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Rorrke's Drift or The Alamo PT2

Posted on Fri Oct 14th, 2016 @ 9:20pm by 1st Lieutenant Klaus Gunther & 1st Lieutenant David Henry & Master Warrant Officer Gaius Aquila & Staff Sergeant Sam Hopper & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Major Patrick McMichaels & Lieutenant Shrivol Thr'elanon & Major Edward Maxwell & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Lieutenant Nick Archer & Colonel Danny Lennox & 1st Lieutenant Taz & Gunnery Sergeant Marcus Ermey & Gunnery Sergeant Agtx & Sergeant Maal son of Torg & Sergeant Calthier & Corporal Nas & Private 1st Class T'ork & First Ramata`tar
Edited on on Tue Oct 25th, 2016 @ 12:49pm

3,389 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Arcanus System
Timeline: MD2, 1400hrs

Arcanus System

Sutherland, Bridge

Roebuck sent a message to the Tirpitz and Cairo, and all three ships moved into position behind Arcanus IV's moon. He then sent an encrypted message to General Jackson at Starbase 400. It would be a matter of time when the message of received and replied to.

Captain Roja was OIC on the Tripitz when things heated up. "Form up on the Sutherland and Cairo."

Shran brought the Cairo into formation with the other ships.


"Commander, Klingon ships nearing transporter range. They are actively scanning our Marine emplacements and the planet's defenses. They are not scanning for ships." Archer reported from Ops.

"We're in position Commander." The Ensign at Flight Control reported.

"Some of our fighters have been spotted by the Klingons, they've sent half a dozen Birds of Prey after them. They must think the fighters are from Arcanus IV itself." Archer added.

Roebuck thought for a moment, it was still a nineteen to three advantage in ships for the Klingons.

"Klingons are beaming warriors down, the shields are down on their Vorcha' and Negh'Var class ships." Ramata'tar reported.

"Send a message to the Tirpitz and Cairo, move in to attack. We'll target the Negh'Var, they need to each target one of the Vorcha's. If we can disable their heavy ships we might have a chance." Roebuck said. "Task us out of silent running, full power to the shields and weapons, full impulse."

Roja targeted the Vorcha on the right. The Tripitz might have been an old Excelsior Class, but Colonel Hurd pushed to have her "enhanced".

Colonel Hannon heard the order, "Tactical, full power to forward shields. Stand by quantum torpedoes. Target the Vorcha on the left."

Local Space

Gunther pushed his Eagle hard. His shields were now down to 30 percent. He managed to take out a second Bird Of Prey before he started to make his way to the other fighters. "Frogger to Reaper, I am heading for you really fast, have a few angry BoPs on my Six."

"Just keep coming Frogger, the welcoming committee is just about in position." Ed replied. "Okay people, compass point attack, take it vertical. Reaper has north, six take south, seven west, eight, well you know where you're going. Frogger passes through the middle and then we shoot in. Lead the way with photons and then open up with everything. Frogger, you might consider pushing power from the warp core to your shields. It's gonna get bumpy."

"Roger that Reaper." With a few taps, his shields went up to 60 percent.

Ed pulled back on his stick to shoot his Eagle straight up to get into position for what was coming.

As Gunther came close to his wing mates, he armed his micro torpedoes. Almost in range of the other Eagles, he throttled back, and spun his ship 180 degrees, as his forward inertia shot his ship through his formation. He fired half his torpedoes before throttling up to match the speed and bearing of his squadron. The Bird Of Prey directly behind him exploded from the torrent of micro torpedoes.

"Scratch another." Ed commented as he kicked the peddle controlling the direction of his thrusters and shoved his stick forward flipping the fighter back on it's nose. "Tallyho, locked on the lead bird. Engaging." He announced as his targeting computer flicked a red box around his target. He pressed the red button located next to his thumb on the stick and fired a full salvo of micro torpedoes. He followed up with a full burst of phaser fire just for good measure.

The other birds of prey suffered similar assaults, two more exploding and the others breaking off heavily damaged. Ed considered pressing the attack, but the ships were withdrawing and they were needed at the main point of conflict.

"Reaper to flight, form up. We've got bigger fish to fry. Frogger once we're close to the fight break off and go to the transport. I want your bird checked out before you get back into the fray."

Gunther looked down at his status display, and he knew Reaper was making a good call. "Frogger to Reaper, Roger that. Heading to the barn."

"Copy Frogger. We'll try to save some action for you."

Arcanus IV

LZ Charlie

As soon as Henry materialized back to LZ Charlie, he started barking orders. "Stand to! Gunny Ermey, bring the patrols in now! Activate shield generators!"

"You heard him!" Ermey said as he looked over to the group of Combat Engineers. "Ready your weapons, prepare to repel ground forces."

