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Family vs Family

Posted on Wed Jul 19th, 2017 @ 11:37am by Tom Vercetti & Vito Russo & Splendora Sage & Larz & Crerok & Savok
Edited on on Wed Jul 19th, 2017 @ 8:45pm

2,827 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Starbase 400, Promenade
Timeline: MD1 1130hrs


Tom had 'hidden' Sage in his quarters for nearly a week hoping her parents would give up and leave the station, but they hadn't. Every day, they would make their way across the Promenade checking every shop and restaurant for her, then walk though the habitat areas in a vane attempt to spot their daughter, her 'husband' or one of his friends they had seen before.

Tom hadn't even been to his restaurant during the week, but from what he's been told everything was running smoothly, however the time for hiding was over.

There was a meeting of the Promenade Merchant's Association and Tom wanted to be there. The meetings were typically short, either a bitch-session about the Station being on lock down for some impending doom or another, the theft of something and then complaining about Station Security for letting it happen in the first place, or talks of price increases, or something else along those lines. Many of the shop and restaurant owners just attended the meetings in-case something major was going on, but typically remained silent.

When Tom arrived, most of the other owners were already there. The Vulcan Savok gave a respectful nod, he typically remained quiet. The Klingon Larz was also there. He too usually kept his thoughts to himself, except for a grunt of two. Crerok, a Romulan and owner of the Romulan restaurant could be vocal sometimes, but usually on important matters. Then, there was Mar'g and Zark, the Ferengi brothers always had something to say and complain about. The Bolian Crumm Widdy, owner of the Skyline Lounge could also be vocal...not in a complaining manner...he just liked to talk. Eir Yoshi, a Japanese Human and owner of the sushi restaurant Inakya's was a lot like Savok, quiet. He stood with his hands behind his back and a slight smile on his face. There were several others there too, restaurant owners, shop owners, and even the owners of the new dance club and big band hall that had recently opened.

The meeting got started with Mar'g's typical complaining about Station Security and someone stealing something from his shop and how the Federation needed to reimburse him followed by Zark's agreeing, then Crerok saying she saw nothing from her restaurant across the way from Zark's bar. Tom closed his eyes and rubbed his head for a moment.

Jonesy, Tom thought his name was Jonesy anyway, the owner of the Texas Steakhouse made a comment about something, and someone that said something, Tom wan't really paying attention...until he heard the name 'Sage'.

"Wait, what did you say?" Tom said as he stepped forward.

"I said if that couple comes into my restaurant again looking for Splendora Sage again I'm calling Station Security." Jonesy said. "They need to leave that poor girl alone."

"They came into the Skyline yesterday looking for her too." Widdy added.

Several others started talking all over the top of each other, saying they too had been visited several times over the last week and that they needed to leave Sage alone as well.

Tom listened for a few minutes then turned to leave.

"Where are you going? We have business to discuss!" Zark called.

"Later!" Tom said as he left.

Several minutes later he returned to his quarters. He found Splendora in the back room. "We need to talk."

Splendora had been curled up reading when Tom came in. "Tom, hi." She always brightened when he was around. He looked like he had much on his mind. She sensed it. "Of course." She closed her book and sat up. "Are you alright?" That was her main worry. He'd been so nice to have her stay here but she couldn't hide here forever. Lai'lira had her dog and her parents, from what Lai had told her, were pestering everyone. They came by her offices daily. She would bet her money that Tom wanted to talk about that.

Tom took a seat and calmly explained to Splendora what had happened at the meeting. "It's time to confront them. I'll be there with you. I can have Security there if you want too. Other than looking for you, even in the manner they have, we don't have grounds to throw them off the station. You can't run forever."

Splendora listened to what had happened, her fears had been confirmed. She sighed and then smiled as she stood and walked over to Tom. She sat down beside him. "You're right. I have to face them." She kept her gaze focused on the wall in front of her and the picture that hung there. She sighed again. "Security is not necessary. I talk to my patients about courage yet here I am hiding from my past feeling paralyzed and afraid." She shook her head. "Tom I really appreciate what you've done for me by giving me this week. It's been more of an eye opening experience then you can imagine. But I have to face them, you're right." She stood and walked over to the other side of the back room where a small port like window stood revealing the shining stars. She looked out into the stars. A shiver ran through her as she stood there and she crossed her arms rubbing them to stave off the chill that had nothing to do with the cold in the room and everything with her dark and cold memories. "But I can't ask you to be there. I've disrupted your life enough. You've taken on a burden not yours."

