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Training Department Rebirth

Posted on Thu Jul 27th, 2017 @ 10:27pm by Admiral Phelan Ward & Captain Andre DaSilvor
Edited on on Fri Jul 28th, 2017 @ 8:12pm

705 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: SB400, Level 10, Training Department
Timeline: MD1, 1331hrs


Phelan eventually forced himself to leave the Sentinel. He had a department to run, and he wanted to get acquainted to his new office. Still being in civilian attire, his Identification came in handy when he entered the Administrative section of the starbase, being stopped often by young security officers often. He would visit a tailor soon. He entered the Training Suite, which did not even have a clerk manning the main desk at this time. To the right, he saw an office labeled "Senior Training Officer." To the left, another office labeled "Training And Development Coordinator." He noted the dust, and that most of the consoles were powered down. He entered the coordinator's office, his office. "Well, at least Mike put in a desk," he said to himself, but there was nothing much else there. He had to keep in mind that his office would have the dual purpose of running the Training Department, as well as running a task force, as needed. He looked over the department roster on his console. So far, he has a senior staff of one, a Captain DaSilvor. He also had a few mid-level NCOs, but were currently assigned elsewhere. He decided that he might as well meet the only other commissioned officer in his department. =/\=Captain DaSilvor, if you are free, please report to the Training Department.=/\=

Andre was in ops when the Admirals call came through. He wasn't actually doing anything just watching how things were organised, afterall he had only been assigned to SB400 in the last month and what with the mission to the 'boneyard', as it was known, he hadn't spent much time actually on the station. Tapping his comm badge, "DaSilvor here Admiral. I'm on my way."

Seeing as he was not there officially he got up from his seat and heading for the exit. About 10 minutes later he entered the Training Department. "You sent for me, Admiral?"

Phelan walked up to Andre, and shook his hand, "Pleasure to meet you Captain. I understand that you are going to be my Senior Training Officer. " Looking around at the dust filled suite, Phelan continued, "It looks like we are going to have one hell of a start getting this department going. What do you think?"

Andre paused and looked around the office. He walked over to the door Senior Training Officer and opened it. Inside that office it looked much like the one they were standing it. He turned back towards the Admiral and scratched the back of his head, giving a wry smile, "We certainly have got our work cut out, Admiral." He looked around the room again, "I think we need to get the cleaners in and make sure this lot works."

"Agreed. I think the best cleaners on the base are needed. One moment please." Jackson tapped his comm console.
=/\=Ward to Jackson.=/\=
=/\=Jackson here.=/\=
=/\=Tom, I hate to impose, but I am in dire need of a work detail for the Training Department. Can you spare some of your Marines?=/\=
=/\=I was wondering when you were going to ask. I will send a detail from Support with the appropriate gear.=/\=
=/\=Thanks Tom.=/\=
=/\=Anytime. Welcome back to the game Cousin. Jackson out.=/\=
Ward looked at Andre, and smiled. "Well, that problem is solved. Now all we need is the equipment for this office."

Andre nodded, "While your people are doing that Admiral, I'll get on to engineering to see if they can help. I may be coming to you with some requisitions for equipment, though", He smiled as he added the last bit."

"Excellent Captain. I think we will work out just fine.", Phelan said, and he meant it. This Captain made for a good impression. "Is there anything else you think we should work on right now?"

Andre looked around the office again, then shook his head, "I don't think so, Admiral. Lets get this mess cleared up and the equipment working. Then we can see if there are any gaps between where we are and where we need to be. I'll go see Engineering now and see what help I can get. Once the place is cleaned up and operational, we can start drawing up training plans."


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