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Settling In

Posted on Fri Jun 22nd, 2018 @ 5:15am by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne

725 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Officer’s Quarters
Timeline: Day 5: 1200 hrs


Ariana had eventually located her assigned Quarters thankful she’d bothered to learn about the Starbase layout before she’d come aboard she walked inside and put her hand luggage down on the sofa. The quarters were pretty spacious, if Jonathon had still been alive they’d probably have been assigned family quarters instead but Officers Quarters were more than big enough for her and eventually the baby until such time as she’d need a separate nursery then she’d have to request bigger quarters but that wouldn’t be necessary until her baby was over 6 months of age up until then she would have the baby sleeping in the same room as her.

Looking around she was pleased to see her things had arrived safely, the box labelled baby items would stay packed until nearer the time she would need it the other box she slowly & carefully opened to reveal some of her more precious items gifts that Jonathon had given her, photographs of them together which she pulled out ready to be placed where she wanted them & various souvenirs and Knick knacks that she’d picked up on her travels. There was also a box of books which was too heavy for her to lift safely and the other box she’d requested sent to her office as it contained all the PADDs she used during her Counselling sessions which she would store away safely. Everything was strictly confidential and her files were treated with the upmost care.

She sighed as she sat down on the bed, her emotions were all over the place thanks not just to still being in mourning but her pregnancy as well, she had no doubt the Doctor would be telling her to try and relax her blood pressure had been higher than the doctors on Betazed would have liked when she left but that couldn’t be helped given her current mental state. No doubt she’d end up seeking the help of one of her own staff at some point but for now she was too busy trying to concentrate on getting settled in, she would heed any advice the Doctor might give her the last thing she wanted was for anything to happen to her & Jonathon’s baby it was the only part of him she had left.

Grabbing out her uniform she sat looking at it for a moment before getting up and heading to the bathroom leaving it lying on the bed for after her shower, she had to admit she preferred real water showers to the sonic showers but aboard a Starbase there was little else. Popping back she grabbed a towel and tied up her hair out of the way before heading back to the shower to get freshened up ready to start her duties.

Emerging from the bathroom a few minutes later wearing the bathrobe that belonged to Jonathon she sat on the bed and tapped out a message on the computer screen next to the bed, she wanted to let her mother know she’d arrived safely and was settling in. That done she reached for her uniform, putting it on the zipped it up and pulled it straight it was a little snug around the small bump she had but it looked okay for the time being.

She walked over to the replicator and replicated herself a drink and something to eat, she’d recently started to feel queasy of a morning but it had been known to drag on during the day but thankfully so far it hadn’t been that bad. She was definitely starting to get a more hearty appetite, the ‘eating for two’ part certainly seemed true enough. Sitting down she tucked into her food, for a moment she found herself going to ask Jonathon when he’d be joining her before the reality of the situation hit again and she broke down in a fit of tears.

Letting her emotions out she got up to get herself some tissues, drying her eyes she did her best to gather her emotions the last thing she needed was red eyes especially as she had to officially report in to hand over her transfer orders. Sitting down she finished off her food and gave herself some time to regather her thoughts and feelings.



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