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Pen Pal

Posted on Sat Jul 15th, 2017 @ 5:28pm by Lieutenant JG Octceann AmHain

416 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: USS Pegasus-B Main Engineering
Timeline: MD1 11:35 Hours


Octceann walked through Main Engineering again. The Staff of the Pegasus knew their jobs well, but he couldn't help checking up on them. In all honesty it was less checking up, and more of his own nervous excitement. He had been in charge of the Shran's engine room previously, but never as a chief. Today, at least for this mission, this was his engine room.

He finished his rounds and headed back for his small office space on the side of main engineering. He sat down, made a quick review of the pre-launch preparations and deciding things were in enough order he thought it was time to reach out to an old friend.

"Computer, open new message to Lt Sorac Mara of the USS Lenape."

After a few beeps he saw the writing interface open up, and he began to dictate his letter.

"Dear Mara,

It's been way too long since we saw each other on DS4. I arrived on Starbase 400 a few days ago. It's a big change from the Shran. I'll miss that old ship, but she's got 2 long years of overhaul in dock and I wanted to get back out there. Well I certainly got my chance. I've already been assigned to Engineering on the Pegasus for an upcoming support mission. It's almost too much to process. It's like all those nights of us sitting up late at the academy and dreaming are finally coming true.

Oh, I should tell you the Constantinople is here! I remember all those stories you would tell about the adventures your father had on the 'Consty'. I haven't had a chance to get aboard it yet, but I will one of these days. It's hard to imagine I'll get to walk the halls that saw so many adventures.

Well, I hope things are going well on he Lenape. Let's see if we can't meet up sometime for leave. I miss hearing your voice.


"computer end message and display"

He reviewed the message text on screen, and thought about changing it around to sound more important, but this was Mara he was talking to and if there was anyone in the whole universe who he could truly be himself with it was her.

"Computer, send message."

After the confirmation he shut the lid on her terminal. He really needed get back to his duties. While there wasn't a great deal to do for the next hour or so he wanted to be ready.



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