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Morning thoughts and plans

Posted on Sat Jul 15th, 2017 @ 10:27am by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer

636 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Starbase 400, Bremer's Office
Timeline: MD1, 0900hrs


It had been a week since the Rashanar mission ended. In that time, supplies had finished arriving, had been inventoried, and loaded aboard the Pegasus, Essex, and Lexington. All three ships had been looking over, diagnostics ran on all systems including the Slipstream drive, checked, and ran again.

Mike was in his office in Ops and was wrapping up reports. He posted the roster of those going on the Delta Quadrant mission and made note for everyone to be aboard their ships for departure at fourteen hours.

USS Pegasus B:
Bremer -CO -Mission Commander
Roebuck -XO
Ramata'tar -Chief Sec/Tac
Branson -Flight Control
Gillo –Ops
AmHain -Chief Engineer
Croesus -Chief Science
Matthews -Chief Medical Officer
Draven -Chief Intelligence Officer
Lennox -Chief Marine
Gunther -Fighter Squadron CO
Taz –Marine
Becca Bremer

Essex B:
T'Lar –CO
Lokran –XO
White -Chief Sec/Tac
Young -Flight Control
Maxwell -Ops
Solomon -Chief Engineer
Gilmore -Chief Science
Hades -Chief Medical Officer
Hurd Sr -Chief Marine
McMichaels –Marine
Sullivan -Engineer

Lexington D:
Stark -CO
Wayne -XO
Krall -Chief Sec/Tac
Ragen -Flight Control
Archer -Ops
Robinson -Chief Engineer
Sykes -Chief Science
Casion -Chief Marine

While away, Vice Admiral K'Temoc would be in command of the Station. K’Temoc had his hands full too. During the night, elements of the Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Seventh Fleets, elements of the Klingon Second and Eighth Fleets, elements of the Cardassian Third, Fifth, and Seventh Orders, elements of the Free Romulan Second Fleet, and elements of the C’hakilian Second and Ninth Battle Squadrons had arrived at the station. It was a massive fleet of over a thousand ships. Split into two units, they were designated as the Combined Third Fleet and Combined Fifth Fleet. Mike had assigned Admiral Ward the commander of the Third Fleet for the exercise and Admiral Kahl Th'Shras, an Andorian, commander of the Fifth Fleet. Th’Shras wasn’t happy about taking orders from a Vice Admiral, but Bremer had put K’Temoc in overall command for training exercise and maneuvers.

It would be a touchy situation, with Starfleet, Klingon, Romulan, Cardassian, and C’hikalians all aboard Starbase 400 and trying to work together in space. Tensions were high, but they all knew it was something they would need to deal with thanks to the looming threat of the Typhon Pact and a cold war that could turn hot at any time.

Klingon Area Commander G'Tar Sa', Cardassian Area Commander Legate Evek, C’hakilian Area Commander Gavosak Xanker, and Free Romulan Admiral Velal had all been reminded to keep discipline in the ranks…but that would be easier said than done.

Mike left his Office and returned to his quarters to spend time with his wife and youngest son for a few more minutes. Even with slipstream, the trip would take a week of ten 10 hour slipstream runs before a 'cool down' of six hours then doing it again. The Talaxians needed help, the supplies would be nice, but the help of Starfleet Engineering, R&D, and extra hands would be necessary too. Mike even had a few Marines aboard the ships too to help train the small Talaxian defense force in ground defensive tactics. There was even a group from the Starfleet Corps of Engineers going on along and planned to remain at the Talaxian’s asteroid base to continue helping until the next Starfleet mission arrived...but that wasn’t due to launch for another month.

Mike wasn’t nervous about the trip, Starfleet’s first planned mission to the Delta Quadrant since the return of USS Voyager sixteen years before, if anything he was excited. However he wished Starfleet and the rest of the Alliance had picked another time to conduct the joint training maneuvers so he could watch over and participate in them too.



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