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Posted on Mon Jun 18th, 2018 @ 6:06pm by Splendora Sage

1,196 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Galaxy Cafe, Starbase 400
Timeline: MD 5: 1100 hours


The Musings of Splendora

Splendora was headed for brunch. She needed a break. It had been a busy morning and she was looking forward to catching up with Lai'lira and Braxton.

Lai had fallen head over feet for Braxton and he was still fighting his attraction to her. She smiled as she though of Braxton not realizing that he was falling for the young Romulan. He still had far to go. Splendora had coaxed him into seeing her as a therapist and as his therapist she'd found that the death of his wife, the loss of his friends he'd taken it all very hard. There was much to this man. In a sense he was so similar to his cousin Hades yet so different.

As she thought about Lai and Braxton her mind drifted to Tom and she felt her whole body slump. She had wished to talk with someone about her thoughts on that topic but...she felt alone. Hades, away from the station for a mission, was the only one she could open up to about this. She had tried to talk to Vito but stopped herself. He'd become like a brother to her but...his loyalty was to Tom. He would take Tom's side and that was right because there was a bond there that nobody should come between. Talking to Tom had proved difficult. It was as if at the very hint of this conversation something interrupted them, the gods? fate? She didn't know.

She shook her head and came back to herself enough to get a table at the café for three.

The Musings of Lai'lira

Lai was looking forward to spending some time with Splendora. Her boss, as predictable as they got, would be there early and she would have a coffee alone. Lai intended to be early too so they could talk before Braxton arrived. She was falling in love with him ... or she thought she was. She really needed a friend and Dora had been that. She wished she could get Dora to open up to her. Something was bothering her and she didn't know what.

Oh Dora had always been a private person but...something recently ... she'd glimpsed a sadness and uncertainty that wasn't there before. She wished she could find out and help her friend. Maybe she'd just focus on that.

Her thoughts wandered to Braxton and as they did, and as always, her heart beat a bit faster. He'd been her protector when he could, her bodyguard when off duty but she has wanted more. She didn't know how to broach things with him either. He was sad too and she wished that she could take that sadness away. Back when she was locked away it was easier. She had her own thoughts she'd talk to ....the fates, gods, God whatever you wanted to call it and she felt better. S'ten, her half brother, had been there for her only she hadn't known he was her half brother but he'd always felt like family, like home.

She sighed as she approached the café. This was it. She wished Hades was here. He always knew what to say.

The Musings of Braxton

Braxton sighed as he walked towards the restaurant. Things had been tense for him as of late. The nightmares came and went, the headaches, the work kept him busy and he'd been worried about Hades. He hadn't heard anything from his cousin since Hades arrived at the colony. He hoped all was well. Hades had come to rely on him more and more. Not only was Braxton responsible for the marine health on station but also in helping out in Sickbay. He loved it, not to down play the privilege he'd been given but he was exhausted and he had....other issues on his mind.

His mind drifted to his two brunch companions for today. They had met early as the 11 slot worked for all. Splendora....she was good. She'd gotten him to open up ... maybe too much. He hated counselors but here he was befriending one.

Lai'lira was another story. He was braking a vow. He was letting her get under his skin and doing the best he could to avoid analyzing his feelings for her. While Splendora was a kindred soul and almost family Lai'lira was dangerous to his sanity, his heart, and his promise to never love another.

Braxton approached the café and with a sigh he opened the door. It was now or never...

The Brunch

Splendora and Lai sat talking animatedly as Braxton approached the table. He gave a nod as she sat down. Both women said hi and he merely gave a nod.

Sighing Lai took a sip of her water and then looked over at Braxton. "I see you are your usual talkative self."

Splendora hid a smile behind a bread roll. The two were fire and ice together but that was only because they were both unsure of what they felt or denying it.

Braxton grunted at her comment and Splendora chuckled as Lai said, "How eloquent of you."

"Okay you two, enough is enough." They ordered a small brunch when the waiter came over and when the food arrived their conversation turned to their worry about Hades, projects they were working on and a few other issues. Braxton had shocked both women with his announcement that Lai'lira was now safe from Romulans that would have her head. There had been a shifting of some powers that be and her family had been cleared. In fact she'd received invitation to return to the New Romulan colony.

Lai shook her head, "My life is here now. This station...I want to go to school."

Splendora smiled and looked over at her friend, "Oh? Have you decided what you want to be?"

Lai smiled, "A doctor, like Hades."

Splendora smiled, "I'm sure Braxton would be happy to help teach you basic medical training."

She felt a kick under the table and laughed. She enjoyed watching the young Marine turn several shades of red.

The rest of the brunch passed well and soon it was time for the group to go their separate ways. Braxton went back to the Marine quarters and Dora and Lai headed back to the centre.

Splendora threw her arm around Lai, "I'm glad you've decided to pursue a medical degree. You would make a great doctor but your empathy might hinder you. You need to develop some blocking mechanisms.

Lai sighed, "I know. Dora can I ask you something?"

Splendora smiled, "Of course you can."

"Why are you so sad?"

Splendora stayed silent for a long moment. "'s not that easy."

She sighed, "Isn't there a rule about head shrinking the head shrink?"

Lai laughed her melodic laugh, "Come on Dora. What's got you all worked up?"

Splendora smiled, "We'll talk, I promise. Now I have to run and take care of a few errands."

The two parted ways and Splendora headed off to her next appointment.



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