Hopper heard the order, "Get into your holes now!" He ran to the shield generator closest to him, and typed in the activation commands. It started humming, the a slight overhead glow appeared over the Landing Zone. He still allowed clearance for the patrols to enter the perimeter, for now.

LZ Alpha

Giaus had his marines geared up. As they waited in the CP, he ran to their makeshift HQ, "Colonel, orders for MARSOC?"

''Start scouting ahead, see if the Klingons have beamed in troops yet and we somehow did not pick up the signal, and if they have get back here, planting as many booby traps either on the way there or on the way back, as quick as you can, understood?''

"Aye Sir!" Giaus replied. He ran to his team. "Okay, we are dividing up into recon teams. There are only single possible landing zones near ours. I will take the one 1 click north east of here. Zeb, beam to the one near LZ Bravo. Burt, take the one near Charlie. Now move!"

They all yelled "Hooah!"

Yelling over the open comm channel moments later, Hurd said, ''Alright Marines get dialed in, and give them hell when they come!!!''. Because in his mind, is was not a question if they would come, but when, and he was sure the hammer was going to drop very, very, shortly''.

Thinking quickly, Hurd cleared his head, and opened a wide band encrypted channel to the ships in orbit. Clearing his throat, Hurd spoke. ''This is Colonel Hurd to all ships in orbit, you are to stand your ground and fight, do not give an inch, and drive them back.'' ''You show them why Marines, our Marines, are the best, and agin you stand your ground and fight with fericity and honor, do i make myself clear?''

"Tripitz copies," replied Roja.

"Understood," said Colonel Hannon of the Cairo.

"Understood." Roebuck replied. In his mind, he just received orders that the three Federation ships were expendable.

"Reaper." Ed acknowledged, wondering how many condolence letters he was going to have to write when this fracas was all over with.

1 Kilometer from LZ Alpha

One click was not much distance to cover for MARSOC Marines on the run. As soon as they arrived at the edge of the wood line next to a clearing, Giaus signaled for them to halt. "MARSOC 1 to Hotel 6, arrived at possible..."

Giaus' attention was interrupted by the ruby red glimmer of Klingon transporter beams, at numerous points in the clearing. "Hotel 6, we have contact. Multiple beam ins in progress."

''Tactical withdraw and get back here now, take as many of them out on the way back as you can'', Hurd said.

"Break, MARSOC 1 to Cold Steel, Adjust Fire, Alpha Charlie 11465720. Target, Infantry in the open."

LZ Alpha

The mortars received Aquaila's transmission. SSG Edwards stood behind the 4 gun section with his modified tricorder. "Fire mission! Section! HE quick, Number 2 Gun, one round. Deflection, 1100, Elevation, 1312, when ready!"

All four gun squads adjusted their mortars to the same coordinates, but for now, only one gun would fire."

"Gun Up" "Hang it on 2!" "Fire!" A single explosive round, similar to a micro torpedo, left the tube." "Round out!"

1 Kilometer from LZ Alpha

Giaus replied, "Copy, round out."

A few seconds later, a bright white light detonated to the left of the main group of Klingons, killing a few on the flank.

"MARSOC 1 to Cold Steel, Right 200, Fire For Effect!"

Not only did the gun crews adjust to the new coordinates, but this time, all the mortars fired 5 rounds a piece to the new coordinates. The enemy landing zone became a deadly light show. Despite the massive casualies, the Klingons kept beaming in. It did not take long for them to start firing on Aquila's position. "MARSOC 1 to Hotel 6, breaking contact. " He looked at the rest of his recon team, "Move it!"

''What is your current location, and somebody get me my damn Sniper Rifle!!!''

Hurd yelled again as he kept his Phaser Rifle pointed forward, ''Somebody get me my Sniper Rifle now!!!

Annoyed, Hurd said, ''Ill get it myself''. Running to his weapons locker, he threw it open, grabbed his Sniper Rifle, stuffed as much ammo in his uniform as he could and ran back to his firing position. Setting it up, he loaded it, and gazed throughthe scope. What he saw made his blood run cold. A couple hundred angry, pissed off Klingons were charging their position, bloodlust as in their eyes. As he opend fire, striking one Klingon and taking him out, Hurd yelled over the roar of incomming fire, ''COMMENCE FIRE, COMMENCE FIRE NOW!!!''.

Marines started to fire everyting from assault phasers to support weapons.

LZ Alpha

200 more meters from LZ Alpha, and it has been a miracle none of Giaus' team has been hit, despite heavy disrupter fire. "Place a mine here, here, and here," he ordered his team members. As they placed the mines. "MARSOC 1, coming in a total of four, putting up purple smoke now." He threw a smoke grenade to his left, and as soon as it started to emit purple smoke. "Move!" The recon team sprinted towards the perimeter, enemy fire coming from behind them.

Wounded marine started to trickle into the Aide Station.

