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Special Operations Group meeting

Posted on Tue Jun 5th, 2018 @ 11:48pm by Captain Paul MacLeod & Commodore Alexandra Harrison

1,937 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: SB400, K'Temoc's office
Timeline: MD5, 0955hrs



After meeting with the Yorktown’s crew and others following their return to the Station, K’Temoc headed for his office. There was so much going on with the station and the Ares Operational Theater, and the threat from the Typhon Pact. He’d been thinking about something for few days and finally made up his mind. He needed to focus, and was feeling as if he was spread too thin.

Once at his desk, he drew up a letter to the Forth Fleet Staff and resigned as Task Force 99’s Commanding Officer. He gave his reasons and while it wasn’t easy to step aside, it was the right thing to do at the right time. He knew it would give him more time to focus on the coming war, or at least he felt one was on the not too distant horizon.

With new Officers coming to Starbase 400 as well, he also decided now was the time to make changes to the Special Operations Team. Looking at the available ships and officers, he started typing, changing the name to the Special Operations Group. The SOG would consist of two teams, Alpha and Beta. Captain Harrison would remain as the SOG Executive Officer. He would make Commander MacLeod the Alpha Team CO and Commander Bagwell the Beta Team CO. Mac he knew, but Bagwell he didn’t. Sure, he’d read up on his Starfleet Records, but he’d never met the man. K’Temoc provisioned the USS Venator for the Alpha Team and the USS Falcon for the Beta Team. Further logistics would be a work in progress.

K’Temoc knew it was early, and he hadn't slept in two days, but he also wanted to get things moving. He sent a message to Captain Harrison, Commander MacLeod, and Commander Bagwell to come to his office to outline things. Alex was awake, she was currently in Ops, in charge of the morning shift today. Mac had just arrived aboard the station so he knew he was awake too. Bagwell might have been on the first transport in, and this would give him a chance to report in too.


Zeke's transport was heading into station's inner docking ring.  When his data pad got an update, the pad had a copy of his orders. He glanced at the pad, and smiled. Anna looked over to him. "What is it?" She asked waiting to see why he had a nervous smile on his face.

"Admiral Bremer, James K'Temoc goes by K'Temoc has a requested for me to meet him as soon as possible." He continued to scroll through the information on the datapad. It listed instructions on how to get to K'Temoc's office. Zeke thought he could have a couple of hours to get settled in, but it was clear to him that he was needed right away.

Which made him happy. Zeke liked being busy. He did not get as far as he did, by slacking around. He was a firm believer in working hard, and being recognized for it. "You'll do great, the fact he is calling you to his office before you have a chance to settle in, is a good sign." She said, feeling a little worried what type of mission they would be called in for.

Zeke knew he was being given command of a special operations unit and command of a starship. He was not told what ship, he would be given command of, well not until now. The datapad listed him in command of the USS Falcon.

The transport docked and Zeke told Anna he would meet up with her later on. She had some time, so she was going to check in with the quartermaster and see to their things. While he went to his meeting. Zeke made his way to the office of K'Temoc.


A short time later, Zeke used the personal transporter to beam in closer to the position of K'Temoc's office and made the journey to his commanding officer's office. He kept thinking about what had happen on the USS Rook, and the loss of that ship. And the retirement of Captain Abigail Stuart. He loved the assignment but he felt that his time on that ship, took him away from special operations.

When it came time for reassignment, he asked to be re assigned to special operations, he hoped for a command but he would have been okay with an executive officer role. He was thrilled to learn that Starfleet was willing to give him a command. Zeke tapped on the office doorbell. "It's Commander Bagwell, sir." He said, thinking what type of assignment his commanding officer had for him. He was eager to prove his worth.

“Enter.” K’Temoc said as he waited for his cup of raktijno to finish materializing in the food slot. He turned to see who’d arrived.

"Commander Ezekiel Bagwell reporting as ordered sir." Said Zeke, as he snapped to the position of attention in front of the Admiral's desk. His uniform was clean and straightened, before arriving in the office of K'Temoc, he kept straightening it.

K’Temoc smirked as he grabbed the cup. “At ease Commander, this will be informal. Have a seat.” He motioned to one of the empty chairs as he walked over to his and took a seat. “Welcome aboard Starbase 400. I’m sure you want to settle in, learn your way around, so I’ll try to keep this as brief as possible once everyone arrives.”

It was then that the door opened again, and Commander Paul MacLeod stepped in. “Sorry I’m late, the runabout from the New Hampshire just dropped us off.”

“Us?” K’Temoc asked. “Did Tara come with you?”

