but that took second place to the effect of her nightmare.

He didn't get an answer so he looked over the edge. "Ma'am?" he looked down at her. he pulled the cover away and jumped down before kneeling before her. "What's wrong?"

Ariana looked up at Marcus "I dreamt.... about Jonathon..." her eyes filled with tears as she put her hand up to the bump on her head which was sore to say the least, "I woke up so fast.... I hit my... head on your bunk." she looked at him, "just hold me.... Please."

He smiled and said nothing. Instead he pulled her in to his embrace.

Lying against his chest with his arms around her made Alicia feel something she never thought she'd find again, she lay against him for a few more minutes until she finally started to feel better. Wiping her eyes she looked up at him "Thank you for this Marcus"

He smiled at her. "Your welcome. I don't like it when you cry. Even if sometimes it is good for you."

"I don't like it much myself" she wiped her eyes and took a calming breath, "I haven't had that dream in a little while, I used to get it all the time after I first lost Jonathan." she rubbed her head, "they need more headroom between these bunks they're really hard on your head"

"True, but with limited space, what can one do? But you should try and get some more sleep."

"I'm not sure I want to" she looked worried "I'm afraid I'll have the same dream again" she yawned all the upset from her nightmare had just served to make her more tired.

Marcus smiled. "Sleep. I'll sit here." he sat down and rested his back against the side of her bunk.

"Can I..." she paused for a moment, "can I lie with you? I feel safe with you. That's if you don't mind?"

"Lie with me? Ma'am, you are a widow and I don't think it would be appropriate."

Ariana paused as she realized her mistake, "Did you think I meant... sleeping together?" she shook her head, "I just wanted to... cuddle up to you until I get to sleep that's all."

"Oh." he realized the mistake as well, making himself feeling silly to even think she would want that. "If it helps you sleep better?" he said after a pause.

Ariana smiled as she moved back on her bunk to make room for him, "If you're sure you don't mind?" she felt more than a little awkward asking him to lie with her especially after their misunderstanding.

He sighed before he climbed in to the small bed, there were little to no room and she would have to use half of him as a mattress to even hit. "Not much room."

"You're right there" she hadn't realised how awkward a request she was making, "I'm sorry it's not going to be very comfortable is it?"

Ariana hadn't been expecting this but she wasn't going to refuse. She lay her head gently on his shoulder careful to place her growing bump where it was comfortable she enjoyed the feeling of being so close to him.

The lack of a response told him she was alright with it, his heart was beating a little harder being this close to her. He could smell her hair and she smelled great.

Ariana's heart was beating just as much if not more than his, she hadn't been this close to anyone since the last time she'd made love to Jonathon. She snuggled against him enjoying the feeling of closeness between them.

He closed his eyes, enjoying her fruity smell of apple and citrus. He took very deep breaths, logging the smell in to his memory. He didn't know why he was feeling so comfortable so close to her proximity.

"Are you sure.... this is okay?" Ariana yawned feeling sleepy as she lay cuddled up on him.

"Yes. I am sure." her yawn made him yawn as well.-

"Thank... You" she gently moved to her final spot of comfort before she fell into a peaceful sleep.

It wasn't long before Marcus found his own sleep.



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