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Posted on Thu Jul 27th, 2017 @ 9:23pm by Crumm Widdy

625 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Skyline Lounge
Timeline: Current

Crumm Widdy stood behind the bar of the Skyline Lounge with arms crossed and a furrowed brow. He was deep in concentration. He made odd, contemplative noises as he surveyed his establishment. Standing to his side with a look of befuddlement splashed across his face was Crumm’s newest Denobulan bartender Mastus.

“We should put the polka band over there,” Crumm said gesturing in the far corner. “Yes, that would do just fine. And replicate more banners. We need to cover the catwalk.”

Mastus’ face was long and confused. “I still don’t understand; what is this Oktoberfest and what is polka?” He frantically tried to take notes and Crumm pointed and spat out ideas. “It sounds Klingon. Is it Klingon?”

“No, no,” Crumm shot back in light frustration, “it’s an Earth event. It’s a weeks-long celebration dedicated to the consumption of ale and the like. We need to drum up some business, Mr. Mastus, and I can think of no better way than a theme night.”

Mastus nodded as he looked around to see the Skyline was still sparsely populated. “Things have been a bit dull around here lately.”

“Your powers of observation never cease to amaze me, Mr. Mastus.” Crumm noted the muted ambiance and somber tones that set in like a deep fog. Crumm had been so caught up in personal matters lately that he had let his stake in his establishment become overly routine. It was almost as if he’d been missing the last couple of years. But that was going to change. He wasn’t sure what prompted his newfound energy, but Crumm was a man reinvented and he was going to turn the Skyline into a hub of activity once more. “Things are going to change around here and in a hurry.”

“With everything that’s going on out there,” Mastus said looking out of the viewport, “the crew could certainly use a diversion.”

“I’m glad you feel that way, Mr. Mastus,” Crumm said with a devilish smile. “In fact, I’ll need your assistance with that diversion.” Crumm laughed as he handed Mastus a stack of folded clothing.

Mastus took the top item and opened it up. It was a loose and light frilled cloth shirt. He looked at it and grimaced. It was hideous. Then he lifted a pair of short leather pants affixed with suspenders. Mastus shuddered. “What are these?”

“They’re called lederhosen and they’re essential garb for our upcoming event.” Crumm managed to contain his laughter.

Shaking his head, Mastus sank into himself. “I assume you want me to wear this?”

Unable to contain himself any longer, Crumm let out a high-pitched laugh. “Of course. And there’s more I’m afraid.”

“More?” Mastus asked sadly. “How much more humiliation can one endure?”

“Fear not, Mr. Mastus. As it so happens, you and your talents will be vital to our event.” Crumm slid a PADD towards his bartender. On it was a video of Mastus from his younger days where he was playing a Denobulan bass flute.

“How….why….where did you get that, Crumm?” Mastus’ face contorted and expanded in disbelief.

Crumm pulled a small, metallic case out from behind the bar. He opened it and revealed its contents. “It’s called a clarinet and I need you to learn how to play in three days. Crewman Schultz is one person shy in his band. You’ll have the next couple of nights off to rehearse with him.”

“I’m expected to perform in a…..polka band?”

“Perform, Mr. Mastus?” Crumm asked as he stared off into the rows of empty seats, “you may very well save the Skyline Lounge.”


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