Tom stood in the door way. "I have to go, I'm your 'husband'." He smirked. "If you don't want station security, that's fine, but there will be protection."

He walked over to his bed-side table and opened a drawer. He pulled out a communications device and tapped it. "Vito, we have a scenario twelve."

"Acknowledged." Vito replied and the channel closed. Tom then walked to a closest and pulled out a small bag. He placed the strap across his shoulder so the strap crossed him and the bag hung on the opposite side. He pulled a Type-2E Phaser out, activated it, then checked the settings and safety. Putting it back in the bag he then pulled an older TR-590 Tricorder Mk10. It was the equipment he used in Starfleet's 'Shadow Ops' during the Dominion War.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

Splendora smiled and shook her head. "That's right. You are the husband." She walked up to Tom and placed a hand on his arm. "Thank you," she pulled him towards her kissed his cheek.

Tom smirked, then put his game face on.

They walked out of the quarters and headed towards the lifts. While in transit she called Lai'lira had her track down her parents, which wasn't hard as they were visiting the centre, and set a meeting place that Tom suggested.

"Let's keep them in familiar territory, your office is fine. The Restaurant has too many people around. I want this to be as calm as possible, but if there is yelling someone enjoying their ziti shouldn't have to listen." Tom commented. He tapped a few commands into the tricorder, set it to remain on and active, then closed it back up and put it in the 'go-fast' bag.

It took no time at all for them to arrive, they had beaten her parents there. Lai'lira had cleared the centre. Splendora and Tom waited a good ten minutes before her parents showed. Jason, her father entered first. He gave a respectful nod. Helena however, burst in as if she owned the place, "Well it took you long enough. One week we looked for you."

Jason spoke up, "Helena! Hush." He walked up to Splendora and Tom. He looked Tom over, "I see you come prepared."

Tom looked the man over. "Isn't that the Boy Scout motto, 'Be Prepared'." He glanced around for a moment, "Let's please keep this civil. She wants to talk, you want to talk, we're all here so let's talk."

Jason held up his hand, "I just want..."

Helena jumped in, "Well I don't want to talk. There is nothing..."

Jason again raised his voice. This time it echoed through the room showing that he did indeed still have his Marine pipes. "Helena sit down and shut up or leave."

Vito had been in position in the back room, with the shouting, he stepped out, phaser drawn but at his side. Tom just held up his hand to indicate Vito to remain in position.

Gabe was in position just outside, he too held his position.

Helena looked horrified. She raised her chin, "I'm going shopping. I don't need this." She left in a huff.

Gabe let her pass, but kept and eye on her.

Splendora studied her father. He looked older, sadder, and...different. "I don't think I've ever heard you speak to her that way."

He shrugged and motioned to the sofa and chairs. Splendora gave a nod. She want to the replicator, got Tom a drink, herself one and a tea for her father.

Jason stared at the cup, "You remembered."

She shrugged, "Mint tea two creams one sugar."

Jason seemed to grow sadder. "So much to say, I don't know where to start."

Splendora shrugged. She sat next to Tom, for a moment she forgot where she was and kicked off her shoes and curled her feet under her. She slipped her arm in Tom's and laid her head on his shoulder in an unconscious gesture.

Jason studied the two. "I guess a fine start would be to say I'm sorry."

When Splendora would have spoken he held up a hand. "No... let me speak. I was cruel, we all were, I was distant, I was rude, I was a lot of things. I wasn't a father and I have no excuse but I have an explanation that made sense at the time..."

She looked at him shocked. She said nothing, giving him time to gather his thoughts. She let her senses roam and found that he was being truthful. "I didn't know you were mine. Your mother said that you were a child of an affair and all I could see when I looked at you was that you were not mine." He shook his head. "I punished you for your mother's mistake. Little did I know that you are mine, Holly is not."

Splendora tensed as she held on to Tom's arm. She said nothing.

Tom studied the man for a moment. He wasn't a Betazoid, wasn't telepathic, but he could play a hell of a poker game...and he didn't think Jason was bluffing.

"So, what's next?" Tom asked to no one particular.

Jason continued ignoring Tom, "After you left...I was lost. I saw my mistake, I saw what I did and how I acted and it killed me that I had lost my little girl. It killed me that I treated you like I did."

Splendora placed her forehead on Tom's shoulder not looking at Jason she spoke, "Why are you telling me all this now."

