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Getting Ready for the Delta Quadrant Mission

Posted on Sat Jul 15th, 2017 @ 5:32pm by
Edited on on Tue Nov 5th, 2019 @ 7:52pm

253 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Ops /USS Essex
Timeline: MD 1 0900

Lieutenant Chloe Young was getting ready for the mission into the delta quadrant aboard the USS Essex she was looking over her department staff when she saw an ensign who was new to Starbase 400 she walked up to the young Ensign and said "Hello Ensign and welcome to Starbase 400 im Lt JG Chloe Young the new Chief Flight Control Officer here on SB400 and you are" she asked.
Nathaniel was nervous he said . Im Ensign Nathaniel Capp I was reassigned here The U.S.S. Goddard dropped me off here"He said. Chloe explained what was going on " Ensign I will be off SB400 I will be on the Essex for the Delta Quadrant Mission to new Talaxia while I am away on the Essex I am leaving Lt. JG Frank Doyle in charge of my flight ops department."Chloe said. Nathaniel said Thanks Lieutenant I Hope to make a great impression on you Mam m "He said. Chloe told him "don't worry you will, don't be nervous you know Ensign when I first came on board SB 400 I was just like you didn't know what was going on but you will do fine I Hope that when I return after this mission to hear Lieutenant Doyle's report on my department now if you will excuse me I have to prepare for the Delta Quadrant Mission. " Chloe left Ensign Capp with Lt. Doyle while she headed for the USS Essex to report aboard and prep the Essex for departure in 1400 hours.


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