Mac shook his head, “No, she’s still aboard the Hamp.” It was really the same old song and dance, Mac and Tara assigned to the same ship again, start to talk about rekindling their marriage, then one of them is reassigned. Maybe fate had other plans. “An intelligence officer, Lieutenant Clint Cross and a Security Officer, Lieutenant Carter, were reassigned here too.”

K’Temoc nodded, must have been something Mike had authorized before the Delta Quadrant trip. “It’s good to see you Mac, have a seat. If either of you want something to drink, please help yourself.”

K’Temoc took a long sip of his drink, right now it was about the only thing keeping him awake. “Commander Bagwell, do you have a name preference? You’ll find I’m rather informal most of the time, and prefer to use ranks only when necessary.”

"Everyone calls me Zeke, Sir. But I pretty much respond to that or Bagwell or by my rank, but Zeke is preferred." He said, trying to get comfortable in his chair. He was a little out of his element, sitting in an office with an admiral.

K'Temoc nodded and made a mental note.

"It's nice to meet you Commander MacLeod." Said Zeke, trying not to be rude to the other man in the room. He was happy to hear that the admiral was a pretty informal guy, a lot of admirals back on Earth, were a little power hungry and ego driven.

“Likewise Commander. My friends call me Mac.” MacLeod replied. He then typed a few notes into his PADD.

Alex left OPS after letting them know that she would be in K'Temoc's office if they needed her. As she walked the corridor, her mind was totally on other things. Before she knew it, she had arrived at K'Temoc's office, barely remembering the walk. She straightened her uniform before walking in.

She stepped in when the door opened and stopped when she saw two other officers sitting there. She was surprised to see them. She nodded to both of them then addressed K'Temoc, "Sorry, I wasn't expecting anyone else to be here."

Alex found herself a seat and settled into it, "So, what's this meeting all about?”

K’Temoc flashed a smile, “Don’t worry about it.” He replied to Alex before addressing the Commanders. “Gentlemen, this is Captain Alexandra Harrison, she’s the group’s executive officer.”

K’Temoc stood and activated a monitor on the left wall, it displayed four ships and pictures of everyone in the room. “With things heating up between the Federation Alliance and the Typhon Pact, Starfleet and our allies want as much intel and information as we can get. The Klingons are still dealing with the after effects of their recent civil war, and Imperial Intelligence isn’t in a position to do much deep cover work. The Cardassian Obsidian Order still isn’t what it used to be, and while they claim to have at least two agents working to gather intel from the Breen, they’re working more toward counter-intel right now. Our friends in the Free Romulan Forces have committed a handful of former Tal Shiar agents to intel gathering in the Star Empire, but again, most of their agents are working counter-intel. That leaves a lot of work for someone, and we’ve been selected. To that end, I’ve decided to make changes to the Special Operations Team. With the additions of Mister MacLeod and Mister Bagwell, we’ll now be known as the Special Operations Group. Mac will be the Alpha Team Leader and command the USS Venator while Zeke will be the Beta Team Leader and command the USS Falcon. Starfleet Intelligence will give us assignments as needed, and I’m sure we’ll receive some from the Fleet Admiral when he returns. I expect to receive something soon asking us to gather intel on the Gorn and Krazzle.” K’Temoc paused there and took his seat again.

After a sip of his raktijno K’Temoc continued. “We’ll continue to operate as we always have. If an assignment is given to you, I’ll assign a command crew to you for the mission that have proper clearance and skills for the assignment. The rest of the crew of your ships will be on a strict need to know basis. You may also be assigned typical patrol missions within the Ares Theater as needed. Questions?”

"No questions sir, just a small request," he said pausing a moment. Then continuing on to say with the same breath. "I would like to take the Falcon in the near by system for simulation drills, I want to work with 1st MARSOC as well since our two units will be working closely together. Just a simple training cruise, so I can evaluate the performance." Asked Zeke, hoping the Admiral would have no issues, he was not leaving the area, and the Falconwould still be in arrange, if the station needed her or her crew.

With what had just happened to the Vanguard and Kearsarge, and the Yorktown's brief battle with the Romulans, he wanted to be cautious, but the time for that was running out and he knew ships and crews needed to be ready. "Granted, but keep your training cruise within Federation space, between here in the Kaleb System and the Draken system."

"Understood sir, and thank you. This will give me a chance to coordinate with my crew, and evaluate them. Appreciate it." Said Zeke, already thinking in his mind, that he wanted to leave to as soon as possible. But realistically it would probably be tomorrow.

K'Temoc looked around one more time. "Alright, dismissed....and welcome aboard Zeke and Mac." He flashed a smile, but it faded quickly thanks to a quick yawn.



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