Jason shrugged, "I want to make up for it all. I want to know you, and your husband." He looked at Tom and then Splendora.

Jason spoke a bit more and after a good half an hour of listening Splendora looked at him. "What do you want me to say?"

"Nothing. I had to see you, explain. I want to be a part of your life, both your lives. Once the divorce from your mother comes through..."

Helena had chosen just that moment to walk in. "The what!"

Gabe quickly stepped back into the door way. It wasn't his job to keep her out, but he wish he had at this point.

Splendora looked at Tom. She stood and had been about to say something when her parent's started arguing.

She walked over trying to get control. "Stop fighting..."

Before she could do anything Helena rounded on her. "This is your fault!" She raised her hand delivering a blow across Splendora's cheek. The next few seconds passed in a blur... Tom said something, her father said something, and when she looked up her father was hustling Helena out of the room and Tom was asking her something. She looked up still feeling the sting.

Vito had his phaser drawn but Tom hadn't allowed him to use much has he wanted to shoot the bitch. Gabe had drawn his phaser as well, but Tom held up his hands to both of them.

"Are you okay?" Tom asked, trying to help her up.

She ignored Tom and called out to her parents, "Enough!" She rounded and turned to face both. "I'm not your toy, I'm not a child, I've had enough. I have a life here I don't want either of you here." She turned to Helena, "Leave now and I won't press charges Helena," she said using her mother's given name. "You," she pointed to Jason, "You say you've changed you want to make a mends why did you come here with her? Why not just send a note? I know there is more to this. I sense it."

Jason turned red. "I need your help." He said. Helena had used the distraction to slip out of the office.

Her eyes widened and then narrowed. "No."

"Please just listen." He turned to Tom. "Can't you talk to her. Tell her to hear me out."

"This is her decision, and I'll support her, whatever she decides." Tom replied as Vito stepped between Jason and Splendora. His eyes were fixed on the shorter man.

Splendora put a hand on Tom's arm. "What do you want Jason?"

Jason studied Vito. The big mad was intimidating even to him. "Four bars of latinum. Your business does well I know you have it saved up. I did a bit of research, found out you sold your property on the Romulan colony." He looked at Splendora.

She felt cold. All he'd said..."Why?"

He shrugged, "With the divorce, I owe Malakai and Holly."

Splendora just laughed. She was well aware of the stares from all those in the room. "You borrowed money from the Orion? Malakai at that. You are brave. I'll give you that, you are brave." She shook her head and headed to her desk. She reached into the second drawer and pulled out a PADD. She typed in a few numbers and held up the PADD. "If I gave you the latinum would you leave and never contact me again?"

It was a test. If he was sincere he might take the bars but he'd not make a promise to leave her alone.

Jason rubbed the back of his neck. He looked torn. Finally his shoulders sank. "Yes."

Splendora stood up and walked over to Jason. She handed him the PADD. "I will give you the latinum, you will go home, and never contact me again, I want nothing to do with you or your wife. This is my home." She motioned to Gabe, Vito, and Tom, "This is my family."

Jason gave a nod. He took the PADD and looked it over. He added his account information and handed the PADD to her.

She gave a nod. "Goodbye...Jason. I want you and Helena off the station in twenty four hours and then I will make the transfer."

Jason gave a nod and left.

Splendora let out a breath she'd been holding and sat down on her desk. She stayed silent for a moment. She looked at Vito, Gabe, and Tom. She suddenly felt tired. "I don't think they are a threat anymore." She looked at each man in turn. They had shown more loyalty and more care to her then she'd seen in a long time. She felt a hand on her shoulder...

Vito gave Gabe and nod and he followed Jason and his wife to their quarters. Vito then grabbed a PADD and typed in some information, making arrangements for Jason and his wife to be on the morning transport off the station. Tom pulled the tricorder out of his bag and typed in a few commands. He'd recorded the whole event, and uploaded it to his private database.

"You can stay with me again tonight if you want to, until they're off the station." Tom said.

Splendora gave a nod, "Thanks Tom. I honestly don't know if I can ever repay you and Vito and Gabe. I know it couldn't have been easy having me there all week and I appreciate it very much."

"Speaking of repaying..." Zark stuck his head into Splendora's clinic. "We've been looking for you. There's a vote that's been called about raising prices that's deadlocked and needs your vote to break the tie."

Tom dipped his head, he knew the little Ferengi would be calling in the favor soon enough. "I'm on my way."



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