The shields over the LZ started to fluctuate due to orbital fire.

Patrick aimed and fired his rifle. "Give em hell boys! FIRE everything we got!" he ordered. He shot at anything Klingon or unfriendly.

Calthier stealthly moved closer and began sniping enemy officers to upset morale. The hair on his neck and down his back tingled and stood on end.

Giaus joined the defensive lines with other MARSOC Marines after dropping his wounded team member off to the aide station.

LZ Bravo

Another recon team made full sprint towards LZ Bravo, Klingons in pursuit behind them. "MARSOC 2, coming in with 4, blue smoke, enemy behind!"

Lennox watched the line for a moment. As the Klingons moved he he looked back. "Hit it!"

In a string, explosions erupted around the Klingons from charges the Marine Engineers laid out. As the smoke cleared Taz watched for movement.

"Therre'sss nothing out therre." Taz reported.

"Keep your eyes open. They won't attack the whole line except for our position." Lennox replied.

Recon team 2 entered the line, disruptor fire trailing behind them, followed by numerous Klingon warriors.

LZ Charlie

The third Recon team just made it through the wire as Hopper's platoon maintained cover fire. One of Hopper's Squad Leader's yelled, "Here they come!" Hopper watched as the tree line filled with Klingon warriors. "Light their asses up." Everything from Phaser Assault Rifles, to heavey support weapons in the platoon were now firing.

Ermey watched a few Klingon rush in with their bat'leths in a banzai charge. He almost felt sorry for the poor dumb bastards...almost. He took aim with his rifle and fired, dropping one. As he looked along the line he suddenly felt warm as he was shoved back against his position. He'd taken a disruptor hit to his shoulder. He dropped his rifle but drew his sidearm with is uninjured hand and continued to fire as a Marine close to him yelled for a medic.

Henry looked through his hand viewer, and saw the onslaught approaching the perimeter. "Mortars, I want that whole killzone in front of the wire turned into a light show now!"

"Alpha Battalion! Advance! Don't let ANYTHING get out! Surround these fuckers!" Patrick commanded as he continued firing, avoiding the mortar fire.

Calthier slowly advanced with his Sniper squad, taking out enemies and their weapons in their wake.

Maal was continuously firing his rifle at the enemy dropping many as he roared a battle cry then kept firing over and over.

Hopper's platoon was fully engaged. A Klingon jumped over a hesco barrier, and landed on Hopper, who lost grip of his phaser assault rifle. The Klingon smiled, and presented a batleth. Hopper drew his home made bowie knife from it sheath, and blocked the first blow, counter swinging his own blade, disecting the Klingon's neck.

Henry started engaging enemies in the perimeter with his phaser pistol, "We have enemy warriors in the wire at LZ Charlie!"

Above Arcanus IV

USS Cairo

"FIRE!" said Colonel Hannon. The Cairo fired her torpedoes and phasers again at her Vorcha for a second time. Both the Vorcha and the Cairo suffered shield damage on thie pass.

"Damage control all decks!", yelled Shran.

USS Tiripitz

The Tripitz was not doing as well, being a much older ship. "Target's shields down to 20 percent. Our shields are down to 5 percent!" said the tactical officer. Rojas yelled, "Attack pattern Ward 010!" The enhanced Excelsior performed a litany of maneuvers as she continued to fire phasers and torpedoes at her Vorcha.

"Reaper to Argonaut Lead, give the Tirpitz a hand and knock out that Vorcha before she takes out Tirpitz. Aces cover the 'Nauts. Ghosts and Riders, give the Tirpitz some cover. Gladiators, target the Negh'Var. Shrike and Eagle give 'em some cover. Let's chew down the odds some people." Ed ordered as he led his flight back into the fray. "Reaper to Tirpitz, I've got two squadrons giving you cover, recommend you pull back and make some expedient repairs. I've got the bombers handling your Vorcha and the Negh'Var."

"Thanks for the assist, pulling the Tripitz back."

The old Excelsior slowly turned, heading towards the planet.

Sutherland, Bridge

"The Tiriptz is taking heavy damage Commander." Ramata'tar reported from Tactical.

"Status of the Negh'Var?" Roebuck asked.

"Shields at eighty-five percent, minor damage to their targeting sensors and forward disruptors." Ramata'tar replied.

"Adjust our course, provide some covering fire for the Tiriptz." Roebuck ordered. The Nebula class ship started to turn when she was intercepted by four Birds of Prey.

The Sutherland shook from several hits. Archer shook his head after hitting it on the Ops console. "Our fighters are swarming the Negh'Var and Vorcha', but we're being out maneuvered by the smaller Klingon ships."

"Signal our fighters, ask them to target the Birds of Prey to get them off of us." Roebuck said as he climbed back into the command chair. "First, fire torpedoes at the Vorcha'."

