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The first day of a new life

Posted on Thu Jun 21st, 2018 @ 5:15am by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne

676 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Civilian transport encounters to SB400
Timeline: Various

Ariana sat staring out at the stars as the transport winged it’s way towards Starbase 400 to take her to her new assignment, she’d had the option of taking the next Starship to visit Betazed but had settled on the slightly slower option to give her time to get used the idea of being back in her role again. It’d only been a short amount of time in the grand scheme of things that she & Jonathon had found out they were going to be parents only for him to pass away a month later. Now here she was another month later making her way to Starbase 400 to take up the role of Chief Counsellor.

She sighed but smiled as she placed her hand on the smallest of round bumps which was slowly starting to appear, she’d promised Jonathon that she’d carry on with her life, to eventually find herself someone new who’d help her raise her unborn child but for now the only plan she had was to get to her new home and get stuck into her duties. She always did find that helping others made her feel good too, in the long run she was hoping it would help her recover from her loss as well.

=== One week earlier on Betazed ===

“Are you sure you’re ready for this Ariana?” her mother smiled as she sat down opposite watching Ariana sorting her things.

“As ready as I’ll ever be” Ariana smiled as she turned to look at her mother, “I can’t sit here forever more dwelling on losing Jonathon. We had a year to talk this over, he knew what was coming we just didn’t know when. That’s why we decided to try for a baby, it was what we always wanted and at least I have that part of him left.”

She sat down on the bed and wiped away the tears in her eyes, “He made me promise... to go on with my life” she nodded in thanks as her mother handed her a tissue, “I’m not going to break that promise.”

“Just promise me you’ll take care of yourself, of both of you” her mother smiled, “I want to know the minute my grandson or granddaughter is born okay?”

Ariana nodded and smiled, “I promise” she stood and gave her mother a big hug, “right now let’s forget the packing and go do something fun!”

Her mother nodded, “Why not”

=== Back to the present ===

“Excuse me Ariana” a voice interrupted Ariana’s thoughts, “Just thought you’d like to know we’re about to arrive at Starbase 400, the Captain has permission to dock. He said not to worry about your things he’ll make sure everything gets taken to your Quarters... or rather I will.”

Ariana couldn’t help but grin at the last comment, “Well it’s very much appreciated” she stood ready and grabbed her hand luggage, “All I ask is you treat the boxes with care there are some fragile things in there.”

“I will” the young man nodded, “I hope your new assignment goes well.”

Ariana nodded, “So do I” she offered a nervous smile.

=== Starbase 400, minutes later ===

Walking out into the general populous of the Starbase was like being hit on the head with a small sledge hammer, the downside to being born with her Betazoid abilities was the fact she never really got to switch them off. Taking a moment to let herself acclimatise she ramped up her mental walls as far as they’d go but with the amount of sheer emotion on the station it was going to take some time to get used to it.

First things first she was going to find her quarters, she needed to freshen up and put on the first uniform she’d worn in a year although no doubt she’d go through a few of those as her bump grew. Taking one last look back at the transport she headed on her way.


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Comments (1)

By Commander Hades,MD on Fri Jun 22nd, 2018 @ 5:52pm

Great start! welcome to the SB400 team!