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Marine Preparations

Posted on Thu Jul 20th, 2017 @ 9:07am by General Janice Fultian-Bremer & Major General Thomas Jackson & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Major Patrick McMichaels & Major Edward Maxwell & 1st Lieutenant David Henry & Master Sergeant Charlton Gibbs & Master Sergeant Atlee Micklin

794 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: SB400, Marine Briefing 2
Timeline: MD1, 1245


Jackson stood in front of his command staff. "Good afternoon people. Time is short, so we will try to make this quick. So far, we have an OP Order that is going to be sending most of you on an expedition to the Delta Quadrant. The rest of the division remains on standby on the starbase, the Kaleb III Depot, and the Kaleb IV garrison. The fleeters here will get to play their war games. General Bremer, is there anything that would be good to know for the Delta Expedition?"

Janice, back in uniform stepped forward. "The trip to the Delta Quadrant is more of a supply run than anything. The Talaxians are in need of aid, supplies, replicators, food. The Marines that are going are to help provide training assistance to the Talaxians while the Combat Engineerins will assist the Starfleet Engineers and Talaxians make repairs to their facilities, ships, and beef up their defenses. There won't be space for heavy weapons or much anything else, all cargo holds are full of requested and anticipated supplies."

"General Hurd, can you tell me what kind of detachments from First Division will be going on the expedition?" Jackson asked.

Clearing his throat, Hurd said, "I would like three rifle companies and a field medical section.

"Take them." Jackson answered. He trusted David's judgement.

"Major McMichaels, are you up to being General Hurd's right hand man?"

Patrick snapped a salute. "As always, General. You can count on me" he said.

"Major Maxwell, I understand that a fighter squadron is also going on the expedition. Will the rest of your wing be able to defend the base, and the system if needed?" Jackson asked.

"Partly correct General." Ed shook his head. "The DQ mission only has a flight of birds going. The ships in the task group aren't big enough to carry a squadron in addition to their own shuttles and runabouts. We'll be stretched thin here at home, but we'll make due. Between this mission and our losses from Archanis, we're down almost 25% of our assigned strength."

"Understood. I am sure you arranged a suitable mix for the deployment. The good news is that with these fleets arriving, you won't be the only fighter wing holding the bag if fighters are needed for base defense."

"Major." Janice spoke up, "The USS Mahan will be here later today, she's bringing thirty of the new Gryphon Class Fighter for the One Eighty First."

"Well that's a step in the right direction. Any chance she's bringing me some pilots to go with them? Empty birds don't do me any good."

She glanced at the PADD, "Twenty pilots, fifteen trainees, and a dozen flight mechanics and techs." Janice replied.

"Captain Casion, are you bringing any Combat Engineers, in addition to your detachment?"

Kaleb had worked out rather nicely, despite her personal tragic twisting life. Her people had done a remarkable job. The systems defenses and all other systems were top notch. keeping them in shape was not difficult. "I'd like to split my unit, take 60 and leave the rest. The frontier will deffinantly have greater challenges... I've split my talents as close to the middle as I can, I have six squads of ten, well rounded and eager.." Deborah said after a longer than usual paws. Amir was on her shoulder, silent as well..

"Major Lennox, is your detachment ready?"

Lennox nodded. "Yes sir. All equipment is aboard the Pegasus and the detachment is due to report aboard in the next thirty minutes."


"Sergeant Gibbs, due to the numerous guests that we will be hosting, I want MSAU to cover all the sensitive areas in Marine Country, in addition to your routine patrols." Jackson told his head of security.

"Yes Sir. I already took that into account with the new duty rosters. The Third Fleet dropped off a group of newly assigned MSAU Marines, so we are good as far as securing the marine areas." Gibbs answered.

"Sergent Micklin, since the expedition is not taking any MARSOC, I want you to have at least one team to augment the regular QRF. Things can get potentially hot in this area quickly." Jackson said.

"Yes Sir. I will have Beta Team on standby, to back up the company assigned to QRF." Micklin noted. He would have felt better if his boss, Chief Aquila was running things, but he will be on medical profile for some time. Plus the Lieutenant in charge of the Infantry QRF is a spit fire, though a little timid at times. But Lieutenant Henry really shined on Arcanus IV.

Jackson digested all the answers that he heard from his officers. "If there isn't anything else, the only thing I can add is good luck. Dismissed."



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