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Posted on Sat Jul 15th, 2017 @ 10:15pm by 1st Lieutenant Klaus Gunther
Edited on on Thu Jul 20th, 2017 @ 3:17pm

295 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: USS Pegasus-B, Shuttlebay 1
Timeline: MD1, 1140hrs


Gunther and Hildmen stood patiently on the far side of the shuttle bay, as a work bee placed the last of the fighters on the deck. Since the last ship was his, he immediately stepped up, with his Combat Systems Officer, to start checking over the Scorpion type fighter. The Spectre Squadron pilots for the other 5 ships of Alpha Section were already doing the same thing. Another section of the older Rogue fighters would complete the fighter compliment for this mission.

As Hildman, call sign Gizmo, hopped into the rear seat to check out her systems, Gunther started out by popping open the impulse engine access panel. Always the tinkerer, Gunther managed to increase thrust of his impulse engine by 20 percent for sustained military speed, which was better than nothing. At least he found the warp propulsion responsive to his liking. He then inspected the rest of the interior of his ship, marveling at the 9 "kill" markings he earned at Arcanus IV. Being an Ace did have certain bragging rights. The mottled grey camouflage pattern, along with a "Lambda" emblem on the nose completed his own personal touches on the craft.

Prior to the mission, he looked over some of the declassified parts of the Voyager logs, noting the races that almost destroyed her. He wanted to know what he was possibly up against.

A shuttle arrived, and an old Gunnery Sergeant grunted at the rest of the section support marines as they started to offload ordinance for the fighters.

After all the checks were done, he dismissed his pilots, but reminded them to study the Delta Quadrant star charts whenever they could. Gizmo went back to the starbase for last minute checks, and he also returned to tie up any loose ends.



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