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Posted on Thu Jul 20th, 2017 @ 12:41pm by Admiral Deela T'Lar & Commander Dalenna Coolidge - DaSilvor & Lieutenant JG Frank Doyle & Lieutenant JG Janelle Sykes & Petty Officer 1st Class Cara Lan & Brandon McNamara

341 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: En Route Cargo Bay 2
Timeline: MD1, 1255 hours


Deela was on a mission of her own. She was collecting medical supplies as well as anything else she could get her hands on. There were a few favors people owed her so she collected on those as well. Dalenna was also woith her. She was discussing with her the inventory that they had done so far.

Deela heard someone approach them from behind. Deela swiftly turned around to see who it was.

"Admiral T'Lar, where do want this stuff?" A young Ensign was holding a crate, looking very lost.

"I have cargo bay two set up." Deela motioned to him, "Follow me." She led him to the place and pointed where to put it. "Do you have more items coming?"

He nodded, "Some. They are putting it on the transporter pad as we speak. I'll let them know where." He got into contact with his tiny ship and the supplies appeared on the floor of the cargo bay. Janelle started unloading the items and separating them into their categories. Brandon, even though her son was 12, he was big for his age and he really wanted to help so she let him.

Deela also had her Yeoman and Doyle helping her. They also were foreseeing other items coming in. She was surprised to see how much was brought in. Everyone there was working hard, inventorying and putting together a plan for distributing the items to the three ships.

"There is one more shuttle arriving with some items. Once we get that in, all of you, take a break. Brandon, come along now."

"Aww, mom, do I have to? Can't I stay?" Brandon gave Deela that pitiful look that he's always give her when he was trying to get his way. Of course, it never worked but she gave him credit for trying.

Deela spoke to him telepathically, ~Do not make me ask again, now.~ She gave him that annoyed look when he sighed.

There was still so much to do but getting Brandon fed was the priority right now.



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