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Trouble in Paradise

Posted on Thu Jul 20th, 2017 @ 8:36am by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr

1,968 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Fleet Admiral Bremer's Office
Timeline: MD1, 1205hrs


General Hurd knew he was in trouble. Even though he had been promoted, his actions at the Rashinar site were, to say the least, bad. And actions have consequences, and now it was time to face them. Taking the turbolift up to operations, he walked over to the Admirals office, rang the chime, and steeled himself for the chewing out he was going to get, and rightfully so.

Bremer had returned to his office after an early lunch with his wife and youngest son. He wanted to get a few last minute things taken care of before departing for the Delta Quadrant. One of those was to have a talk with newly promoted General Hurd.

"Enter." Mike said in an authoritative tone.

Walking in, Hurd saluted, stood at attention, and said, "Brigadier General Hurd reporting sir".

"Have a seat." Mike replied, motioning toward a chair. He continued to look over a PADD for a moment, then dropped it on his desk and leaned back in his chair eyeing Hurd for a moment.

"What happened at Rashanar?" Mike finally asked.

Sitting down, Hurd said, "Sir, i came up with something called the Diamond Edge Maneuver, which allowed us to disable several pirate vessels instantly and take numerous prisoners without a shot being fired". Shifting in his chair, General Hurd asked, "Sir if i may ask, has there been some complaint?"

"I'm asking about your blatant refusal to follow Captain DaSilvor's orders." Mike replied. "We've had discussions before regarding insubordination and you know it's not to be tolerated." Mike took a breath, then asked. "Why did you disobey his orders? There was nearly a mutiny aboard the Falcon at one point!"

"Sir with all all due respect and honesty, I don't have any idea what you are talking about", Hurd said scratching his head.

Mike looked at the PADD and tapped a command, the sensor and communication logs from the Falcon and Conqueror appeared on the large screen behind his desk.

"I'm talking about this." Mike said in a not so happy tone.

Falcon Bridge

Visibly shaking with anger, Hurd held up his hand and said, "Hold a moment". Speaking through a separate channel, he said, "Falcon Actual to Conqueror Actual, I am going after those grave robbing bastards, and sending them straight to hell, consequences be damn". Turning to McMichaels he said, "Red Alert, all hands to Battle Stations, full power to Weapons and Shields".

Patrick brought the Falcon to full ready status. "Shields up and phasers and quantums ready, Colonel" He reported.

That was more like it... "We're ready Colonel." Deb said Her smile was feral, SHE LOVED kicking ass..

"Very well", Hurd said with a grim grin on his face. Turning to face the Bridge crew, Hurd said, "If any of you have objection, please state so now and it will be noted in my log".

Henry had no idea what to do, so he just stood next to the turbolift door, like starship security officers did in the past.

Conqueror Bridge

Dalenna was monitoring the Falcon. Her eyes widened as she spoke with urgency, "Sir, the Falcon. They've gone to red alert and are powering up their weapons and raising shields."

Andre stood as the Colonel voice came across the com system. "No, you idiot.." He tapped his comm badge to reply, "Colonel.. Stand down, NOW! This is direct order. If you do this you will never sit in the centre seat again, so STAND DOWN!"

The Bridge crew watched and waited to see if the Colonel responded

Falcon Bridge

"And what?", Hurd shouted back angrily through the channel, "So you can warn away those Grave Robbing bastards, who are out there destroying and desecrating both the memory of all those who perished here and this sacred site itself?" "This is Bullshit and you know it is, they deserve nothing less than a extremely harsh and fast strike on them now, and if they are destroyed so be it!!!".

Patrick switched to Yellow Alert but was ready for disciplinary hearings from the Colonel. "Ship on Yellow Alert. Sorry Colonel. I won't let you throw away your command. You can court martial me later" Patrick said.

With venom in his voice he turned and said, "McMichaels, you are relieved of duty, get off my Bridge".

Patrick just stood there. "Colonel Hurd, I believe your emotional state has compromised your ability to command. I don't want to relieve you, Sir, but I will if you proceed with this course of action" he said calmly. Inside, though, he was shaking. He was close to being court martialed.

"Really now?", he said to Patrick. Turning his back to him he said out loud, "Computer, this is Colonel David Hurd Sr, please erase and lock out the Executive Officer's command codes, authorization Hurd 22betacharlie, clearance level 1". After a few seconds the computer replied saying, "Executive Officer's Command Codes erased and access locked out". Turning back to Patrick, with the whole bridge crew looking on, and a wicked smile spread across his face, Hurd said, "As i said, get off my Bridge or i will drag you off and have you confined to the brig you coward".

Never had Patrick been spoken to in such a fashion in all his life. To be called a coward, BY A FELLOW MARINE. It was unthinkable. He was visibly shaking now. He stepped forward, looking David in the eye. "If you were ANY other man, I would KILL you where you stand. Your quest for revenge will be your undoing" he said and left. No salute. A court martial awaited him. But was NO coward

With a menacing tone in his voice, Hurd said, "I am not going to court martial you, but you will get off of my bridge and I mean NOW!!!", as Patrick left.

