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A New Honor

Posted on Thu Jul 27th, 2017 @ 10:26pm by Major General Thomas Jackson & Master Warrant Officer Gaius Aquila

442 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: SB400, Medical
Timeline: MD1, 1330hrs.

Giaus had a grueling day, between multiple exams, and physical therapy sessions. The sight of his best friend, Tom, along with his sons, Titus, and Octavian, were both morale boosters.

"I hope you don't mind a surprise visit Giaus," Jackson joked. "Good afternoon Father," Titus said. "You are not busy, are you?"

Giaus looked at his twin sons. At 17 years old, they were already considered adults on their home world of Magna Roma, where adulthood is the age of 16. He missed spending time with them, and Holly of course, who was on yet another deployment. "Not busy at all. Are you here to entertain me?"

Jackson and the two young men all smiled at his question. "Funny you should say that," Jackson answered. Octavian, who is normally quiet, then spoke. "Father, serious words for a moment, please."

They now had Giaus' full attention. Octavian was always the serious one of the twins. He usually did not have much to say, unless is was important. "I am listening Son."

"Father, back home, we are considered men. Our secondary education is complete, and we have an idea of where our pursuits should be. I want to earn a degree on Warp Theory. Titus wants a dual degree in Galactic Administration, and Archeology. "

Giaus nodded his head in approval. He knew that both their grades were stellar,even by Earth standards. "So, did you two decide which University you will attend? Are you going to separate schools?"

Titus answered, "Well, yes, and no father. Yes, we did decide where our schooling is going to take us. And no, we will not be going to separate schools. The school we applied to required out transcripts from Rome, as well as a recommendation from a Company Grade Star Fleet, or Marine Officer."

Jackson interjected, "Of course, a Flag Officer is above both company, and field grade officer. So I kind of helped them with a passionate letter of recommendation."

Giaus raised one of his eyebrows, "You mean to tell me..."

Titus finished the sentence, "Cadets Titus and Octavian Marcus Aquila, reporting for duty, Sir."

Giaus now blinked, suddenly fill with pride, "You two are going to Star Fleet Academy. By the blessings of Mars, this is great news. So when do you leave for Earth?"

"They leave in two weeks, and will arrive on Earth just in time for Hell Week." Jackson said. "And you will be on your feet to see them off, is that clear Chief?"

"Absolutely. I can wait to tell Holly the good news."

Titus smiled, "We will give you the honor Father."

"My children will outrank me in four years." Giaus realized.


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