"Commander, we're losing power to the weapons pod." Archer added. "Damage control teams responding."

The Sutherland shook again, this time from a hit from the Negh'Var. Two members of the Bridge crew were burned when their console blew out.

"We have casualtiy reports from in from the Weapons Pod, Decks Two through Five, and Main Engineering." Archer reported.

"Doctor Thr'elanon, we need a medical team on the Bridge. Also need one in Engineering, the Pod, and Decks two through five." Roebuck called over the comm.

"On our way." Shrivol shouted as he grabbed a nurse and a medical kit and headed toward the bridge. He sent three other medical teams to the areas affected. While en route he noticed several computer panels blown apart, he hoped at least the turbolift was working properly, he hated the idea of crawling in a Jeffries tube. Thankfully the turbolift was working and both him and the nurse were able to make it to the bridge.

Upon his arrival Shrivol saw the problem "Can't we have a console that doesn't blow out?" He said outloud as he knelt to an injured crewman. He was unconscious and Shrivol was thankful for that, he knew the burns the crewman sustained had to be painful. He tuned the noise around him as he got to work on stabilizing the patient.

"Commander, there are additional Klingon vessels decloaking. A k't inga class Battlecruiser, two Birds of Prey, and a Quag Class Cruiser." Ramata'tar reported. "Commander, they are engaging the Opposition forces."

"They must be loyal to Martok and the Empire." Archer added. "We're being hailed."

"Federation ships, this is Klink HoD of the IKS Gro'po. We've been sent by G'Tar Sa to assist you, defend Arcanus, and stop these Opposition veQ." Klink said over the comm.

Roebuck smirked. "First, mark those friendly Klingon ships and send their transponder codes to our ships, we don't want to fire on our friends."

Ramata'tar replied. "It will be done."


The Cairo fared better, destroying her target Vorcha, and two Birds of Prey. Her post nacelle was venting plasma. "Warp drive out, shields failing," said Shran.

Hannon answered, "Just keep her together, target nearest enemy vessel."

"That's the Nevgar."

"Do it anyway." The Cairo fired a volley of torpedoes towards the enemy flag ship.

LZ Alpha

A marine approached Colonel Hurd, "Sir, we received a message from General Ward. The are on the way, four hours out!"

''Very well, relay back we will hold, and also relay back to all units to keep firing'', Hurd said as he fired off four more shots, taking out three Klingons. Tapping his wrist, he opened a comm channel and said, Hurd to Mortar Section''.

"Cold Steel here."

TAG-D. Hurd

LZ Bravo

LZ Bravo had been quiet compared to the others, but that was about to change.

"Captain, someone just threw up a damping field, my tricorder is dead." Corporal Schmidt yelled.

Along the line Marines checked their equipment, rifles, communicators, tricorders, everything was offline.

"Confirmed. Evverything isss down." Agtx said.

"Lieutenant, what do you see?" Lennox said to Taz.

Taz watched the treeline for a moment. "Klingonss, at leasst thirty."

Lennox drew his CQC knife. "Listen up, prepare for close quarters combat."

Along the line the Marines readied themselves with knifes, batons, and other weapons. Private Tork readied his bat'leth and gritted his teeth.

"Schmidt, get with the combat engineers, find a way to disrupt that field." Lennox ordered.

"With all our equipment gone to shit I don't know what we can do, but we'll try." Schmidt replied as he joined the small combat engineering team.

"Herre they come." Taz alerted everyone.

The Klingons rushed forward, yelling, thirsty for blood. As they approached the Marine positions they dove into their lines.

Taz grabbed one and tore into him with his claws. Agtx caught one of the Klingons as he dove into the line and ripped into his back before throwing him back toward his oncoming comrades. Nas was tackled by a Klingon and the two started fighting, while Tork dueled with one of the attacking Klingons bat'leth to bat'leth. Lennox tried to direct the defense but was soon grabbed from behind by a Klingon. He threw an elbow back into the attacker's gut before turning, punching, and then stabbing him in the side and pushing him away.

As the fighting continued, a Bird of Prey streaked in and strafed the area, killing a few Marines and some of their own warriors. As the Opposition vessel turned for another run it was intercepted by one of the friendly Klingon Birds of Prey and exploded, crashing just beyond the tree line. A moment later the Marine's weapons and equipment regained power. Along the line Marines turned back to their rifles and side arms and stunned the remaining attackers.

Everyone was bloody. Captain Lennox checked the lines, getting Medics deployed while Lieutenant Taz checked the line's defensive readiness in case another wave came.

"Captain, we weren't able to do much before the damping field was eliminated, I guess that Bird of Prey crashed into whatever they were using to generate it. However we have countermeasures in place in case they try that again." Schmidt reported.

Lennox patted him on the back then gave a few others to Agtx, Nas, and Tork.



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