Henry listened to the exchange in total shock, and had no intention of taking a side in this pissing contest.

Being out of the loop as long as she had, Deb had no idea why things were exploding... Her instinct was to override everything, She was the only one with the skill.. In the end, However was captaining the Falcon. She needed to stay in her post and do her job...

Patrick remained in his quarters, locked behind the doors. He had celtic music playing but it didn't calm him down. He grabbed one of his favorite swords and began a training session.

Lennox did not like where this was going, at all. He hoped between the Captain on the Conqueror and Major McMichaels, Colonel Hurd would calm down, but that didn’t seem likely. Danny understood Hurd’s anger, maybe better than some of the others, the bodies of some of his friends were still in the boneyard too, but going in guns blazing wouldn’t help them now. He stood at tactical with his hands behind his back.

Conqueror Bridge

Andre listened to the exchange on the bridge of the Falcon. Looking around the bridge, he was pretty sure the colonel had forgotten he had left his comm open. "Record everything coming off the bridge of the Falcon."

He looked over at Dalenna, "This has got out of hand. Get the access codes to the Falcon and shut the ship down. Then change the codes." He looked around the bridge to locate Lt Hurd "Lt. , while they still have their shields down lock on to the Colonel and beam him straight to the brig here on the Conqueror, disable any weapons he may be carrying."

"Aye sir", Lt. Hurd said visibly angry at his dad. "Captain, I caution you that he, my dad, carried quite a few concealed weapons that wont show up on scans."

Andre nodded, "Thank you, Lt".

Dalenna's fingers glided over the console as she searched for the codes. Success, "Sir, I'm having problems finding the access codes. Attempting to change them now."

Andre nodded. He was getting fed up with this situation. This was wasting time to sort the scavengers out and the frustration started to show in his responses, "Understood, Commander. It won't surprise me if he has changed them."

Andre knew it was his father, but he still expected him to follow orders and it may quieten the Colonel down if it is his son putting him in the brig.

Then to no one in particular, "Once we have the ship locked down, re-establish Major McMichaels access and put him in command of the Falcon."

He walked over to the helm officer and placed a hand on her shoulder, "Cut the impulse engines and hold station here. "Major Maxwell, notify the fighters we will be delayed a few minutes. Tell them to stay out of sight. We will be getting to the raiders, then we will be taking back everything they have looted."

Falcon Bridge

Unmuting the COMM channel, Hurd said, "Good luck trying to take my ship, I have the sole command codes, and the prefix and ship access codes were changed, so good luck." To nobody in particular, Hurd said, "Get him on screen". But before any of his crew could react, the colonel faded from the bridge of the Falcon and re-appeared in the brig on the Conqueror.

Conqueror Bridge

R'nard looked over to Andre. "What do you want me to do, sirr?" he said.

Andre looked over at him, "You can have the con, Commander. And get Admiral Bremer on the line for me, please. If the Colonel has changed the codes, I will need his authorization to override any changes. I'm going to the brig."

As he reached the turbolift doorway, he looked back to the bridge, "Let me know when Admiral Bremer is available, Lt Hurd you are with me." He then turned and left the bridge.

"Understood sir,", Lt. Hurd said as he followed the Captain.

Dalenna was a bit frustrated at the audacity of the Colonel. She did feel a little sorry for Lt. Hurd, how embarrassed he must be for his father's actions.

R'nard took the center seat. "Hail Admiral Bremer, please." he said.

"Now, I ask you again, why did you disobey orders?" Bremer asked.

After viewing the video, General Hurd bowed his head in shame. At the time all this was going on he felt that through righteous anger he was behaving properly, but now, he could see that he had behaved like a child. His head still bowed in shame, he said, "Admiral, i offer no explanation, my actions were unbecoming, shameful, and were not in the best traditions and regulations of Starfleet". "Sir, if you want, I offer my recent promotion, my behavior was shameful".

"You're damn right they were unbecoming and shameful" Mike replied as he stood. He deactivated the monitor and set the PADD on his desk.

"An official reprimand will go into your Starfleet Record. Don't plan on leading any missions on your own anytime soon." Mike tapped in a few commands on his desktop display. Then, in a softer tone he added, "Off the record, I can't say I wouldn't have acted similarly at some point...and I probably have. I've broken rules before too, but there's a time and a place, a right way to handle it. This was neither of those." He looked at Hurd for a moment, "Since you've come back on duty you've done exceptionally well, don't let his mistake define you...and as partial punishment for this mistake you'll have to answer to a higher power on the Delta Quadrant mission." Mike smirked, "Your wife will also be going aboard the Essex, so don't step out of line."

A partial smairk appearing on his face he asked, "Are you kidding?"

"Dismissed." Mike replied, without indication if he was kidding or if he was serious.



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