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Wounded Warrior

Posted on Wed Jul 19th, 2017 @ 11:12pm by Major General Thomas Jackson & Master Warrant Officer Gaius Aquila & Master Sergeant Atlee Micklin & Staff Sergeant Sam Hopper

857 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Medical Department, Rehabilitation
Timeline: MD1, 1203hrs


The last two weeks have been trying on Giaus, who was getting used to at least moving on his biobed. The pain he experienced varied from mild to severe. He wanted to return to duty as soon as possible, but knew it would take time. It was the middle of the day, and his closest friends took the opportunity to visit him. He was already in good spirits, since Holly and his sons visited him earlier this day. Holly was going on a sortie once again, as duty called. But he knew that she would make it back. His train of thought was broken by a slap on the back of his head. "Base to Aquila, come in Aquila," joked Jackson, who knew where Giaus' thoughts drifted. Giaus murmured as colorful word in Latin, as he laughed at his friend. Atlee Micklin, the acting commander of their MARSOC Group, jokingly said, "Be careful Sir, you might give him a concussion, and he would be off duty for a year." Sam Hopper just shook his head, "That would go over well."

Braxton was starting to feel more like a Starfleet doctor then a Marine medic. His studies had been going well and Hades had pulled strings to have him do hours in sickbay to get the final hours he needed and to complete his exams. With Med exams, assignments, training, sickbay duty and Lai'lira's guard he was tired and frustrated. He'd say it affected his bedside manner but well he'd never had one to begin with.

He looked at the duty roster today. He had Aquila and the sounds coming from the recovery room told him his fellow Marines were there. Braxton sighed, grabbed his med gear and headed in.

Sam noticed Braxton's entry first. "Good afternoon Chief." The rest of the Marines moved to clear a way for the Medic. Giaus turned his head towards him, "How are you Doc?"

Braxton gave a nod to the Marines in the room. "Hi Sam." He gave the man a slap on the shoulder. He turned to Giaus. "The big question is how are you feeling? I hear you've been overdoing it a bit."

"Well, to be honest Doc, the pain has not been as bad as it was two weeks ago. And I could at least get up to use my own bed pan. I am not sweating anywhere as much. When could I try to walk around again?" Giaus asked.

Brax made notes in the file, "I'll start you on one walk around the ward every three hours. That's a good ten minutes. If you improve then I'll have the physiotherapist see you and take you through some routines. I need to check your wound." He said. He was aware that the others were watching him. He hadn't spent much time in the Marine quarter and he knew Jackson had questions and about the exams. He was a few away an then he'd be a real MD..and wouldn't have to answer to Eviess. Hades had left her in charge and the Klingon was a nut. He was already at Giaus' side when he remembered his manners. "Oh, right. May I check your wound....please." He said the words as if they were unfamiliar. He was still learning this bedside manner thing.

"Sure Doc." Giaus answered, as he opened up his gown. Jackson looked at the other Marines, "Well gentlemen, I think we should give the doc some space. See you around Giaus." The marines said their goodbyes, and left the ward.

Braxton checked the wound. He made a note on the PADD. "Well looks good. I am a bit worried about the amount of redness. I will have the nurse apply a cream. I'm guessing it's a bit irritated. He looked at Giaus and pulled out a tricorder. He pressed a few buttons and ran it over the heart area. "Everything is working fine. I will start upping your walking. You'll be assessed in a few days and if the walking and physio is helping then we'll get you home resting."

"I appreciate that Doc. I miss my family." Giaus said.

Braxton gave a nod. "Okay then...this is where I would say something comforting but...I'm still working on my bedside manner." He admitted.

"You are doing fine Doc. You are doing fine. I can't thank you enough for the job that you are doing." Giaus replied.

Braxton felt a bit uncomfortable at the praise. "Now there is a bit more good news. Where as we urged you to use a walker for up until now you don't need one now. Your balance is better and you seem sure on your feet. There are some things I want you to watch out for when you are walking. If you feel any of these tell the nurse right away. Shortness of breath, any burning sensation in your chest, numbness in your left arm. Don't try to hide these okay? It's nothing dangerous but that means we have to adjust your medication."

Giaus knew what a hear attack was. "I will let you know Doc. Thank you"


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