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Getting Prepped for the Delta Quadrant

Posted on Sat Jul 15th, 2017 @ 2:05pm by Admiral Deela T'Lar & Commander Hades,MD

991 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD1, 0600 hours

ON: Sickbay

Deela walked in and looked around. "Dr. Hades, can you spare a moment? I need to discuss a few things with you. If this isn't a good time, I can come back later."

Hades looked up from his inventory count. "Admiral T'Lar, of course." He smiled and motioned to his office...his new office. He was still processing everything and getting up this morning was difficult. He let the way to the office and motioned to the chair. "Have a seat, can I get you anything to drink?"

"No thank you. I am good." She observed him for a moment, "The reason for my visit is about our next mission. I need medical supplies to send to the Delta Quadrant. If you can see what we can spare, I would appreciate it."

Hades abandoned his trip to the replicator and sat down in one of the chairs. He gave a nod. "We managed to salvage a lot of supplies from the boneyards. I can make sure that kits are assembled. We can gather some equipment. How long do I have to assemble everything?"

"Six days at the most. I must apologize for such short notice. The good news is that I have called in a few markers. So we will be getting more medical supplies as well as other supplies."

Hades gave a nod. "We can manage that. The boneyard was good to us. The medical ship was almost one hundred percent intact." He said. Hades pulled out a PADD and typed a few commands. "I'll have my staff start the preparations right way. It should be easy since we're changing this up a bit here."

"Good." She leaned slightly forward in her chair, "One more thing. I want you to go to the Delta Quadrant with us and lead a medical team of your choice. They need a lot of help and we are going to give it to them."

Hades eyes widened. He thought about all that was happening here and all that he had to do. But as a doctor he couldn't say no. He gave a nod. "I will leave sickbay in capable hands then. How long do we have until departure?"

"Seven days. That should give you time to get your affairs together." Deela sat back again in her chair, "I would not have asked you if I didn't think you were the best man for the job."

Hades smiled a little, "Flattery, Admiral, will get you everywhere." He chuckled for the first time since he found out about Shri.

She chuckled a little, "I hope so." Deela got tired of sitting and stood up, "I believe we have covered everything. So tell me, how have you been?"

That was a question that he didn't want to ponder. He would have said fine but he knew that with the Admiral's abilities she'd know he was not telling the truth. He decided to tell the truth. "Not well."

Deela's expression was that of concern, "I am so sorry to hear that. Anything I can help with?"

He shrugged, "Unfortunately nothing can be done. I allowed myself to get emotionally involved with someone who thought of me and my feelings as nothing more then a game. I'd resisted and promised myself I would never walk that path and somehow I let me walls down. A mistake I will not make again." He sighed as he stood and looked out the window towards the stars.

"You should never give up on love. Just because one person played on your feelings, it does not mean that every woman is like that." She walked over and put her hand on his shoulder, "Who is this person that treated you so badly?"

"Doctor Thr'elanon," he simply said. He'd noticed Shri pulling back but he'd just left. Not a word, not a note.

She thought to herself, 'or man'. She quietly sighed, "I see. I wish I could shed some light why he left but unfortunately, I have no idea. Sorry that happened to you."

"It's not that he left but no word. When the Mercy arrived here we made a dinner date since we hadn't spent time together since the recovery mission started and he missed that. I thought he was tired as he was sick the whole time. Then when he didn't show up, I called, he said he was tired. We made breakfast plans, he didn't show and I find out he'd left early that morning. Not a note...not." He waved it away. Hades fixed his uniform. "Well that is not important. I have work to go about. I have a sickbay to run and a staff that depends on me." He turned to Deela, "And inventory to prepare. Will I be on the Mercy again?"

"No. We are only sending three ships. The Pegasus, Essex and Lexington. I am not sure which ship you will be assigned to. I will let you know in a few days." She moved towards the door, "I am sorry about Doctor Thr'elanon. Maybe he will contact you once he gets things sorted out. Good day Doctor."

He smiled at her, "I didn't mean for that to sound like a brush off."

"Do not worry Doctor, I did not take it as such but I do have a great deal to do today."

Hades gave a nod. "Oh Admiral, I did want to see you about something. I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for all you've done for Lai'lira. She always talks about how good you have been to her. I think she sees you as a mentor. Thank you for that."

Deela smiled, "You are welcome. She is a good kid. And Earl just loves her. She is more than welcome to come to my quarters or office anytime."

Hades gave a nod. He watched Deela leave and then sat down feeling utterly emotionally exhausted.



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