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Supplies and Demands

Posted on Sat Mar 3rd, 2018 @ 4:53pm by Admiral Deela T'Lar & Lieutenant JG Janelle Sykes & Private Kerri Knight & Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Captain Jack Solomon & Commander Hades,MD & Major Patrick McMichaels & Lieutenant JG Octceann AmHain & Commander Leksander Draven & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Colonel Danny Lennox & Lieutenant Nick Archer & Lieutenant Zhao Quan & Lieutenant JG Ilan Rol & 1st Lieutenant Taz & Master Chief Petty Officer Mark Branson & Gunnery Sergeant Agtx & Sergeant Calthier & Lieutenant K`Wor & Ensign Becca Bremer & Sogh Varn Son of M'ron & First Ramata`tar & Lieutenant Ariel Gilmore & Lieutenant JG Marshall Robinson & Ensign Brandy Ragen & Lieutenant Kate Jacobson
Edited on on Mon Mar 5th, 2018 @ 8:24pm

2,032 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Talaxian Asteroid Colony / Various Ships
Timeline: MD5 0730hrs


The Officers and key personnel from the Pegasus, Essex, and Lexington had stayed for a few hours at the Talaxian colony, making sure the first supply runs were completed and making assessments of their working environments and what needed to be done.

Now, it was early morning, and the Perseus arrived in a parking orbit above the Talaxian Colony. Bremer and a handful of officers beamed down. They were met by a half awake Talaxian that had been working all night to help move incoming supplies.

Mike addressed the crew that had come with him, "You know your assignments. Let's get to work."

Deela joined Bremer, taking her place beside him. After he dismissed his crew, she dismissed hers as well except for Jewel. They parted with their assigned partners. Upon seeing the exhausted Talaxian, her empathy grew. Hopefully, they would provide the much needed relief.

Hades listened until Deela had dismissed them. He was anxious to get started on helping with medical issues. This was where he thrived, this was where he fully felt alive. He headed towards the medical facilities and waved at the medic he'd met earlier and who now stood by to greet him. "Ready for some hard work my friend."

Looking around, General Hurd spotted McMichaels through the crowd that was dissipating as they headed off to their various tasks. Walking over to him, Hurd said, "Good day to teach these fine people to defend this place, aint it?'

Patrick saluted David as he came over. "Aye General, 'tis. I was thinking of starting with self defense classes first before moving on to weapons training. Close quarters and maybe some basic hand to hand" he said.

Calthier was amongst the NCOs who hadn't yet. "I could offer some assistance, Major. I am certified in different martial arts" the Caitian remarked.

Patrick smiled. "That would an excellent suggestion, Sergeant. Prepare a curriculum ASAP " he said.

Calthier nodded and saluted the Major and General.

Asteroid Colony Reactor Level

Jack had taken the decision to stay over at the Colony after leaving the Runabout on the landing pad and made sure to freshen up on board before he began his duties for the day. His orders had been clear: to join Gillo, White & Sullivan in assisting AmHaim whilst working on the Power Grid to make it a more reliable resource for the Colony.

He nodded as Deela dismissed them and looked at the others. "Right then, shall we get to work? As I understand it, we're dealing with quite an archaic power grid and delivery system," Jack surmised.

Lt. Quan looked across at Commander Solomon, "That's going to be fun, then. I wonder what state it is in."

Jack smiled at Quans comment. "Hopefully in a good enough state that we have something to salvage for these good people," he offered. He checked the PADD in his hand and understood the job in hand.

"Gillo is already at work in the Reactor Level, so we'll get started on the Distribution Nodes that lead out of the Reactor section to make sure that the improved power flow we'll bring into action doesnt end up causing them all manner of overloads and problems..." He instructed to Quan and the team before they made their way to the Distribution Centre.

Colony Operations Center

Draven made his way to the colony's center and the operations facility. It was crude and small by SB400's standards, but had served the Talaxians well. Oxilon was there and he seemed over come by joy. During the night, five Talaxian ships had arrived after a long journey through the Delta Quadrant and they had requested to join the colony. The ships included two multipurpose ships that could be used for cargo, transport, or as trading vessels. Two others were the small, triangular shaped standard Talaxian defense vessel. The other was the larger type of multipurpose vessel like the one Oxilon himself had commanded and had been used to create their colony. The ships had been from the Talaxian colony on Prema II. They had to flee Prema II after repeated Kazon attacks after the Talaxians had helped the crew of USS Voyager recover their ship from the Kazon in 2373. It had taken them nearly twenty one years, but they had heard rumors about the asteroid colony. It meant the population of the colony was more than doubling from about five hundred to over one thousand, but everyone that knew was excited. The new arrivals were lead by Commander Paxim, an officer in the Talaxian Defense Force. Paxim had helped Tom Paris regain Voyager, as his ship and another provided cover fire while Paris, in a shuttlecraft, disabled Voyager's primary phaser couplings. After seeing off the Kazon, Paxim and his crew remained aboard Voyager to assist Paris until Captain Janeway and her crew had returned. Paxam admired the Federation, and when he realized Federation ships were at the asteroid colony, he was over joyed.

Paxam gave Draven all of the tactical and asterometric data his ships had recorded on their journey, then he went along with Oxilon to meet with Bremer, T'Lar, and Hurd.

Draven meanwhile found a nice quite office. Well, it was a closet, but it had a desk and it was quiet. He started to look over the tactical data from the colony and Paxim's ships. He tapped a few commands on his PADD and brought up a playlist of his 1960's rock music. He made a selection and the music started. A few minutes later Brax came in.

