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Posted on Sun Jul 16th, 2017 @ 1:29am by Admiral Deela T'Lar

1,849 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Promenade
Timeline: MD1, 1200 hours


Lai'lira had spent her afternoon off people watching. The bodyguard Hades and Brax had hired for her when they were busy sat off to the side. She was starting to like the man. He knew when she needed alone time and when she needed to talk.

A familiar face caught Lai'lira's eye. She grinned and waved enthusiastically. "Deela!"

Deela turned towards the voice calling her, "Hi Lai'lira. What are you up to?"

Lai'lira smiled. "I have the afternoon off so I was people watching. Actually I was going to come see you. How are you? How's the family?"

"I am good. The kids are also doing great." Deela smiled, "How about you?"

Settling into routine. Hades and Brax have hired a bodyguard." She waved at the large Nausiccan." He waved back. "How is the words best kitten." She asked referring to Deela's pet tiger.

"Earl?" She chuckled, "I'm sure he misses you." She frowns, "Poor guy. He already sleeps by the door, hoping that Alex's son, Paul comes back. He would probably love to see you again."

She smiled, "Any time. What happened with Paul?"

"Nothing. He is still away at the academy. But he would always come here and take him for walks and play with him. He still has Brandon and Raivyn but they are still a little young when it comes to entertaining him."

Lai'lira smiled. "Well I can help whenever you need it. I think he's the cutest kitten ever." It was hard for Lai'lira to see Earl as anything but a kitten.

Lai'lira looked around. "It sure is quiet here."

"Deela nodded, "It certainly is. Would you like to come to my place and see Earl?"

Lai'lira smiled. "Very much." Lai'lira seemed not quite herself. She was quiet and distracted.

Deela noticed but she wanted to wait until they got to her quarters to discuss it if she wanted to. "Good."

They walked to her quarters and as soon as they walked in, Deela offered her a drink, "Would you like a drink? Something to eat?" Earl walked over and nudged Lai'lira's hand.

Lai'lira sat down and wrapped her arms around Earl. "Hello Kitty!" She looked up at Deela, an orange fizzy soda would be great!" She planted a big kiss on Earl's forehead. "How's my favourite kitten?"

He purred which sounded like a growl. Deela handed her the glass, "He is really happy to see you." Deela got herself a drink as well and sat down next to Lia'lira, "So, what is going on with you? My Betazoid senses are telling me that something is wrong. Want to talk about it?" Earl put his chin on her knee.

Lai'lira sighed, "Actually I'm a bit confused about a few things...growing up there was nobody I could ask and I read stuff in books's not the same." She pet Earl and thought on how to best phrase things. " do you know if you like someone?"

"I asked the same question to my mom and she told me, "If you find yourself thinking about this person several times a day, and they are happy thoughts and sometimes your heart beats a little faster, then you are most definitely in like."

She smiled at her, "When I met my first husband, Jim, I could not stop thinking about him. I would get this funny feeling in my stomach when I was with him and be all giddy. He would tell the corniest jokes and he made me laugh. He was always in my mind no matter what I was doing and his name was always on my lips. That is how I knew I liked him.

Deela chuckled, "So, who is this person that you like? Got a name?"

She looked around as if they could be overheard. "Braxton...The marine."

"Ah yes, Braxton. Half El Aurian and Betazoid. Very tall. Isn't he a little old for you?"

"He's only fourteen years three months and five days older." She sighed. "But it's okay, I don't think he sees me as anything more then an inconvenience."

She frowned, "Now why would you say that? You have so many things going for you. You're pretty, smart and fun to be with."

She shrugged. "He's been very distant and grumpy and he doesn't talk much lately. I can't read him anymore. I used to be able to read him better but lately he's been closed and he avoids me when he can," she said sadly.

"Well, then it's his loss." Deela set her drink down, "I know what it is like when you like someone and they do not reciprocate back to you. If you feel that strongly about him, go to him, tell him how you feel. If he does not feel the same way, then at least, you will know either way."

Lai'lira studied her friend. "Is that allowed?" She flushed a bit, "I'm still learning about the social do's and don'ts."

Deela laughed, "There are no rules when it comes to love. I would rather make a fool of myself and find out than not and miss out on a possible relationship."

Lai'lira had temporarily stopped petting Earl to talk with Deela. He was having none of it. He let out a snuff in reminder. Lai'lira laughed and hugged him again. She began to pet him. "He's so friendly!" She thought about what Deela had said. "I think he's been sad, Braxton, that is. I found out from Hades that his wife died around this time."

