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Posted on Fri Jul 21st, 2017 @ 8:03pm by Admiral Deela T'Lar & Commodore Alexandra Harrison & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Commander Hades,MD

1,438 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Pike's Quarters
Timeline: MD1, 1300 hours



Alex was playing with the twins. They were now sitting up on their own. They were getting bigger everyday it seemed, reaching their milestones. She thought back to the day she had gone into labor with the twins....


Alex and Deela were having lunch, talking about her son, Paul. She was happy to hear that he was coming home to help with the twins for a few months before he goes back to Starfleet Academy.

The conversation continued, "I told Paul that he didn't have to. Lee and I can handle the twins and I also have an offer by a civilian on the station who used to be a nurse to help out."

Deela nodded, "Good. I would take advantage of it." She kept looking at Alex who seemed a bit uncomfortable, "Alex, are you okay?"

Alex shifted uncomfortably in her seat, "I'm okay. Carrying two babies has caused havoc. They are going to be wrestlers or ballet dancers." She chuckled little.

Deela wasn't so sure f she believed her, "You do not look like it is nothing."

Alex insisted, "I'm fine. You are such a worry wart."

"No, I just care about my friend." Deela left it at that. The lunch continued for a half hour. They both got up out of their chairs when Alex winced.

Alex sat back down, "Um, remember how I said that I'm okay? I think I may have spoken too soon." She took a few cleansing breaths as she gained her composure.

Deela waited for her to be able to walk, "Let's get you to sickbay. I will get Lee once we get there." She helped her to sickbay. Once there, Deela sat her down on a nearby chair. She went to Hades office, "Dr. Hades, I hope you do not have any plans because you are about to deliver twins."

Hades had just finished his rounds and was about to go to his office to write his report when he heard Deela's voice. He rushed out to see what was going on. He noted Alex's strained face. "Oh dear." He helped get her to a bio bed and grabbed a tricorder. He made sure Alex kept breathing and stepped to the side with the nurse and Deela. He looked at her. "Admiral I have to get her to surgery. We need to get those babies out."

Deela nodded, Understood. I will let Lee know. Do what you need to do to get her ready." She stepped out of the room as to not panic Alex. "Commodore Pike, please report to Sickbay ASAP!" She stepped back in.

She walked over to Alex, "Lee should be here anytime."

Alex nodded as she winced in pain once again, "I hope he hurries. I had Paul very quickly and these are twins."

Deela patted her hand, "I'm sure he is."

Lee was in his office going over some reports when he heard the cal come from Deela, he thought for a second then it dawned on him. He quickly stood up tapping his badge "Pike to transporter room, emergency site to site transport to sickbay from my office. Within seconds the transport beam took Lee from his office to sickbay. He looked around quickly for her room.

Nurse Annabeth, dressed in surgical scrubs was there to great him. "Commodore Pike I presume?"

Lee hearing his name turned around "I am Commodore Pike."

"I was just on my way to the OR. The surgery has started," she said.

Lee's eyebrow shot up in wonder and confusion "Surgery for what?"

"We must remove the children by C-section. It's a standard procedure and Doctor Hades is very good at it." She motioned for him to follow her.

Lee nodded but said nothing and followed the nurse.

==/\==Meanwhile in the OR==/\==

Hades smiled at Alex. "How are you doing?"

Alex glared at him, "How am I doing? HOW AM I DOING?" She took a deep breath and let it out and then spoke through clenched teeth, "Can we begin already?" She was ready for the medication and to get them out."

Alex saw Lee and the nurse who was supposed be prepping her. "Oh Lee. Thank god you're here. I was worried that you were going to miss it." She looked over at the nurse and glared at her as well.

Lee looked at his wife and smiled "You know that I wouldn't miss this for anything in the world, I had an emergency transport all set up even."

Hades just smiled at her. He understood what Alex felt. "Nurse can you please get Mr. Pike into scrubs." Hades picked up a hypo and pressed it to Alex's throat. He drew a sheet up to block the surgical site and stepped behind it to sterilize the area while Pike got changed.

Lee then went with the nurse and after a few minutes stepped back into the area in scrubs then went over to stand next to his wife and kissed her lips "Everything is going to be OK Imzadi."

Hades set to work. Some of the readings were a bit off, nothing critical or dangerous but because Alex was stressed it passed to the babies. He carefully made the incision. The nursing team was experienced and anticipated any took he would need. Soon he stretched the incision and reached inside. Within a minute the boy was out. Quickly Doctor Benton took over cutting the cord and suctioning the airways. As Hades reached for the second child he heard the cry of the first telling him the baby was alright. Doctor Benton was a trained pediatrician so Hades knew the baby was in good hands. The second child, a girl, was delivered and handed off.

Hades peaked around the screen, "Not long now. Both babies are out and doing fine. We just have to clean and close." He said and turned back to the task at hand.

Alex smiled at hearing the babies cry. She couldn't wait to see her miracles of life. It was a feeling that she was more than familiar with. Paul was a hard birth, unlike the twins. She smiled at Lee, "The sound of two healthy babies. I can get used to it." Somehow, she had forgotten what it was like to not only raise one but they were going to be raising twins.

Lee nodded and smiled at Alex "I could get use to it as well."

Hades finished the last sweep of the regenerator and cleaned the area. He stepped aside to let the nurses finish and smiled as he looked on at the two babies. He left the OR to get out of the scrubs and prep the recovery room.

Doctor Benton walked over to the parents. "We'll get them fully checked out and they will meet you both in the recovery room."


The twins, Alton and Adora, as they sat next to each other, were interacting with each other. One would coo then the other one would. They seemed to be grabbing for each other. They definitely had a connection with each other. She had heard of this but never seen it firsthand. All she could do was smile.

Lee had stood there in the doorway of the room watching his son and daughter as they interacted. Being part Betazed he knew they would always have a connection to each other, and they would always have part of that connection with Lee. He looked at his wife and smiled watching her as well.

Alex saw Lee watching and she smiled at him. She stayed on the floor with them and motioned Lee over, "How cute is this?"

Lee walked over to them watching as his children turned to look at their Father, he touched their minds reassuring them "It is very cute my love." He kissed her lips before sitting down next to them.

Alex wasn't ready going back to work. She felt bad leaving her seven month old kids with someone else but she had no choice. She looked over at Lee, "I don't know if you've heard but there is a meeting later on today that requires our being there. I guess maternity leave is over."

Lee looked at his children then looked at his wife nodding "I heard that there was. Don't worry the twins will be in good hands. My parents are coming back in two days for another visit."

"Good. I feel somewhat better. I'll get things prepared for their arrival." They went back to playing with the kids.



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