"Oh, I'm sorry Commander. I didn't know anyone was in here. I heard that...noise. What is that?" Brax asked.

Draven smirked, "It's the Doors."

Brax looked at door and it's locking mechanism. "What's wrong with it?"

Draven laughed, "No, the music, it's by a band from Earth called the Doors."

Brax gave a confused nod and a slight smile, "Oh, heh. Well, I best go see if I can help Commander Stark or Commander Solomon."

As the door closed, Draven laughed again.

Colony outer perimeter

Deborah was in the OPEN!!!! The air was colder than she'd like but still! But her task wasn't enjoyment. In front of her were multiple Talaxian engineers. All of them blabbering at once. It quickly became Annoying. "SHUTUP!!!" She barked..

The problem wasn't actually all that bad, The ground had started to crumble, Far below was a fissure in the crust and it was shifting as was the planets want. But this corner supported the weight of water purification systems. Themselves in need of a serious upgrade.

The problem with civilian engineers was all the Indecision. Something Deborah abhorred. "NOW Heres what going to happen. We will beam in rock by transporter, but to do this we need a large degree of sensor data for the transporter to craft the piece to fit there."

"You think you can do that? Please?" She finished sweetly. They'd marveled at her being pregnant. Talaxian reproduction was,, Sparse currently...

Asteroid Colony Reactor Level

Octceann had a full engineering crew from the Pegasus at the asteroids main reactor. The teams working on defense and sensors had been reporting EPS flow issues all morning. Octceann’s team had spent the better part of the last two hours following old EPS conduit into this sub-junction. Octceann found himself in a small somewhat dingy and poorly lit pit outside one of the main reactor sub-junctions. “Miller” he called. “Can you bring a hyperspanner, and a new interlink relay down here?”

“Aye sir” She replied, as she quickly brought the gear over and reached down to his location.

“Why in the universe don’t people put better lighting in these areas?” He complained as he tried to use his beacon to light the area while still using two hands to install the new Interlink relay. “ah, there we go.”

Miller pulled out her tricorder and monitored the change in the plasma flow, “That has reduced the variance to point seven-two, sir. That should be more than stable enough for the other teams work.”

He tapped his commbadge and started “AmHain to Gillo, We have the main EPS flow from Sub-Junction Epsilon-5 regulated. Can you confirm on your end that it’s stable enough for the sensors now?”

“Miller, Lattimer, track down any other variances in the junctions port and starboard of here. Keep me informed. The rest of us will move up to the next level and continue repairing the junctions we come across.”

Oxilon's Office

Oxilon and Neelix had taken Bremer, T'Lar, and Hurd to Oxilon's office. It wasn't very big, didn't have a lot of furniture or 'creature comforts', but it did have a door, a desk, and a window with nice view of the asteroid's surface.

"I can't begin to tell you how grateful we are. You're people have come in and already starting making a difference. The supplies you brought will be treasured." Neelix started.

"I've already heard that some of your Marines have started training our small defense force how to better defend against boarding by intruders, raiders, pirates. Our shield grid already has a new dedicated power supply and had been doubled in efficiency. One of your small craft is currently deploying defensive satellites, and your engineers are already working on our power grid and other essential systems. Thank you."

While Neelix talked, Deela was intrigued with this strange man. She had only read the stories of Voyager's journey and he was just as they described him. She smiled, "You are welcome. I am glad we can help."

"Last night, we launched a few Class II and Class V sensor probes to get a better look around this system and surrounding space." Bremer added. "The added data will help the next Starfleet vessels that arrive and will set up extended exploration missions. We did however loose contact with one of our probes about an hour before we arrived this morning."

"Are you planning to go look for it?" Neelix asked, but Mike didn't have time to answer. The door opened and Draven stepped in.

"Pardon the interruption, but I think we have a few problems." Draven reported.

"What's wrong?" Oxilon asked.

"I've been looking over data Commander Paxim provided from his trip across the Delta Quadrant from the Prema II colony to here, and I think he was followed." Draven replied.

"By who?" Neelix asked.

Draven set a PADD on Oxilon's desk and tapped a few buttons. A holographic display lit up above the PADD. "Paxim reported his ship had sensor damage from the last Kazon attack before they fled Prema II. It was always astern of his ship, here, causing a sensor ghost." Draven pointed. "I pulled up sensor logs of the other ships in his convoy and the same sensor ghost randomly appeared, but none of them reported any issues with their sensors. I ran a few algorithms and there was a definite pattern."

"Do you know who was following them?" Bremer asked.

"No sir, but I do know the 'ghost' stopped and never showed up again at about the same location where we lost contact with our probe this morning. Just outside of the system, in what used to be Borg Grid 986." Draven replied.

"Do you think it's the Borg?" Neelix asked, concerned.

"No, the Borg wouldn't have waited twenty years following the convoy just to stop like that." Draven replied.

Mike glanced around at everyone gathered. "I'll take the Pegasus under cloak to see what's out there. Deela, you're in charge here. No offense Mister Oxilon. We'll see what's out there. Continue unloading supplies and working down here, but have the Essex and Lexington go to yellow alert. Also have the fighter squadron we brought along sweep the asteroid field."

Deela nodded, "Excuse me while I contact my ship." She walked away from them, then tapped her combadge.

"I'd like to go along with you." Neelix added.

Mike gave a nod then tapped his comm-badge. "Bremer is Gillo, AmHain, Doctor Matthews, and Cadet K'Wor, please return to the hanger bay and report aboard the Perseus at once."



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