Deela sighed, "I understand what he is going through. Jim's death hit me the hardest especially since we had a child together. You might want to give him a few days before seeing him."

Deela got up and replicated Earl some food and set it down. He wouldn't move away from Lai'lra. "Earl, I know you are hungry. Come eat." Earl still wouldn't leave. She walked back over to Earl and Lia'lira, "Is there anything else that is bothering you?" Earl seemed concerned about her. She sat down, "Or, he might just be waiting for your permission to leave."

She smiled and kissed Earl between the ears. "Go on, time for little kitties to eat." She watched as Earl left to have his food. She stood. "He's so sweet." She turned back to Deela. "That was pretty much it. But I do want to hear how your romance is going," she smiled.

"My romance?" She grinned, "Well, we have not seen each other for a while so it has stalled a bit. We have both been so busy that we haven't been able to find time for each other. But that is okay. I am sure we will get together at some point."

She smiled, "Have you written to one another while you haven't seen each other?"

"Hmm, that is an interesting question though. I do not think that I have ever written to any of my husbands."

Lai'lira smiled, "You should! You can replicate special paper and all kinds of pens. Everything is done on PADDs and devices now writing...well it's taking the time to honour someone you love." She studied Deela a moment. "Do you think you will marry him?"

Deela gave the question some thought, "At first, I didn't. After losing two husbands at the hands of the enemy, I was not even sure if i wanted to be in another relationship with someone. But now, I will. When the time is right."

Lai'lira smiled and hugged her friend. "I'm so happy for you." She genuinely was. She was about to say something when the door to Deela's quarters chirped.

"Hmm, I was not expecting anyone." Deela got up and answered the door.

Braxton, looking not too pleased, stood there. He looked over at the Admiral and gave a slight bow. "Admiral, I'm sorry to bother you...but the computer said I could find Lai'lira S'Nai here."

Lai'lira stood up looking flustered and guilty.

His eyes settled on her and he crossed his arms across his massive chest. "You were supposed to stay in your quarters until I came to get you. You know Hades and I are not sure the danger is over yet."

Lai flustered, "I....I needed some time alone." She was sick of bodyguards and being watched.

Deela looked at him while she spoke to him telepathically, ~You might want to be a little understanding. I know you were worried about her and still is, but as long as she is with me, she will be safe.~ She closed her eyes for a moment, ~There is something else, I can sense that there is a sadness in you.~

In all of Braxton's worry he'd forgotten she was Betazoid. He'd forgotten to guard himself. Lai couldn't pick up on his thoughts but she could on his feelings, Deela, however, could pick up on it all.

While Lai'lira was speaking Braxton addressed Deela telepathically, ~Admiral I know she is safe with you but she left the quarters without a guard. Any one could have been there between her quarters and when she met with you.~

~One day, she won't need to be guarded.~ Deela spoke out loud, "I am sure that she didn't mean to worry you."

That little gem by the Admiral sent a cold shock through his system. She was right. Lai'lira would one day be fine. That made him feel....depressed. Not that she'd be safe but that she wouldn't need to be guarded by him. Truth be told he was looking forward to seeing her this morning. She seemed to chase away the darkness, she smiled, she sang, she asked a million questions....

Braxton noticed both women studying him. He slammed his guard up to keep from thinking. "Fine," he said to Deela's 'didn't mean to worry you' comment. ~The sadness is nothing.~ he replied telepathically. "I will not interrupt your visit further. I will be outside when you are ready to leave."

Lai'lira watched him go and the door closed. "I'm sorry he's really been difficult these past few days."

"You said that he lost his wife so it's normal for him to be like that. I am sure that I used to get moody and depressed as well." Deela smiled, "I think he likes you."

Lai'lira shook her head. "I don't know." She looked at the door. "I guess I should go. She wanted to stay with her friend but she knew Braxton would just be sitting there. She walked over and hugged her friend. "We should have dinner soon."

"We will. I will be busy for the next few weeks so we will do dinner when i get back." Deela walked her to the door.

She hugged Deela again and the door opened. Braxton had been leaning against the wall. He stood up straight. "Ready to go."

Lai'lira smiled. "I am." She gave Earl a pat on the head and waved at Deela. "I should get back to my quarters and rest a bit."

She smiled, "You do that. Bye Lia'lira."



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